How many GFs did you miss on your first file?

the drawing ones from alexander on up i lost cause of killing too quick
i missed tonberry ghost train and bahamut at least i think it was those 3 since theres like moomba and chocobo and i dunno how to get those either...
You have to use the Solomon (?) Ring and get 7 Malboro Tentacles, 7 Iron Pipes and 7 something-elses and click on the ring...

I missed Carbuncle and Doomtrain on my first playthrough, and DAMN i hated getting Cactuar!
*i only missed Eden,yup i was lucky to find the other Gf's without getting info from a game faqs :)

*he was worth getting :) although you dont really need all the gf,s to beat the game it makes you feel complete after finishing it with all the aspects the game can offer ;)

*weeeeeeeeee :D :D
I didnt miss any, My first time through the game, just like any other game, i do everything possible until there are no possibilities left.
I missed 2 GF's on my first complete save file and they were pandemonium and Doomtrain. It might of been only 1 actually since i'm not sure whether I got Drew pandemonium from one of the Ultimecia's castle bosses.
I haven't finished it yet, but so far I haven't missed any. I always look at the "Draw" options on bosses in case there's a GF
The first time I played(In which I only got to Disc 3), I missed only the Brothers. Last time I played, I got the Brothers, but missed Carbuncle.x.x
Believe it or not but I missed every GF you can draw except Eden When I figured that out trying to draw from Ultima I practically froze and realized why I missed everything I was so mad I started it over instantly >_>.

*Want's the GF Ultimecia gets to summon but you get to name v.v* Griever is pwn~
As far as getting the GFs I was missing alot of them the first time around due to not realizing I was suppose to scan them from the bosses. So when I got my second chance at it (you know when your in Ultimecia's castle and you can scan them from the other bosses) I managed to grab them all up. So my first time around the game I ended up "technically" getting them all.
I remember fighting that boss whose name starts with an 'E' on top of the communication tower. I was a draw whore, so when I saw 'Siren' I was like, "... wtf is THAT?!" and took it right up. So I figured out that you could draw GFs early on, but I remember missing a handful of them, including Cerberus methinks.

No matter though, Cerberus was pretty much wack. :P
I ALWAYS forget to draw Siren from Elvoret, practically EVERY single time. It annoys me so much knowing that I have to start over once Iv beaten hime and realise I forgot. BAH
Heh, I've only forgotten Siren once, and when I did I restarted the game. Siren is one of my favorite GFs, probably because of the whole Greek/Roman mythology thing, and it's fun to boost up her attack. ^_^
I never use her at all anymore. TBH I don't really use any of the GF's all taht much, they are purely there for their abilities for me. Altho I do use Cerberus & Doomtrain alot
My VERY first play through of FFVIII, I only had Quezactoql (and darned if I actually spelled that right!), Shiva, Ifrit, Siren, Brothers, Cerberus, Pandemona, and 2 other's I can't remember.

And it was only my fourth play through did I get all 16 junctionable GFs.

I still don't have all the item summons, just Phoenix is the only one I managed to get.

Saved my butt on my first play through though; in the final battle it killed Ultimecia when she KOed all my party members; I wish I had recorded it or something LOL
I think I missed all of them besides the ones you get from special events. The game was a real pain in the ass without them. xD
I think I missed a few Drawable GF's like Carbuncle and optional ones such as Tonberry and Eden. Now I get every single possible GF in the game cos I'm that little bit wiser. ^_^