I just beat FFVII! Here is my review.

Kain424's FINAL FANTASY VII Review :holyshit:

Allow me to set this up...

I am old enough to have grown up playing the original Final Fantasy games released over in the United States (even being one of those that grabbed the fan-made translations of a couple of the unreleased ones for my PC).

There is a strange gap that exists between those that will forever stand by the "old school" games and those that prefer the newer, three dimensional games. For the "old schoolers", Final Fantasy VI is often named as the best of the series. I can understand this as I was also apprehensive at the thought of changing to a new format for the series. But I remember seeing the screenshots in magazines for a demo for a 3-D Final Fantasy VI. Fans were split.

When I played the demo version of Final Fantasy VII, I wanted to hate it so much that I picked apart everything from Cloud's hair to huge sword to the industrial setting. When the game was finally released, I tried not to bat an eye, but a need for completion as a fan overtook me. Here are my thoughts...

The Gameplay 4/5
At the time, I thought that this was as far as they could take the ATB system. I still feel that the materia-based battle system shares too many similarities with the Esper-based one of FF6. The specialized characters are also back, and I'm split as to whether I like that in these games or whether I'd like to develop every character as I see fit. But it's still Final Fantasy, with Cloud as a Warrior, Aerith as a White Mage, Tifa as a Monk and so on. The system is easy to figure out and there is enough to do with outfitting, leveling materia and characters that it's hard to get bored.

Additionally, there are plenty of minigames and extra tasks to be performed, such as raising chocobos (didn't expect them to fit into this new, sci-fi-ish world) and playing games at the Gold Saucer. It seems that the team at Square really pulled out all the stops when making this one. There are a great many times when the regular games stops and you enter into some sort of minigame just to pass that point. Notable among these are the mountain climbing sections where you have to button-mash to keep from going into hypothermia and the snowboarding section (which is now its own game on cell phones... oh, how technology has changed).

Switching the game up like this really adds to the game's charm and keeps it from feeling monotonous. Unfortunately, this constant assault of ideas can cause absolute halts in the gameplay. It can be easy to accidentally skip or misunderstand directions, leading to upsetting moments where you have to figure out how to complete the set task on your own. My own least favorite minigame was the one where I had to give CPR to Priscilla, and I've heard a good deal many complaints about the Chocobo Racing.

The Music
Nobuo Uematsu performs some of his best work here, each piece of music reflecting the environment, situation, or characters quite well. A lot of care is taken to give Sephiroth an ominous and foreboding score, especially for his famous One-Winged Angel entrance. Midgar's industrial sounds are given immense weight and Aerith's motif is soft enough to show that, like her flowers in the church, beauty can still grow and thrive in the darkest of man's mechanical hells.

The music is constant and almost never wrong for the scene or moment, only growing tiresome after hours of random battles. Still, the battle music is effective and catchy.

The Characters 5/5
For the most part, the characters are extremely well-written.
Cloud Strife is a man burdened by his own insecurities, unsure about his own very existence as a human being. He stands against a genetically built warrior who believes himself worthy of godhood, Sephiroth. Sephiroth himself represents a massive improvement over Kefka as a villain, being more mature and thought out in creation. Watching his story arc in Crisis Core is, perhaps, the best treat Square-Enix gave fans in the entire game.

In fact, if one goes on to play the games, watch the films, and read the literature in the expanded universe of FF7, then one can see just how deep these characters all are. FF6 set the bar for depth of characterization, and FF7 easily lept over it. Huge chunks of the gameplay often involve pieces of character arcs, which is exemplary in its storytelling. Which brings us to...

The Story 5/5
Themes of self-discovery and unnecessary sacrifice abound. The question of man's dominion over the natural world is explored as well as that of how the natural world may very well feel about man. Love, loss, betrayal, questions of morality and justifications for violence, greed, power, religion and science.

All of this may seem excessive for a video game, but it is there and stands with what it's got. And it is positively epic. When one weighs with it the expanded storylines for the sequels, prequels and spin-offs, the story is so deep and colossal that perhaps only the expanded universe of Star Wars compares to its ambition and depth.

Whole sections of the game take place in metaphysical realms, including the last battle. This is the last step for Square from the schlocky, cliche moments of the previous installments into something bigger, better, and more mature. It is unfortunate that the Final Fantasy games have not continued to delve deeper into their dark side with the later installments.

