How many GFs did you miss on your first file?

I didn't miss any of them.. I'm one of those guys who remembers things when I see them (like Jumbo Cactuar), and go, "Alright, looks like I need an airship for that".

I also have to explore every last inch of the game before I beat it. So yeah, I got 'em all.
Lessee, Siren, Pandemona, Alexander, and Leviathan.
I missed the Giant Cactaur, Tomberry King, and Doomtrain. I usually play without a strategy guide, so I was lucky that was all I missed.
how many gfs did you miss

None for me.....was it really that hard to find them? I dont recall.......anyone else had a problem finding all the Guardian Forces? This game I last played over 7 years ago so someone get me up to speed lol
I got a lot of them up to the third disc. Mainly because I had a guide.

I restarted the game recently because I did horribly the first time, and I probably missed a few because I couldn't remember where to get them.

I only got up to the second disc this time because I got distracted by another game. Diablos was my only problem because I was at like level 50 when I first got him from Cid. Stupid gravity! >.<
In my first file i missed most of the GFs i didn´t had: Siren;Brothers; Carbuncle; Leviathan; Pandemona; Alexander; Doomtrain; Tonberry King and Eden.

I didn´t know you where suppose to draw most of them:huh:
the most difficult one for me and didn't know about that one i missed was Doomtrain. :( oh well didnt make a difference lol
who is doom train? I have never known what that GF does or where it is found

it is a train....of doom? LMAO, well, its a train with a skull face on it the front, you get it from collecting like 6 steel pipes, 6 remedys and 6....... somehitng else, i forget and use the solomon ring you find to summon it. An you get it, lol.
ya most people miss doomtrain.... he does have a high attack damage once fully leveled same as Eden but still bad not the best Doomtrain>Eden lol

well as for attaining Doomtrain;
it's with the Solomon Ring from the Esthar Sorceress Memorial at end of Disc 3.
6 steel pipes(steal from Wendigo),
6 Marlboro Tenatcles (dropped by Marlboro)
6 Remedy+ (use Alexander's Medicine Level Up ability, 10 Remedies = 1
Then use the Solomon ring to get Doom
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I missed Siren and tonberry the first time through, and I know there was one more I missed but I can't remember the name. I didn't get all of them until the third play through because on the second I forgot about Siren until 20 to 25 hours after I missed her and didn't want to start over.
On my first file I missed:

Now I'm a total completionist when it comes to GFs; it kills me to see the GF grid with empty spots. It's like not getting an optional character and missing out on an extra dimension of the game.
I actually missed all but;


=/. I knew you could get extra ones but I thought they came in the story. (I played FFX first before playing FFVIII). Haha.
The only one I missed was Siren actually. I was a noob back then and I didn't bother to draw her from the boss that was on top of the communications tower. XD Siren was weak but some of her GF abilities were pretty useful.