How many GFs did you miss on your first file?


Chocobo Breeder
Mar 16, 2007
Long Island, NY
How many of you forgot to draw the GF Siren from that monster in dollet?lmao. My first file I didn't know and was really mad X_X.. I also missed a bunch more.. The 2nd time i played it I ended up getting them all.

EDIT- I definitely missed the tonberry
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I definatly missed siren the first time round - but i didnt miss any the second time - mainly because the first time i played it it annoyed me so much i just didnt play it again for a long time XD but the second (current) time i played it i havnt missed a single one yet :lol: now all i need is some incentive to play it again.
i did miss some before i got them at ultimecias castle
i think i missed cactaur and tonberry
The first file? Oh gosh...I definitely missed Siren, yeah. And a whole lot other more, such as Diablos, Cactuar, Tonberry, Eden, and a bunch of others. I know when I reached Ultemecia castle, I only had like less than five GF's or something, I think.

Now, when I restarted the game (yes, without finishing the first file, lol) I had a game guide with me so I was able to get ALL of them! Let me tell ya', what a great accomplishment that was! ^_^
First playthrough I missed Carbuncle which really annoyed me
Probably most of them, hah. I didn't use GFs much ever, really. Got them all the second time around for completeness sake, but still never found much use for GFs.
Well using the actual GFs was never really an issue (exceptions were Jumbo Cactuar and Doomtrain imo) was never really the point.

I think it was all for their passive abilities you know?
Funny thing is, I never completed my first file. I got bored by disc 3 and started over. I know I didn't have all of them so far though. I missed siren and carbuncle but by the time I decided to finish the game I got them all.
i didn't miss a single GF in my first file (I went draw crazy that file to get 100 everyrhing, so i was able to also draw out some GFs from the bosses.)
First time through I missed Carbuncle and Cerberus, maybe a couple of others toward the end. I went back and got the strong ones (Tonberry, Eden, etc.) in Disc 4. It's easy to miss Carbuncle, but I don't have much of an excuse for Cerberus. It was too hard! And I was in a rush to get out of Galbadia.
I went back and took a look at my old save file from 4 years ago and the only one I'm missing is Doomtrain; I have all the rest.
Wow, the first time I played this was back in 1999 when it first came out and I think I remember missing Carbuncle, Doomtrain & Tonberry King.

However, the second time through I did get them all. :D
I didnt miss any of the ones where all you had to do was draw it from a boss. I did miss Doomtrain and the other secret secret side mission ones though
The first time I played, I think I only missed Doomtrain and Tonberry King. I think that was one of the worst to get, because there was no hint as to how to get it that I remember. I missed too many of the magazines to be able to get everything for Doomtrain
On my first time playing FFVIII I missed out on Doomtrain and Eden, just because I didn't know how to get those at the time.