Final Fantasy VII stands as an incredible achievement in gaming. With movie cut-scenes rewarding your progress and a wonderful story to follow, it is no wonder that so many people list it as their favorite of the series. The game is not without its flaws, however.

The graphics are, indeed, dated. The game comes off as perhaps trying to be a little too ambitious, with too many kinds of games, inconsistent difficulty and a winding storyline that many people may find too complex for its format.

Fortunately, the overall product is actually very good. Perhaps now that because the graphics have become so dated, the "old schoolers" can enjoy it for what it is, without having to defend their own games' lack of new age visual wonder.
Gameplay: 8/10

NOt much difference, its time based and feels jus like the 8 bit games. The materia system makes the strategy aspect of the game a hell more fun. The summons r nice to watch but way too long since u see them repeatedly.

Graphics: 9/10

Now i first played this in early 2008, but i do realize how awesome the graphics wer back in 1997. I can only imagine seeing the 3D graphics for the first time ever in a game. The backgrounds r honestly amazing to see and i find myself still jus standing and wondering how the hell did they make the backrounds so good for the ps1.


Even tho i did no that aeris was gunna die and all, the story was still very epic and didnt drag on at all. Alot of imagination was also involved and mystery which was brilliant.

Music: 9.5/10

Great tracks and theme for each character and area. luv the battle theme . my fav track is one wing angel.
Im rubbish with reviews so i'll make it short :P

FF7 was (and still is) an epic game. The graphic's are not great but its just so fun you hardly notice. The storyline was amazing and it makes you never want to put it down :P To me, no game can beat it since no game has ever really got me so intrested. I know in a review your emeant to say ups and downs of a game but I can't really think of any bad point's for it (seriously o_O) .I started playing when i was about 5-6 and im 17 now and STILL playing it lol :P

I remember the battle music for sephiroth giving me chills down my spine lol

So yeah, awesome game and is and always will be the best imo :D
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Sure I'll write a review....

Alright then. FF7 happens to be the 5th FF rpg that I have played as a lad. I didn't enjoy it the first time and the wall streets gave me nightmares, but I replayed it and managed to be satisfied the next time around. Here's my personal opinion and review on the game: it's not too shabby but it still sucks eggz.

Plot/Story: 7

A nicely created plot for a FF. This game's story differs from the legendary FFs (1-6) and that is what makes it original and creative. The story of FF7 is not difficult to comprehend and even a 10 year old could follow it but it leaves some interesting questions in mind.

Battle System: 2

The whole materia deal was pretty nice and original. The style, however, was not. I dislike atb bars. 'Nuff said.

Gameplay: 9

Well, it's never a dull moment in FF7. There's always something to do and somewhere to go. The chocobo breeding system is actually the only fun part about the mini games and such....but this gets a 9 for awesomeness.

Characters: 4

Ahh...home sweet home.... This FF has some pretty horrible characters. There are some that are pointless and many that are static. The real question is- why do most of the characters fight? There's no real reason for more than half your cast to fight Shin-Ra or Sephiroth. Characters like Cloud, Barret, Vincent, Red, and Caith Sith are worthy characters of merit. The game doesn't need the rest of the crew. Points for great characters like Red, Cid and Hojo. They are what kept the game alive for me.

Music: 6

I know...it's a low score but I'll tell you why. FF7 has a hanndful of good music. Some themes are soo good that it has you dancing. However, there are those that make you want to cry. Throughout the game you hear some very repetitive music. All of FF7 is one big theme. This game has almost zero variety in music. You would expect that out of a NES game but not a FF. What were the creators thinking when they released the soundtrack?! But it's not all bad. Most music like the One Winged Angel and others are actually enjoyable. I'm really tough when it comes to grading music as my tastes are very refined. Not bad...decent....

Graphics: 8

These graphics were supreme in gaming history. In fact, it's probably the reason why FF7 is so overrated today. It's because the 3D game came out at such a convenient time in our history. There's nothing to discuss here. The scenes were nice, the environs, epic, and the beyond is impeccable.

Replay Value: 7

This game has some decent amount of replayability. If you didn't understand the story or breed anything the first time, you could do it the second time around. The game is quite long though...

