How many times have you played FFVII?

I've actually played it about 3 or 4 times. Once, my boyfriend and I had a race to see who could beat it the fastest. I lost, he would stay up until 6 in the morning playing it, and that was the last time I have played. I'm actually thinking about picking it up soon again. My boyfriend is borrowing XII and X-2 is just so boring :sad:
I've actually played it about 3 or 4 times. Once, my boyfriend and I had a race to see who could beat it the fastest. I lost, he would stay up until 6 in the morning playing it, and that was the last time I have played. I'm actually thinking about picking it up soon again. My boyfriend is borrowing XII and X-2 is just so boring :sad:

Yeah X-2 is one of the crappiest FF ever, the only good thing about it was the jobs, i though that was really cool, other than that, CRAPPY
Once. I only played it for the first time last year... and... I've had it since it came out, lol (it was my brother's). I can't believe what I have missed out on for all these years. I didn't only just get into FF last year either... My first FF was VIII and I played it when it first came out... I have no idea why I never bothered to play VII...stupid.
ive completed it 5 times now ^_^ i dont intend to pick it up until ive completed XII or get a PAL gameshark - anyone know where i can get one on ebay? lol

Mainly because with a gameshark i could stick Aeris and Sephiroth in my party for the hell of it - lol imagine Sephiroth VS Sephiroth - MADNESS :)

But very cool madness ^_^
Played it once and it was too short. It was also Boring. i dont know what people see in that game. I do remember most of the stuff that you get in the game and what not, and where to find things cause the game was ungodly easy, and just... Boring
I've actually only ever played it once, for some reason I always went for FFVIII and FFIX in recent years when it came to replaying games. I may have to try and have another go at FFVII sometime.
I've probably completed the game around 12 times. Around that '10' mark, anyway.

Yet only about 3 of those is 100%. I'm far too lazy to do it all every single time.
Jeez! I don't really know just exactly how many times I've played it but I have beaten it 17 times. It actually has been three years now since I last played it.(Probably because of all the current games coming in.) And I still know the script, can whistle along with all the music tunes, and know every secret and item location.
Back in 4th grade (1998-1999), there was a summer where I played nothing but FF7. The 3rd disc was broke so I would complete the side quests and get "Knights of the round before I would go into Midgar. As soon as I beat the 2nd disc, I would start the game over again. That was when I was 10 years old! I played a low level FF7 game, a high level FF7 game, a speed run game. (At 36 hours.) I'm guessing I had at least 25 files, whether I beated the game or not.
It slowed way down after Christmas of 1999 when I got FF8. But I still played it every once in a while. I'm hoping for a portable with extras and the PS3 remake.
Jeez! I don't really know just exactly how many times I've played it but I have beaten it 17 times. It actually has been three years now since I last played it.(Probably because of all the current games coming in.) And I still know the script, can whistle along with all the music tunes, and know every secret and item location.
Back in 4th grade (1998-1999), there was a summer where I played nothing but FF7. The 3rd disc was broke so I would complete the side quests and get "Knights of the round before I would go into Midgar. As soon as I beat the 2nd disc, I would start the game over again. That was when I was 10 years old! I played a low level FF7 game, a high level FF7 game, a speed run game. (At 36 hours.) I'm guessing I had at least 25 files, whether I beated the game or not.
It slowed way down after Christmas of 1999 when I got FF8. But I still played it every once in a while. I'm hoping for a portable with extras and the PS3 remake.

25 TIMES?!

Okay, I knew that you've played FFVII a lot, but 25 times!?

BTW that is one I want to play, if you don't mind!^_^
Two or three times, I really don't remember. Ah, I love this game. I'll probably play it again sometime soon.
I have 8 saves on my memory card. Each one a seperate game with differently named characters and all with Emerald and Ruby defeated. 2 saves without Knights Of the Round aquired simply due to not being arsed to breed a Gold Chocobo for the umpteenth time -_-

*Tries to count off the number of times on her fingers.*

...Oh Goddess, I've completely lost count of how many times! It's been so long!
IVE PLAYED IT ABOUT 5 TIMES not completing it the first 2 times tho. always getting to the end, and not being able to kil off the final boss'