I blew up my house.

I learned the hard way not to play with lighters and matches as a kid. I set an apartment on fire. Boy where the people who lived there pissed.

Best fire story I've heard happened at my highschool a few years before I went there. They where doing a hot air balloon experiment in the commons area and it caught on fire. So they evacuated the building and one class actualy went through the fire to get out of the building.

I trust many people were horribly burnt and possibly disfigured in that high school fire?

makes sense.

Never trust banana and pickle sandwiches.
I learned the hard way not to play with lighters and matches as a kid. I set an apartment on fire. Boy where the people who lived there pissed.
I did something like that too. I started the second world war, created thr third reich, and perpetrated the largest genocide in recent history.
I think you should blow yourself up. and I will record it and send the tape in to 'You've Been Framed'. Then use the £250 to buy weed and Bill Hicks DVD's.

My flying body parts will mess up the film.

You could win a war with banana and pickle sandwiches :gasp:

Even against Placebo's Nazis? I doubt it. He probably injects each soldier with steroids 32 times a day.