Overall: ~7

It's a decent game but not one to get all hype about. Again, it's my personal view so don't get a stick in your fanny. I was satisfied playing the game the next few times around but I can never quite understand why people think it's a masterpiece. It's a decent game and it left few questions unanswered. But that is not a reason for SE to go ahead and make dozens of spinoffs and other junk to promote this game further. I hear rumors of a remake for ps3 but I'd rather watch another season of Pokemon before that ever happens.
Here is my review

Final Fantasy VII

Gameplay: 5/5 – The ATB battle system is average and represented in other FFs as well. The material system on the other hand was awesome. I think it is the best upgrading system I have seen so far. I have really enjoyed customizing the characters as I want. It had a lot of mini-games as well. I have spent a lot of time breeding chocobos and playing in the in Gold Saucer.​

Plot: 3/5 – It started very good and I have enjoyed it a lot. But at some point (some where in the middle-end I think) it started to be boring. I don't really know why.
Probably because Sephiroth was the center of the plot. Many people like him, and I thought I'll be one of them. But for some reason, I started to dislike (not hate) him at some point of the plot. That of course ruined the whole plot and thus my enjoyment.​
I probably disliked him because I couldn't fully understand his logic (if he had any).​

Character: 5/5 – Each character was unique and had it's own story and role.
Probably one of the strongest points of this game.​

Soundtrack: 3/5 – Was quite average in my opinion. Didn't really have any music I liked (except of the one in Gold Saucer ) and the worldmap BGM was depressing.​

Graphics: 1/5 – Okay, it is an old game, but the graphics were totally terrible.​
It could be better if it had the old style sprites instead. When I started the game and saw those chibi like characters, I thought that the version I have is a fake or it is someone's joke. I really hated how the characters looked outside of battles.
Maybe the only FF so far in which the graphics really ruined the game, at least a little (as I, without much choice, got used to the graphics at some point).​

Enjoyment: 3/5 – As I said, the plot was ruined near the end and thus my enjoyment.
And yet, I can't forget the fact that I did enjoy it until that part. So overall I'll say the enjoyment was average.​

Overall: 3.34/5
Everyone else's reviews look so particular and in depth!
I'm just gonna keep this short as I could waffle on for hours....
Basically, this was my third time round of completing Final Fantasy VII, only this time I really took my time.
Levelled up all my characters, chocobo breeding, pretty much all the side-quests, really went through the game with a fine tooth comb.
I never once tired of the gameplay - ever itching to progress further.
Yes, the graphics are now dated compared to present games and yes, there is heaps of dilogue to be read (but isn't that what makes a classic RPG!).
With this game of the series, each character has it's past, it's own reason for fighting at the end - something that totally makes this game one of a kind.
From the first bombing mission with Barret & CO to the final epic battle with Sephiroth, this game has it all!
Was my first ever Final Fantasy game I experienced and to be really honest, think it may be my favourite!
I always recommend it to anyone wanting to start with the Final Fantasy series! =)
best game i ever played by far. i always loved the batle setup for final fantasy (in X made it too easy to win but thats a dif topic) and the charecters were epic! vincent was pretty sexi and yuffie was hott lol jk jk, well sephiroth is by far the best villian i ever saw, the only thing i didnt like was how big a mamas boy he was...XP

the storyline was god in some ways, i really dont like all that chosen ones crap and i like how in this one they all were just ppl that wanted to do that, other than sephiroth, he was kinda a chosen one but not really. and the fact that there were hidden charecters made it that much funner (Yuffie stole a lot from me...) altho it was easy to find them.

the graphics were amazing to me at the time (i got it asap so it was when it was new and amazing to everyone) and the cut scenes were pretty epic for playstation, at the time...

the bosses were always a bit mechanic like no matter what they were unless they were ppl or just ferocious beasts...every one of the weapons were like machines and i didnt like that veary much but they were still cool lookin...

collecting every singl enemy skill proved to be a challenge for me, certain ones only bosses had adn i didnt know until my second time around. finding all materia was difficult as well adn getting the gold chocobo, well that one i dont know how i did, i just constamtly bread the chocobos and eventually got one. the mini games were ok as well, but now i have seen better, at the time i had not.

the best part of the game was how origonal it was. i still have not plaed anything like it other that another final fantasy
It won't take long, lads... :)

