I beat FFX, I am disappointed (spoilers inside)

I was dissapointed with FFX too, not because of the ending, there wasnt really much in the way of sidequests, and I felt like I was being guided on invisible rails from the beginning to the end.
I like the ending of FFX, not only did Tidus FINALLY disappear but I thought it was a nice conclusion to the story (but unfortunately they didn't leave it there and came up with the abomination that was X-2). When Yuna said that part about never forgetting the people and stuff (don' remember the exact phrase) it made me all warm and fuzzy inside.

It would have been better if Tidus didn't come out of the water though (I think that was at the end FFX).
I beat the game like, 3 or 4 years ago... I liked the gameplay, but, a major turn-off to me was the lead character, Tidus. It's just, the game was set up so that in the beginning, after that opening with the blitzball game and all that, you would be really eager to play the character of Tidus. But, afterwards, he just seemed to me like a whiny jock who was nowhere near as great as you expected him to be... All-in-all, I played the game for Auron, Seymour, and Jecht.
I liked the ending. My favourite part was Yuna's speech, tbh. 8D I was young when I first beat it so the ending was the best I'd seen, lol.
Did anyone elses heart break when you heard Yuna at the sea whistling. Thats what i thought was so sad.

Anyway, thought FF-X wasnt as big or epic as the others, i mean it felt like disc 1 and 2 of any other FF. I'm hoping FF-XII isnt the same.
well i like the ending,, but its not something that meets my expectations:D maybe thats the reason why other gamers didn't enjo ffx ending that much.. the expectations were on a much higher view.
True, it was a little linear, but to be honest I really loved the characters and the overall story. The battle system and the sphere grid were definitely enjoyable and very easy to get used to.

Plus...i know this won't go down well but I'm a sucker for amazing graphics. I mean, don't get me wrong a bad game's a bad game but I think that it was a fantastic game anyway, the graphics just made me love it even more.
I still like FFX...but I think it would have been perfect if they put a World Map in it. You know, where you can travel across the world by foot...and not be directed by some lines, telling you where to go. -_- And of course, airships. It would have been cool if you can actually pilot the airship yourself.

Other than that, the game was awesome for me. The voice-acting (erm, except Tidus) and very cool CG graphics were superb.
Congratulations on beating the game ^_^ I rather enjoyed the ending and I felt that it was very emotional. I think they did it well, especially when Yuna was performing the sending and the fayth were all finally resting, the AMV work was beautiful. What really got to me is when Yuna ran right at Tidus, opened her arms to him and fell right through him. Afterwards he approaches her from behind and tries to wrap what's left him around her and hold onto her and then steps right through her. I think those are the scenes that struck me the most. I'm sorry you felt the ending was weak, but I think they did beautifully on it. That's just my opinion.
I agree with LupineVoid 100%; Tidus was nothing more than a whiny jock. I could not relate to him whatsoever. He came up with some of the most stupid, annoying lines I've ever heard in a video game and his blatant machismo and narcissism was irritating. He was just so self-absorbed and self-obsessed; most of the time he only seemed to care about himself. And I can't say I liked his voice much either. That was the worst bit.

I found the ending a dissapointment myself. It didn't make me feel emotional at all. I actually found the ending for Devil May Cry 3 and Resident Evil 4 more emotional than the ending for FFX (I kid you not). I got tired of all that soppy stuff going on between Yuna and Tidus. Okay, I don't mind a love story every now and then; but the soppyness got a bit nauseating at times. And I absolutely hated that pool scene where Yuna and Tidus screw each other in the lake in Macalania. I thought it was pointless, irrelevant, and annoying; it's like watching two teenages snog each other in public and is equally as annoying.

I did like the gameplay. Don't get me wrong. And I thought the game had some brilliant moments; surprisis; and the graphics were very good. It is an epic in it's own right. But the ending was just wrong. It was like the ending of a bad soppy movie. I thought the ending was a real let-down; there was no humour, no suspense. It was worse than the drawn out ending for the Return of the Kind (the last LOTR film). I was expecting so much more.
I like the ending of FFX. I think it was alright. I was just a little disappointed that Tidus is just a dream. I would've preferred him being alive and with his friends, though.
And yeah...playing blitz is so cool and the battle system. :D I totally liked it. Too bad you can't play blitz in FFX-2 anymore, and the battle system is different too. Well, it's expected to be different, but IMO, FFX's battle system is cooler than that of FFX-2.
the story of FFX is just completely different... being the reason the ending might have been strange... it's a story made to touch ones emotions... drama and such... i sure cried, perhaps i'm just weak, but it was just sad... the game had a sad mood from on the moment Tidus found out Yuna would die if she summoned the final Aeon and only got worse the further you got into the game... the ending was good, it wasn't to be extraordinairy... it was to touch the gamer's feelings...

also, there's still a second "ending", i haven't done it as my characters are so weak i can't even defeat Dark Valefor but well... should try that out i guess...

no further comments...
So I finally defated FFX. I knew I could do it even though my players aren't maxed out. Anyways...it was pretty easy. I've put over 100 hours into the game. I have only 3 celestial weapons (Tidus, Yuna, Rikku). I have Auron's, but I didn't get his Mars Sigil yet.

Anyways...about the ending:

Man..I think it was kinda weak. I mean...I had a feeling Tidus would die..or something. Well, granted he didn't die or anything...that disappearing deal was okay if that. The amount of video/cgi for the ending was too small and didn't leave me with a "wow!" feeling. I think the ending for FF8 was better than this one.

So...overall...FFX is one confusing story line. I don't think it was as great. I think FF7 > FF 8 FF8 is slightly better than FFX in my opinion...but I liked FF8 generally speaking. I just don't know what was up with this specific game. I guess I'll think of more points later...but right now I am a bit tired.

WHAT that game would a breath of fresh air for the genre. the story line was straight forward. My charcaters were maxed out so don't sweat it. I loved the ending to that game it was touching and i liked the sequal it was fair
at first, i can't say i particularly liked the ending, usually fairly happy endings are nice, but after a while of thinking about it, the ending grew on me, i don't think that it is a bad ending, it really evokes emotion out of you.

overall, i think i liked the ending, plus it set itself up for a sequel, which i haven't played yet.

: i have never heard of another ending for FFX
I actually agree with you a little bit there. But then I was in 7th grade when I beat FFX for the first time so I wasn't very critical about it. Final Fantasy 8 has an excellent story line. (But the battle/draw system wasn't one of my favorites.) If you didn't fully get the story line of FFX, play it again. I had a murky veiw on the game too my first go-around.
(What I didn't like about it was that the final boss was too damn weak!) I collected all of the celestial weapons and freaking owned everybody! Anyway, I would recommend not to immediately jump to FFX-2. The gameplay on that game will take a lot of adjusting from the first one.

I totally agree with everything you and BS have said about the ending. i started my own thread with my opinion of the ending. Look for it, because i am NOT retyping all I just said
i have seriously played ffx way too long i CRIED at the ending lol