How many times have you played FFVII?

Well, as for me I believe I played it like 15 or 16 times on the PSone. While I was playing it for a greater portion of the time I was useing a nice little cheat device, the game shark. I originally played the game straight, but after like the third or fourth time I got some extra money and bought this little device. Now as for all the other times that I played this game. My wife bought me the game again for the PC. I belive that I have played like two or three more times makeing the 15 or 16 times. And still after all this time one would think that I would have all the dialog memorized and remember every little nook and crainey of the game. I don't. heh heh Actually I plan on starting it again within the next few days.
I've been palying since about 12 years old but stopped a couple years ago. Soo.....I'd say i've played it all the way through unknown number of times.
I've played seven through about seven times. I think its the only Final Fantasy I played through more than twice.
i think I've played through this game about 7 or 8 times, the first time i played i went crazy on the last disc and ended up unlocking most things and i thnk the only thing i didn't do was beat ruby. But on my second and third run i did everything