Many years have gone since Final Fantasy VII was realesed. Many, really many great games came to us in this long period of time, but one thing remains still as it was 12 years ago. FINAL FANTASY VII is masterpiece (trust me, I finished a few hundreads of games) and it's the most amazing game of my life. I don't need to write anything more, I believe :)
Okay. The only thing I agree with is that it wasn't a 10/10 game. I think people give this game more praise than it's worth, just because it was the first really good Final Fantasy game. Though, I don't agree with your view on the characters or story. The story for this game is better than almost any game I can bring to mind, almost even every movie I can bring to mind, and trust me, I'm a movie fanatic.

Cloud's character was perfectly modeled, and the story was also modeled perfectly after our own world. Shinra sucking Mako out of the earth - The Gov't sucking Oil out of the earth. It was ingenious is what it was. I can see why you didn't like Vincent too much, a bit of a "B" Character but still he was important to the storyline - and one of my fav characters - but that part doesnt matter.

This is the first FF game I've played and the only one that I've beaten over 5 times. This game isn't even a challenge at all for me anymore, but it still goes down as possibly the greatest game ever made....If not one of the best for sure..
its the best game ever

i think that final fantast vii is one of the best games ever made, i have it for playstation and pc, they are great games, i think it is really bad when the best spell caster dies though, but cloud is just awesome anyway :) i would give it 10/20 for the best game everrrr :):ed:
I've been replaying all the Final Fantasies I have and this was the last I replayed. And I beat it yesterday. :monster: (it wasn't my first time to, but I don't think I payed attention to most of the content until this playthrough)

It will always confuse me as to why people are so angry that this Final Fantasy got this popular, because I believe it deserves it. It deserved to be the number one RPG for its time.

Sure, the graphics weren't high-quality and were square-ish. But we should remember that the FF before it wasn't in 3D. This was HUGE step for Squaresoft and they should get praise for it.

I'm a big fan of the Active Time Battle System. It encourages me to think more because there's less actions you can perform. I think the materia and the weapon slots were a simple, creative and unique idea. I enjoyed experimenting with it.

The world map was well designed. I liked the idea of the evolution of the party's means of transportation. I noticed that each vehicle had a significant story as to how the party obtains it. Instead of the typical 'it was given for free by the king, etc'. My favorite would be the Tiny Bronco's story.

The sidequests were absolutely delightful. There wasn't any that I didn't enjoy. I liked raising the chocobos and training them by racing. Getting Yuffie and Vincent, and even the Ancient Forest. I also enjoyed the mini games you had to do for the story (Cloud doing CPR, motorcylcing in Midgar, snowboarding, dressing Cloud up for Corneo, and so on).

Regarding the story, most people who bash at it keep complaining about how stupid it was to kill off Aeris because it wasn't something that people would expect. That just plain confuses me. Why would they kill off someone the viewers would expect to die? I mean...right? :gasp: Her death took me by surprise and it brought the pieces together. I didn't see any loopholes in the story. It all made sense to me while watching the flashback and the ending. This was a superb plot. This was the only Final Fantasy I wouldn't stop playing.

The characters each had their own story. They had their own personalities, stories and reasons. Even the optional characters. As a lead, I think Cloud was just brilliant. And I'll always hate AC for turning him emo. -__- Yeah, he was a little obnoxious and a little know-it-all. But he knew how to be a leader. He looked out for his friends every time. He admitted to his mistakes and his weaknesses and he apologized to his team when he let them down, but he never left them if he had a choice. He knew he was failed project and not your typical 'all powerful warrior/hero'. He was close to being as human as us. I loved that he kept battling anyway, to the very end of the game.

I'll stand by this game always. It was my first, and even after playing various Final Fantasies as well as other RPGS, it's my favorite.
Here's part 1 of my work-in-progress review of VII. I made a stupid rookie mistake and created my own thread. I wasn't sure if I could post my review here initially, due to the fact I'm still in the middle of the game. It was originally posted on October 8, 2009. However, I was told I could post it here, so this is it. Thanks to the mods for being understanding with a noob. :highfive:


I've been wanting to share my thoughts about this game and my some of my experiences thus far. Warning: If you don't like huge posts, this may not be for you.

