I beat FFX, I am disappointed (spoilers inside)

I had expected the ending would wind up something like that, but I was still disappointed. But I'm not that fond of FFX to begin with.
Though the ending to FFX wasn't as good as some of the other games for me (and felt a bit too short), I still think it worked quite well. And the bit where Yuna passes through Tidus as she tried to embrace him (or does he try to embrace her) is quite sad.

As for the basic plot of FFX, I really enjoyed the whole 'Sin is your father' and the concept of a religion (or its organised structure at least) having gone rotten at the core long ago.
charliepanayi said:
As for the basic plot of FFX, I really enjoyed the whole 'Sin is your father' and the concept of a religion (or its organised structure at least) having gone rotten at the core long ago.

True, but you have to remember that plot was also done quite well (and quite a few years earlier) in Final Fantasy Tactics.
I enjoyed the ending anyway. I thought it was decent enough

The story got confusing around the time of the Dream of the Fayth thing but I think it was very well played out.
I was shocked at how easy Yu Yevon was, I was thinking like this huge, whacking great Feind would attack me with millions of HP and instead I got this puny bug looking thing with 99,999 HP :blink:
Yup, it was a really good game but the ending battles were like impossable to loose because wen i had to kill al my aoens i have auto life on me so like it was soooooo easy! but im really dissopointed is yu-yevon da look of him like i thoguht he would b a big monster with fangs or some thing u know? not some spider things >_<