How good/bad of a cook are you?

I'm quite please with my cooking. The first time I made a roast without any help it came out brilliant (even if I say so myself) mmm, beef!

I also learned to make my own pasta/chilli sauce rather than buying the jars when money was very tight, and I prefer it to the store bought rubbish.

I'm planning to increase my repetoire and possibly go on come dine with me. Guess I'd better get my chinchillas out of the dining room first!
I wouldn't dare eat my cooking. Not unless you're looking for a horribly painful case of diarrhea. Puking is always a possibility as well.

Nahhh, it can't be THAT bad. After all, I've never taken a shot at preparing an actual meal. I live solely on peanut butter sandwiches, microwaveable bagel bites, fast food, frozen food, and a bunch of other crap that's ready to eat upon purchase.

Wait! I can do eggs. That's about it.
Lately, I've been getting tired of eating your average college kid meals, after a little over 4 years of living on my own... >_> Lol, so I decided, "Hey, I want a bit of variety in what I make. No more Top Ramen or Lunchables!" But I wasn't exactly sure of where I should be starting, so I went to the one person I knew who could give me some basic advice: Mom!

She got me some chicken breasts, ground beef and really bland fish (cod, salmon, halibut, tilapia--except, I had already cooked a couple of those before, so they weren't new to me), and gave me a few pointers. I had to experiment at first, of course, and after making a lot of mistakes I've managed to be able to cook a few new dishes without either a) burning the apartment down, or b) wanting to vomit it back up.

I'd say I wasn't terrible at cooking, but I'm definitely no pro. It's just so tedius for me. I don't really like to cook, but it's definitely better than getting fast food all the time.
I can make spaghetti bolognese, but it's been a while since I last did so I'd most likely mess up somewhere along the line if I had another go.
Do you mean that you made it or that you emptied a jar onto some spaghetti, because there's a difference. :monster:

Anyway, I wouldn't say that I'm a bad cook, I just don't cook often is all. Mainly because my mum always does, unless it's something easy like heating things up which a well-trained monkey could do.
I'm sure if I tried cooking something I'd be alright at it though. I used to be able to make a really good stir-fry back in the day, and lentil soup. I just haven't bothered in ages though. =(
I blew up a microwave once :) But other than that single incident I'm actually a rather good cook when I feel like making something other than toast :D
I don't cook much at all.....well I can cook Super Noodles and heat up things in the microwave, but that's about it. I don't consider cooking later on in life either....
I'm not a particularly skilled cook. I originally took Hospitality this year, hoping to improve my cooking skills for the sake of going to University ... but all that I managed to acquire was a poor knowledge of bread making.

I can feed myself, i.e. make soup, pot noodles, sandwiches, chips, anything fried or stuck straight into oven/microwave but, beyond that, I have no knowledge of the kitchen.
I dont really cook, i can only make toast and anything that can be thrown into a microwave lol. I can make mean salads and stuff, but I cant eat salads nonstop lol.
I can cook, well if you can call it that. I can cook to a standard of not giving myself food poisoning but also not burning it. some would say my cooking skills are average. i can cook simple things such as eggs, chips, sausages, Bergers But if yo ask me to cook anything of any skill requirement then your going to end up with a ball of black mess that is unedable
I am an appalling cook. All I can cook is soggy pasta and bacon butties

[Mod Edit: Please attempt to put more effort into your posts in future. Thanks in advance]
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i cook dinner for my mom almost every night so I like to think Im a pretty good cook
so far she hasn't complained at all
I can't cook at all. Basically, the foods I'm limited to cook are in the microwave, e.g. 2 Minute Noodles, Pies, Pasties, Sausage Rolls, Vegetable Rolls, those kinds of things. Obviously, I didn't inherit that skill from my father, he's an excellent cook.
Today I almost burnt down my mates house while we were trying to cook breakfast. For some reason while we were frying a tomato the whole frying pan caught on fire. Then while we were frying some mushrooms his house filled with smoke to the point where I could hardly see him from 5 meters away. We got a good laugh out of it though.

Oh and as for the was shit :monster:
Today I almost burnt down my mates house while we were trying to cook breakfast. For some reason while we were frying a tomato the whole frying pan caught on fire. Then while we were frying some mushrooms his house filled with smoke to the point where I could hardly see him from 5 meters away. We got a good laugh out of it though.

Oh and as for the was shit :monster:

Lulz. :monster:

I can't cook for shit. Seriously, the only things I know how to cook are one-step/easy foods like english muffins and pasta. My older brother, on the other hand, is like a culinary king. Cooking is his passion, and he often watches Food Network. He wanted to go to college for it, but since my family is financially lower class, the idea went down the drain rather quickly.
Other people seem to like my cooking. Maybe they say this because they don't want to hurt my feelings >.<
I don't really care what food tastes like when I make it. I just eat it or give it to my cat.
i spose i can cook alright, i mean i can cook a raost dinner or a steak and stuff like that but anything more than that black burnt think that kills me cause its burninng too much LMAO
I wish I had cooking skills, but unfortunately I can't even make macaroni and cheese without messing it up somehow.