Recently, I started playing through VII for the first time. I'm not a rookie to FF and I've been playing the series for about 20 yrs. My dad did get VII when it first came out...for the PC. While the translation appeared to be better, the crashing and bugginess was horrid. I found it unplayable and so I quit playing. After I moved out of my parents' house, I had no access to a PS1. So I missed out on that entire generation of FF. With one exception, I feel I missed out on a great era of Square games *cough VIII cough*.

I came in with a fair amount of knowledge of the game. I knew about Sephiroth(no kidding right?); I knew about Aeris' death; I knew about Shinra the evil megacorp and about Meteor. Also, beating Crisis Core helped shed a lot of light on the background of VII. I know that they retconned some of it, such as adding Genesis and Angeal.

Not too long ago, I found a great bundle on eBay that had VII-IX on the PS1, plus walkthroughs for VII and VIII. After kicking the crap outta X and playing Crisis Core, I decided to throw VII in. I'm currently going back to the Ancient City on Disc 2. I'm going to give my highs and lows on the game so far. This isn't a bash on the game and yes, I know I haven't finished it yet. This is just my observations to this point:

The Good

-Ah, good ol' fashioned ATB combat. How I have missed thee. What can I say, I'm old fashioned. It's always been my preferred method of combat in many RPGs.

-The story is quite good. There is no doubt that this is a well told story. While I knew a lot about VII, it had some real surprises. It has made me interested in beating all the Weapons(including Ruby and the infamous Emerald) and in finishing the story. Sephiroth is the first truly sympathetic villain, more so than Goblez from IV. His motivations and reasoning make him seem more real. At least to me. Plus, the story does offer a unique twist on the old fantasy cilche of the evil empire/megacorp/madman trying to take over/destroy the world. I like the humor and I like Cloud's character in the game.

-The Materia system, although it has it's flaws, is an innovative system. It does allow for the ultimate customization for your party. I like to set them up according to the way I see the characters. It adds a fun rpg element to the whole thing. For example, Tifa or Cait Sith(whom I named Cat Sith) are my thieves; Cloud is my blue mage; Red XIII(whom I named Ulfric) is my Red Mage, and so on.

-The Meteor in the sky is a really nice touch. In many games that end or nearly end the world, you don't see the big bad that's coming. I also enjoy how you can see the Weapons rather than just engage them blindly. It makes getting around the world a little easier. The music is eerily fitting for the world map, although having the music change on the airship is a nice contrast.

-Aeris'/Aerith's death. This was an excellently executed scene, as cliche as that sounds. I think that
taking her on a date right beforehand
as well as making you care about the character really twisted the knife in. I didn't cry, but I'll admit it was sad to watch.

-Cid. His dragoon ablities, his attitude and his spirit really add to the game. It symbolizes the freedom of the character as well as Square's newfound freedom from Nintendo. Damn that censorship over(imho) stupid crap!

-Wark! :chocobo: I have to admit, catching and raising Chocobos isn't as bad as I thought. Thanks to the walkthrough, I know where to get the Good and Wonderful chocobos. Chocobo racing is actually fun and it makes me want to really work hard on Disc 3 to get Knights of the Round.

-Cloud in drag. I know this is subject talked to death, but I had to mention it. I got all the best clothes for the sequence, so I skipped out on the more "interesting" scenes. Still, it was funny and unexpected to find in Final Fantasy.

The Bad

-Lack of menu organization for Materia. Granted, this could be something I'm just overlooking somehow. It is becoming quite irritating to have a ton of unorganized Materia to sort through. Again, if there is something I missed, please let me know. On that note:

-The item sort menu. I know there is a bunch to choose from, but it still seems oddly random. For example, I'll hit sort by type. It mostly works, yet for some reason my X-Potions(as an example) end up right below my Materia grinding gear. It's not horrible, but still a little aggravating.

-The graphics in the background. Wait, hear me out. This is not a bash on the graphics themselves. I know what year this came out in(I graduated from HS that year) and I know this was one of the big PS1 games. At times it just gets frustrating to see my character become about 5 pixels tall while running around in the background. The pointer/marker feature does help, but I feel it gets in the way of the art in the game. *shrug* I don't let it bother me too much, I do find it somewhat distracting.

