How old Were you

*Gasp Shock* You perv! J/j. 14. The first time was with the only woman I ever loved so I'm glad I did. Admittedly, I wasn't a stud or anything, but it was one of the best experiences of my entire life. Anyway, that's enough of the deets.

Warm regards,
~The Legendary Wullfe
C'mon dude, we don't need this topic here. When did the Final Fantasy Forums become so overrun with more hormones than Final Fantasy?
*Gasp Shock* You perv! J/j. 14. The first time was with the only woman I ever loved so I'm glad I did. Admittedly, I wasn't a stud or anything, but it was one of the best experiences of my entire life. Anyway, that's enough of the deets.

Warm regards,
~The Legendary Wullfe
14 wow i thought i was young, but the girl that i had sex with has been with me for 3 years now soooo we are really happy togher
I was younger than I am now. That's all I'll say. =]
Do I regret it? Not really.
First time wasn't that great, and it wasn't worth it at all, but I could care less that it ever even happened. :rolleyes:
So, you're 16 with a kid and you wrestle and work? What about school? College? All that other good stuff. Sex does not always babies make.

First time wasn't that great, and it wasn't worth it at all, but I could care less that it ever even happened. :rolleyes:

Sadly, most women who engage in such activities with inexperienced partners feel the same. If it helps, half the time, we're embarrassed and apologetic as far as our poor performances are concerned, and generally, we do get better.

Warm regards,
~The Legendary Wullfe
I was 18. Yeah, old compared to you guys, but I married my first time partner and we've been together for 18 more years. Ah...true love. Lucky enough to wait and find him on the first try.

Sadly, most women who engage in such activities with inexperienced partners feel the same. If it helps, half the time, we're embarrassed and apologetic as far as our poor performances are concerned, and generally, we do get better.

Warm regards,
~The Legendary Wullfe

Nahh. I don't feel bad for doing it. You're right. I felt weird afterwards. Like "did I really just wast 30 seconds of my life doing that?"
But there's no point in feeling bad about something that
a) is a natural part of life
b) already happened
"did I really just wast 30 seconds of my life doing that?"

Really?! Only 30 seconds?! I apologize if you feel I'm prying into your personal life. Anyhow, IMO, after a certain age, the sooner you start, the more you practice, the better you get at it. So, starting early, (whatever that is to whoever reads this) might actually be seen as a good thing. Think about it, if you're an expert in the art of making love by the time you meet that someone special, you'll obviously blow their minds.

Warm regards,
~The Legendary Wullfe

Plenty of people don't realize this, is a big part of relationships.
I hear a lot of people say that it isn't a big deal and that you don't need to have sex in order to be happy. And actually, if you don't live with your partner, then that's totally true. But you'll realize once you live together, or...once you share so much time together that it takes a serious toll on your relationship if you don't give and take equally.

I've never heard of two people living together and never having happens. It just happens. I guess knowledge does come with experience. And once you experience living life together with your significant other, you'll understand what it means to really trust the other person.

Relationships aren't always peachy keen; they come with responsibilities. You have to learn how to make certain sacrifices for your partner. I don't mean giving yourself up on a routine basis if you're not ready; in fact...if you're not ready to share yourself with someone then I seriously advise against living together.

I don't know how else to say it. Once it happens, it happens. If you're lucky, then you'll have a partner who makes fair sacrifices too; someone who'll decide to grow up and mature with you just the same.
Wow... I feel small. I'm 13 almost 14 and haven't lost my virginity yet, although I'm working on it... I can't really say anything about anything but I do think that Booger is apparently a genius in this topic.