How Much Useless Could Cait Sith Be?

I hardly ever used Cait Sith. He did come useful in getting all the enemy skills with manip. but thats all I basically used him for.
I just never found a real use for him above my other characters so I never really wanted to or tried to use him. He/It fits into the plot nicely as a small twist with Reeve being the one who's controlling him, but other than that, I thought his attacks sucked and his limit was shit. Sure it's my opinion, but I just found all the other characters more useful in battle than Cait Sith.
Eh, I think I only used Cait Sith once to manipulate enemies. Beyond that I never found a use for him. His limit break sucks, because it relies totally on luck. I just gave the Manipulate materia to someone else (Barret, I think).
not only does he suck at being any use in battle the bitch is a little spy. the only props that i can give him is that he help get the black materia but sephiroth stole it anyway. I mean he doesnt have any suppior stat to anyone else in the game, and hes an inoying douche bag His limit breaks are a joke at least tifas take skill to use. Does anyone here even use him and if u do is he usefull? haha and if he is wut do u do to make him any good?
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Yes, I use him, and actually, he's a personal favourite character of mine. I mean, he's a robotic cat, who wears a cape and has a Scottish accent :gasp:

I use him as a summoner, and give him MP+ materia, and being a summoner suits him. Also, I like his Limit Break, yes, I'm a bit of a gambler (and that's why Luxord is one of my favourite org.XIII members)

So, yes, I do use him.
i hate his limit breaks they suck. but a summoner wouldnt be a bad idea...

KH note - that boss was hard but my favorite org. 13 member would probly be axel he was a bad ass
I used him all the time and he did the trick for me. I just wish I could honestly remember all of his attacks and limit breaks, it's been so long, ha ha.
I realy, realy, realy genuinely love Cait Sith. I honestly cannot see the problem with him. I think he's a very interesting, funny and colourful character. We're lucky to have him as a playable character, the norm these days are to have all human characters who seem pretty similar, so we're lucky to have such a varies cast of characters in FF7. Be grateful for him.
I like to evenly level all my characters but Cait Sith is the only one never bothered with, he just seemed naff.....I didn't mind his character so uch but there were always better to have in my party and he was always bottom of my list so he just always took a back seat......
I didn't appreciate Cait Sith on my first playthrough. But on my second he was one of the characters I was most eager to get in my party. I don't know why, but somethign about him appeals to me, even if he isnt physically the most powerful. I found his Dice abilities incredibly effective when I first met him.
i really just dont like his charater. Id play him if his character wasnt so stuiped or if he had a special stat that popped out and made him more unique in battle (not talking about limit breaks)
I don't know. The game wouldnt be the same without him. He helped lighten the mood alot.

But I understand he isn't to everybodies liking. I guess it depends on how you view the game. I like suspense, drama, and near death situations, but I also like there to be a balance between that and lighter and more humourous elements. FF7 did that great.

Not just with Cait Sith but with Yuffie, Don Corneo, some of the Barret scenes, and Red XIII also.
but thats another thing about the whole game in general. i didnt like how they forced comic relief into places to much. every now and then is good but they did it to often im my opion. the games still awsome thou, dont get me wrong
I felt they hit the balance perfectly.. I mean it wasn't all laughs, most of it was "oh crap, theres a fragging meteor about to hit the earth! We're doomed! DOOMED! And we thought the Shinra were bad? LOOK AT THIS!!! AHHHH!!!"

So it was good here and there to have horny git leap onto the table, mouth drooling and screaming while looking at Tifa, Aeris, and Cloud/Woman "oooooo! Baby! I want some of that! I got ants in my pants, make we wanna dance baby!"

Also.. The scene on the boat leaving Junon... Red XIII dressed as a shinra guard trying to walk was classic. Moments like that cannot be beaten. And I am glad that they are in the game. Without it, the magical qualities wouldn't feel the same for me.
That why I am scared of a remake, as elements such as this will probably be lost.
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lol i personally hated the stuffed animal, just because hes useless to me, and the weapon.. a megaphone? what the hell he gonna do with that scream the enemys head off?
lol i personally hated the stuffed animal, just because hes useless to me, and the weapon.. a megaphone? what the hell he gonna do with that scream the enemys head off?

Yes! :P

I don't know why, but I just realy liked the idea of having a stuffed cat riding a stuffed giant moogle. It's not very often that we get a character like that in FF games!
I hated that cat-thing. I mean you understand the charactors of Cloud, Baret, Tifa. But Cait slith had nothing about him/she/it.
I used all characters equally, and i thought cait sith wuz alright. I even maxed out hiz strength got him to lvl 99, and increased his magic quite a bit.
Well he did save the entire world by sacrificing himself (or, at least, one of himselves) to recover the materia from the Temple of the Ancients when all other methods had failed.

But, you know, maybe i'm just nitpicking :P