-Yuffie. I took the time to go out and find her. It's a mixed blessing. She is a pretty powerful warrior(although I can't call a 15 yr old girl a ninja with a straight face) and can be a great caster with the right set up. However, she's more annoying than I thought she would be. Yes, I knew she was a giggly bit of fan service. However, I was hoping for a bit of seriousness from the character(like in the pagoda sequence). So far I've been disappointed. Then again, I've noticed I'm one of the people that really hate Rikku in X-2(that liked the game), so maybe it's just me.

-Lack of dialogue in some characters. Vincent is a neat character, but I don't find myself using him much since Aeris' death. Part of it was my own fault. I made the mistake of taking Cid and Vincent. I know Vincent is an optional character, but he seems a little too silent. Cloud makes his big dramatic speech about going after Sephiroth, and the only response I get is from Cid. "I guess so." That took away from a little the impact, but it made for some unintended humor.

-The translation is kinda off. Again, I aware that this topic has been done to death, but it has also made some unintentionally funny moments. Rude: Be strong! Remember, you're a Turks. I laughed at that one. I don't let the shaky translation bother me too much. I did grow up in the Woosley generation of FF translations. :P

I know I haven't completed the game, but that's my thoughts so far. I'll make sure I have an update when I complete the game. I'll admit, this is a fun and adult FF. It doesn't treat you like you're a child. It will never replace my two favorites(IV and VI), but it's well worth playing.

Welcome to Part 2 of my Final Fantasy review! Here, I address questions a forum member had for me.

From Immort:
Hi! Great review so far i think, allthough i wouldn't worry to much about
vincent beeing quiet. He is supposed to be a mystical character
, you can always later play DOC for a better understanding of his character, allthough i wouldn't play that game for any other reason, but thats only my opinion

May i just ask you why u use a walkthrough? i have always found them to destroy the game experience, and ff VII is one of the games i have spent most time with, there are so much to find and hidden stuff that makes you "wonder". It definitely comes in second place on ff-games i spent most time with AND enjoyed, (First one is X).

I myself is playing through FF V for the first time now and no walkthrough, have just finished the Earth flying thing, ( I know its a shame but i got the game at grown age and don't have the time for gaming as i used to
). Maybe i'll copy you and give a review on my game-experience with ff V.

Anyway, i will be watching this thread and are looking forward to hearing more of your thoughts on this game.
I would love to read your review of V. I've only played through it once, but it's a great game. There should be a section in the FF V forums for reviews that people have made when they beat the game. I look forward to reading it.

I read earlier tonight about about Vincent's past by going to the Final Fantasy wiki. I'm going to save myself the pain of trying to play for DOC. *shudder*
:vincent:I can understand that he's quiet, I just brought him for the wrong occasion. His overall story and attitude
as well as his connection to Hojo
are very interesting. However, I think Aeris' death was not the right occasion to bring him. :P This time, I'm going to bring Tifa and Barrett/Red XIII with me when she dies. They should have more the better dialogue in response to Cloud's rousing speech.

Why did I use the Bradleygames walkthrough? Well, those guides for VII and VIII came with the eBay bundle. I grabbed the bundle before the game was available on the PSP. I've only started VII again after my Memory Card ate all my save data after I got about 3/4ths of the way through Disc One. :yell:I did not need to start Disc One all over again. I did not want to be sick of the beginning of the game before I had a chance to beat the damn thing!

Sorry, I got lost in a rant. Where was I? Oh yeah, the walkthrough. I used it mostly to try to avoid getting lost in some areas(*cough* Temple of the Ancients *cough*). However, this particular walkthrough has got some serious typos(examples: Fire Veils became Fire Vests, Tifa's piano tune has a C where an O should be); it makes certain events sound much harder than they actually are(North Corel Train, Sub Mission, ect). I also didn't realize it was overall crap(like not having the Cursed Ring in it) and it dedicated no less than 2 pages to Aeris' death scene. Wow, thanks Bradleygames, good thing I already knew that. :eek:uttahere:

