How many GFs did you miss on your first file?

I missed....Doomtrain....and Eden......and Bahamut I think. I didnt miss much due to my friend showing me parts of the later game as I played through but I did miss the more important ones though. Now that I think about it, maybe I should get Eden and beat Omega Weapon sometime this life lol.
First time thru I missed a fair few Eden, Doomtrain, Bahamut for sure, can't remember what else I missed altho I know there where one or two more, oh, I didn't get Tonberry. I DID get Siren but last time I played thru, I forgot to draw it which irritated me no end such a dumb arsed mistake
Yes Siren is a GF. Although I found out that near the end of the game you can collect certain GF's that you missed. I also missed the Tonberry King, due to not wanting to fight for no reason what so ever. I am very lazy when it comes to getting the T.King
I missed too many

Ugh, it was awful ...

I missed: Siren, Carbuncle, Pandemonda, Tonberry, ODIN, Eden, Bahamut and Doomtrain

My Gf page looked horrible empty
I found Odin by accident lol. I was like, wtf is this place? Let me go see...what, nothing but tonberry enemies? This place is crap but there's gotta be something here. About 10 minutes in, I realised I could get a GF but I never thought it'd be Odin. During the battle I freaked out cut I thought he'd use Zantetzuken to kill my party and really started freaking when he wasnt attacking lol. I beat him and he was like.."cool..i'll join you" I was laughing for the rest of the day lol.
i miss siern and diablos 3 times it was only untill a friend pointed it out on what to do to get then after tht i was coll i got all of them woop go me
I am on my first file, but I've missed many. Carbunkle for certain. I'm nearing the end of disk 3 and still haven't gone to get Diablos. And that big Cactuar's a pain... I spent ages trying to kill him!! I didn't seem to be getting anywhere, and in the end I just ran away to do something else. The battle got old after some 30 minutes. :P
I am on my first file, but I've missed many. Carbunkle for certain. I'm nearing the end of disk 3 and still haven't gone to get Diablos. And that big Cactuar's a pain... I spent ages trying to kill him!! I didn't seem to be getting anywhere, and in the end I just ran away to do something else. The battle got old after some 30 minutes. :P

I found that Diablos was much harder when I fought him late in the game. He was a bit easier fighting him right when you leave Balamb. And Cactuar, yeah I remember that battle being long. Just make sure you don't attack him when he's hesitating.
To be honest I can't remember, it was soooo long ago. But most likely Doomtrain, Tonberry King, Jumbo Cactuar etc....
I missed Carbuncle from edea... I was pissed, but then I found out you got him from some other sub boss later.
Yeah, i missed carbunkle entirely, i've got cactuar, odin and i'm currently working on getting bahumat, doomtrain and edin, oh yeah!
i obtained all of the direct storyline GFs, i wasnt aware of the extras (tonberry and cactuar for example) Doomtrain was a pain because i couldnt figure out what items were needed to unlock him, and i never gave up on diablos until i beat him

On my 2nd run through i made sure i got everything (beat ifrit under 10mins) anf got all the extra GFs and level 100 on disc 2.
I've misplaced my Disc 3 so i cant play any more at the moment.
During my first ever playthrough I missed every GF apart from the 3 compulsory ones, and Siren. :monster:. But I was around 11 when I first played through FFVII and FFVIII so I was pretty crap. When I replayed through I understood the GF system and got every last one before Disc 4.
I can't remember if I missed any my first time.
But each time I have played it through since then have got all the GF's

I've only missed Doomtrain because I didn't feel up to spending a buncha time collecting bones, toothpicks, etc and such to create Doomtrain. I definitely wanted all of the GF's, but I was more focused on getting the game story completed and beating the game.
I have no idea how many I missed since I don't know how many there are :|


Quezy, Bahamut
Ifrit, Cactuar
Shiva, Tonberry
Siren, Diablos
Carbuncle, Brothers
Cerberus, Pandemonia
Doomtrain, Leviathan
Eden, Alexander

Chocobo/chicobo/boko - or what ever- I cant actually remember if I have ever gotten that, I THINK I have but im not too sure, although I believe all you have to do is use gyhsal greens in battle once you have visited the chocobo forest & got Boko of chocoboy.....
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Got them all.

Drew from everything and had a friend who directed me toward a few summons though. You know like telling me where and how to get Doomtrain and Bahamut. Well I guess I woulda flown to the corner of the world eventually anyway because of FFVII but he told me back when I had the garden floating around.
No matter how many times I play through the game, I usually end up forgetting to draw Pandemona/Alexander.