How old Were you

I was almost 17. It involved a aprty and beer, big mistake. He was 8 years older than me and I have kicked myself ever sinse....oh well!!!
17, with my girlfriend for about a year at the time. We split up after almost 2 years, had a good run.. do not regret.
Well I guess I should say I was like 15 or 16 I think. But I dont really care for it. I loved the girl I was with and we were together for 4 years. But I wished I waited. I had fallen in love again, and I mean real love. We were engaged thats how real it was. I wish it were with her but I cant change the past.
I was 15, with this girl i went out with for about 6 weeks. Split up around 2 weeks later.

As for people saying its best waiting untill marriage, explain why? Someone stated above, you really dont wanna go get married and realize you dont like your partner. Sex plays a major part in every relationship, married or not. Ive been with my girlfriend now a year and a half almost and if we didnt have sex i can see our relationship going very well. Not sayin we need to have it, but you need a lust for you want to keep coming back to them.

What lose your virginity your wedding night or whatever..your most likely gonna tell yourself "i wish i had done that before." And your gonna see this new you sort of thing, you could end up cheating on your partner because once you have sex it sort of becomes an addiction..not one as such but near enough..its never gonna leave you put it that way. Dont you think it's better too have your fair share throughout your life before you get married? And i'd bet if you did, and eventually found someone that you really like, having sex with them before marriage (if you marry them) would improve the love you have for them.

Almost everything these days is based around sex..even look at final fantasy lol. plays a part in everything lol.

Meh, people are different. Some just don't care as much about playing the field and waiting until marriage makes sense to them. Saying that, I'm not waiting til marriage, but 2 of my friends are and with them it is partly to do with religion, and mostly to do with the fact that it feels right to them. Besides, if you truly love somebody, I don't think you would fall out of love with them just because they weren't spectacular in bed, bearing in mind that if it was your first time then you would have no means of comparison.
I've not had sex. I'm not "saving" myself for a special occasion. I'm not heavy on religious values.

I just haven't come across a situation where I've been willing to have sex. I haven't had so much as a sip of beer in my days (seems plenty of people "lose it" while under the influence), so I have the luxury of being fully capable of making correct decisions--and refraining from sex is a wise move for me personally.

It just...isn't important to me at the moment.