Usually, I would mentally block out all references to spoilers, and look the walkthrough over when I was stuck(not often). I did get up to Disc 3, but my husband was tired of seeing me disappear into the guest room to play it(PS2 is in there; the PS3 is in the living room). I've restarted this for the PSP, so I'll be able to do an update here very soon. I'm flying through the game the 2nd time around and rarely bother with a walkthrough. When I do use one, its for maps. The only walkthrough I'm actually planning on using this time is just for chocobos. :chocobo: and the enemy skills. Yes, I did get the Disc One Nuke before I got to the Mythril Mines. I haven't been using it much at all, unless I'm sick of random battles. Ah, nothing like a good Rocks Fall, Everyone Dies spell when you're in a hurry. :)

Upon close examination, I've concluded that Hojo is the true villain of VII.
He wooed Vincent's love away from him; he got Lucretia pregnant and persuaded her to have Jenova's cells injected into her unborn baby;whom happened to be Sephiroth. He told Seph that Jenova was his mother(not Lucretia), which helped Seph go insane later. Hojo was happy to help Sephiroth in his ultimate goal, to the point where Daddy was ready to destroy the world to do it.
Plus, he did countless experiments on people in SOLIDER and frankly anyone that got in his way. :wtf: He is totally immoral and amoral, creating destructive creatures, destroying lives, too see what happens. I enjoy the fact it was really a conniving scientist that engineered so much despair, death and destruction.

Don't get me wrong though. After some time and consideration, I've decided Seph is decent antagonist. He's fairly spooky and has got the "I'm a Badass" look to him. Sephrioth does have the one of the best themes I've heard in any FF game. :seph:

That being said, however, Kefka is(and will always be) my favorite baddie of the series.

I'll have the third and final part of my review soon! Thanks for reading. If you made it this far, then :holyshit:
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Well this may sound lazy of me but I posted not to long ago my review for it off of the PSN, it is 3 pages long, I did numb down the story (may have missed a few bits but the general digest is what it is about).

In short FF7 was my first ever RPG I played and it even being a JRPG. I got it back in 1997 here in the UK well my brother got it and well it was amazing as I can say, it is still my favorite with the unique characters, brilliant storyline and amazing soundtrack and gameplay mechanics. It still is this day one of the best to average opinion and I would happily play it again it 30 years time or when ever.

To read my full proper review click here.
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The last time I played FFVII was about 5 years ago, and in that time I've forgotten most of it. Whatever though, I'll review it anyway.

In spite being over 10 years old, and probably having the least proportionate and unconvincingly acted 3D character models I've ever seen in a game (if I recall, Cloud consisted of around ten polygons, a far cry from the thousands of polygons Lightning is made up of in FFXIII), it's still my favourite FF game, simply because, it's the most immersive and enjoyable to play.

For those unfortunate enough to have not played FFVII, I'll give a brief summarisation of the story. Basically, you play as an ex-mercenary called Cloud, and you're fighting against a mega-corporation (I can't remember its name) that is sucking the life-force out of the planet, which as a result, is gradually destroying it.

Like any traditional FF game, you invariably meet characters along the way. In FFVII you meet a dog called Red XIII and a moogle that controls a giant cat, and other, anomalously quirky, and memorable characters all with disproportionately large feet and ostentations hair-styles.

What sets FFVII apart from other FF games, in my opinion, is that each character, even the minor ones, are all given amazingly fleshed-out and well-rounded personalities. There's a part in FFVII, for example, where you meet a girl called Yuffie, who's a pathological thief, and she ends up nicking all your materia, and this leads you on a rather arduous quest, which ends up with you chasing her around her home village, as she hides in dustbins. During this time, you end up learning more about her and delving into her past. This all helps you to relate to her better and become more emotionally attached to her. It's like this with every character.

Sephiroth, the main antagonist, is a sadistic megalomaniac, with none of the cheese you'd associate with a bond villain. Despite being the villain though, he's still likeable, simply because he's so fabulously evil. At the end of disc one, he does something truly unforgivable, which if you haven't played the game, I won't spoil, but suffice to say, it will royally piss you off and may even make you cry (of course though, I didn't cry, because I'm a man… and real men don't cry over videogames).

The gameplay is excellent, albeit the random battles can become a magisterial pain in the backside, and can often discourage you from exploring the environment, because you just get so tired of fighting damn monsters.

The previously mentioned materia are basically coloured orbs that you collect throughout the game and place in your armour and weapons, these orbs give you the ability to summon monsters and cast magic and there are literally hundreds of ways you can combine your materia to create your own unique and devastating spells. It's incredibly flexible. It's better than FFX's sphere-grid system or FFVIII's Junctioning system, and allows much more scope for expression.

