I just beat FFVII! Here is my review.

I remember absolutely loving this game the first time I beat it in the late 90s. This is just some quick thoughts.

I replayed earlier this year before 13 came out (so not going to be too many specifics here). I found it almost boring this time around- but I think that has to do with the fact that it was for ps1, with no voice acting.

The plot was thrilling, lots of twists and turns ofcourse there are holes which I am sure are mentioned all over this forum but on the whole it is a great experience.

Sidequests that net you worthwhile benefits- chocobo raising for KoR, puzzle solving for ultimate weapon and some sidequests that were just fun (snowboarding). I liked that there were optional scenes to help fill in backstory (right before snowboarding, vincent background).

Materia swapping is a pain but it allows you to "proto-customize" your party, if you want a magic caster load them up on materia, if you want a hitter give them some speed plus and hp plus for no strength penalty.

I love that there were lots of vehicles.

The soundtrack was a bit weak better than 9 but worse than 6, 8, 10, 13 on par with 12.
I bought Final Fantasy VII a few months ago after playing Kingdom Hearts and seeing Cloud and Sephiroth in it. I was curious about these characters because I thought they looked cool.
Final Fantasy VII was left untouched for months on my shelf until one day I finally decided to play it.
When I started it, I didn't sleep for 2 days and finally finished it.
Gameplay: 10/10
Story: 10/10
Graphics: 5/10 (but I'm sure they were a 10/10 for it's time)
Final Fantasy 7 has great storyline no doubt, but somehow I felt that it was lacking that I think most player would love to see, love stories.

Beside Cloud and Aerith in the starting part, the game concentrate too much about how they're gonna defeat Sephiroth and save the planet, if only they could improvise more on Cloud and Tifa being together then making them as a childhood friend.

The last time I beat Final Fantasy 7 should be more then 5 years ago, yet I wouldn't forget about how great this game is, their sounds fit every background perfectly, thou their graphic might be alittle off, but that's what make this game special.

I love this game. And maybe FF7 should have their own song right, like how FF8 got Eyes On Me, and FF9 got Melodies of Life, oh man I could get excited just thinking about it :)
Even though it has been four years since I finally beat this game, I guess I can do a review on it since the temptation to play it again has been unbearable :gasp:. Even though it took me an uncountable number of tries to beat this game, the aspect that kept me coming back for years was the story and how it relates to the player. FFVII is a unique game because it is based on life. It shows love, hatred, sadness, despair, anger, death, all the motions we associate with being alive. Out of all the games I have played or beat in my time (more than I can count or remember), there are only a handful of games that can come close to comparing to FFVII which are games from the 1990s. Ok enough typing I am going to play this game again :cactaur:.
I just beat FF7, and I gotta tell you, it was the biggest waste of time I've ever experienced.

Jus playin.

FF7 is one of my favs.
Buuuut.. I never saw how FF7 is a love story at all. It seemed more to me that Cloud and everyone just grieved Aeris' death. Cloud and Aeris had a 'thing', no doubt, but a love story?

Anyways, I recommend this game to anyone who enjoys RPGS. The first time I beat it, I moved to FF8. Then I went back to 7. Then I went to 9. And then to 7 :D. It has a certain charm about it, I guess.
Plenty of emotion and epic stoyline go with the fun gameplay. Fine piece of Japanese creativity if you ask me.
I bought Final Fantasy VII a few months ago after playing Kingdom Hearts and seeing Cloud and Sephiroth in it. I was curious about these characters because I thought they looked cool.
Final Fantasy VII was left untouched for months on my shelf until one day I finally decided to play it.
When I started it, I didn't sleep for 2 days and finally finished it.
Gameplay: 10/10
Story: 10/10
Graphics: 5/10 (but I'm sure they were a 10/10 for it's time)

You finished it in 2-3 days!!??? Did you speed run and skip all the optional stuffs?

I normally take a few months to finish a game like this since I don't play often. haha!
This game is hands down my favorite Final Fantasy. Of course the graphics aren't what we're used to, but surprisingly I still like them. ^_^ Sometimes it is a bit tough to get the gameplay. (If you played FF8, you'll remember tedious explanations, not like that in FF7) However for me, who likes to figure things out on my own, that's a good thing.
The music is iconic (well the whole game is lol) and I love so much of it, and One Winged Angel is my favorite piece of music ever written.

You grow to really know and love the characters even though you only see their dialogue in a little box!

The game didn't revolve around romance, which I really liked. It did show that Cloud and Aerith had a thang, but it didn't revolve around that. It's a bit like that in DoC.

Since I personally just don't like random battle sequence that's really the only thing I don't like about the game. (But all FFs up to 12 have that so ya)

I love it's sequels (haven't played Crisis Core) Advent Children and DoC add to the story if ya want more.

I give it a 9.5/10 since I love it so much :)
I just finished this game yesterday.