Anyway, if you haven't played FFVII, buy it NOW! It still outshines most PS3 games, despite being over ten years old. If you can get past its graphical primitiveness and the exasperating amounts of text, then you'll be blown away by how enchanting and memorable the story and characters are.

This post has made me sound like such a fanboy. Ah, well. Nevermind.
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Final Fantasy 7 is a game that will always hold a special place in my heart. It has made me the person that I am today. My Children will play this game, and so will their children.

The Characters will always be with me, when I was a kid I used to have imaginary friends, and they were all characters from FF7...because each character has something special about them that seperates them from the rest of the party. But that little thing that makes them all different, is what brings them together.

Battle System is perfect, everything I love when It comes to a RPG game.

I play this game once all the way through at least every couple years. And I always learn more about the story that I didn't catch the last time.

This game is a solid, perfect game, worthy of the title of greatest game of all time.
Hem Ho Haw...Let's see...

Well, this game with a for one, has an intriguing combat system to newbies of the RPG genre, has a fun, easy to undertsand, and hard to perfect, well, combat system.
The in-depth materia system made customizing your character all that much more important, where with the right set-up you could beast out your character with combos like Final attack+Pheonix or Added effect+Hades, etc.
This game, gorged with side quests, minigames, optional bosses, rare weapons, overpowered enemies, and an amazing plotline to boot, is a great effort on squeare-enix's part and having beaten it just recently, (average level 70+) I'm nowhere near done. I loved this game so much that the graphics, plotholes, quirky mistakes, all just added to it's charm.
My Final Fantasy VII Review

Now everyone always talks of how FF7 has the most amazing story in gaming history and all that and there is alot of reasons that people say this beacause the story is superb. It is engaging and is paced perfectly. One thing that makes FF7 so good is the timing and how characters secrets and plot twists are slowly revield. Now the big question is "Is FF7 the best FF story ever?" For me the answer ...is no. FF7's story is immense and unforgettable but it doesn't have the heart that 8 does which is why 7 is the second best in this writers opinion. However being second best is not to put 7 down beacause it really is a story to remember and keeps you entertained and enthralled right down to the credit roll. 9.75/10

FF7 is a very entertaining game and plays rather easily. It's not hard to pick up and is a decent challenge even for a FF veteran. The battle system is very good, allowing you to alter the speed depending on your level of ability and confidence. There are some very nice sidequests in FF7 that can keep you playing for 10 hours before you carry on with the story! Just a few bugs with it that can get annoying at times but older games tend to have these problems. The "Materia System" is very interesting and a fun way to set up your characters but it doesn't give you the freedom 8 or 10 give you. Still very fun and very easy to learn how to work the "Materia System". 9.5/10

Again FF7 is renouned for its depth and design on its characters. Firstly they are very likeable and you do have your favorites from early on. The games lead is a legendary character who has gone down in history as one of the greatest hero's ever. It's hard not to like Cloud even though he can have a bad attitude at times, you still like him and still want him to find out who he is so he can be at peace with him self. Along side Cloud are some other favorites including Aries, Tifa, Mr .T ooops i mean Barret, Cid, Vincent, Yuffie, and then there are some characters i hold in lower regard (you know who you are) This brings me to the ultimate FF villain. Sephiroth just oozes cool aswell as being a tormented soul like Cloud. While he certianly is evil you sometimes wonder what he would have been like if he never found out "himself". 9.75/10

The soundtrack to FF7 is another peice of musical genious from Mr. Uematsu. Yes it is all Midi's but some of the music is amazing and makes me wonder how this one man can make such an amazing peice of music with such basic instuments. Once again a breath taking score. 9.75/10

One of the games flaws is it graphics. Even though it was released in '97 if you go back and look at other games released around that time (and before) there are quite a few with superior graphics, Tomb Raider and Resident Evil just to name two. Still the in battle graphics are fairly good and the game is nicely coloured. The games only flaw is the graphics. 7/10

Come on its FF7! 10/10

FF7 gets a huge score of 9.5/10 A legendary game that will be remebered as bringing RPG's into forground and creating a hole new generation of FF fans (Myself included :))