-Fast and accessible gameplay
-A simultaneously old school and innovative approach to character customization
-A mature and subtle storyline with some of the best characters in the series
-A strong sense of humor keeps the game from feeling too dark
-A great number of minigames and additional content makes the game highly replayable
-Better pacing than most PS1 RPGs

-The ending doesn't tie up many lose ends
-Sephiroth can be considered a cliche villlain
-No way to easily exchange equipment easily between team members
-The graphics, sound, and interface are all quite dated
-The lack of voice acting limits the suspense

Overall: 9/10

I enjoyed this game very much. I found it to better than FFVIII, which I thought was a masterpiece before I played this. Admittedly, I found the game to be dated and boring through most of the first disc, though after a couple of exciting plot twists I started to enjoy the game for what it was.
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FF7 is safely one of the best FF games (and RPG's for that matter) in my books. Although I must say I don't care for people reviewing the graphics and audio quality to today's standard. Number one rule for reviewing games is to base it to the times. You can't expect them to utilize technology that doesn't exist.

I liked the Materia and battle system, but I found up until FFX they played it relatively safe with innovations. Adding a lot of entertaining "extras", but not messing too much with a formula that works. Hard to say if that's a bad thing or not, because when they started innovating past FFX it came at a price.

I guess in the end I agree that... FF7 was so loved because of it's "charm".
Iv'e beaten the game 5 or 6 times so here is my review.
Graphics aren't as great but that's to be expected now days. At the time they were amazing. The sound effects were pretty legit for it's era as well. The story was amazing, brilliant, and I wish I could have thought of something like that and made bank. The character design was wonderful, and the sidequests were very challenging yet very rewarding also. FFVII period including the prequels/sequels get a 10 out of 10 for me. But the game itself now compared to back then would probably get a 7 or an 8.
When i first played it i was blown away by the game play and all... the fighting system is nice and easy and
the story line was the best out of all the other FF games in my opinion, the characters are great..
All of them have intresting personalities (
Zack and Cloud)... When fighting Angeal you could only immagine how hard it was for zack to kill
him, fun game overall... Love less was nice, music was bad a** :x3: <GREAT GAME!!
Personally i loved this game. The story i thought was great, beginning with the main enemy being a government that is sucking out the planet's main energy resource (reminds me of our world.) a family ran dictatorship that would spark similarities to the antichrist, and a government that stops at nothing to get what they want. And then the president gets killed and then we learn of Sephiroth. Sephiroth has his own agenda, far more psychotic than Shinra's, and his power seems endless. The fact that you spend the game chasing him, meanwhile he's playing with your heads something fierce, and Shinra is hell bent on destroying both of you regardless of damages. As far as the charcters go, I never felt so close to any characters of any game as I did this game. Cloud basically has the same memories as a close comrad he was in SOLDIER with who just happened to date Aeris before he got taken out. Having to solve Cloud's own personal mysteries before being able to continue the task of saving the world really intrigued me, and with Sephiroth killing off Aeris to further fuel the party's anger really made for a great story. Loved most of the music, the music for the Shinra Mansion basement is far and away my favorite tune in the series. The gameplay was easy to grasp, very easy to master the second time around. The cinematics were breathtaking although I don't think they were as good as IX's. I liked the graphics, they were ahead of it's time. But overall the journey made this game and the overall theme of this game made this a must play (over and over) for me. 9.8/10
First time poster, long time lurker.

Just replayed FFVII over the last 2 weeks or so. Figured this would be the best place to share my thoughts. Much easier game than I remembered it being, very quick playthrough.

When I was younger (when the game came out), I wasn't good enough at the game or mature enough to motor through it like I am able to now, and it slowed the game down so much that the plot was never in question in my youth.

Playing through it this time made the story seem extremely broken. It feels like someone came up with a great story for Shinra/ Midgar and then when they went to make the game, they realized they only had a fraction of what they would need to fill up a "game".

In the meantime, it feels like someone developed a pretty wild and epic story about Sephiroth/ Jenova/ Meteor/ Holy , etc.

When they realized that they would need both to make the game seem/ feel whole, they slapped the two together. At least, this is how it played out for me in my latest playthrough.

I only say this because the Kalm flashback is a terrible plot device used by lazy writers, and it doesn't fit the speed of the game at all. You've invested ~5+ hours in Midgar taking down Shinra, then all of a sudden the game isn't about them at all, they get put on the back burner. The Kalm flashback does nothing to inspire me to feel the need to play on. What happened to taking down the man!? Why are we now aimlessly tracking this mysterious Sephiroth. This obviously gets clearer throughout the game, but at that turning point, it really sucks the enthusiasm out of the game for me.

For its time, it is a nearly flawless game. In the context that this game came out in the mid/late 90s, on the PS1, it is nearly flawless. Graphics, gameplay, mechanics, soundtrack, etc. are all awesome.

I just have issues with the way the game tells its story at times. The writing is often lazy and confusing. We fans still argue/ discuss/ debate what occured ~15 years later, because the story is sloppily told in parts, and remains vague in other areas.