I know people who have quit

...How is it too different? Just curious, is all.
honestly, I don't really know...but to me, it is different, and I do not enjoy it as a Final Fantasy, I enjoy it as a game...I wish I had some actual input, maybe if I played the whole game...but I don't really want to.
This game just never really picked up for me. There was never any real sense of urgency and the more political nature of the story just wasn't intriguing enough to warrant the rather dull play.

There were so many chances for some intresting moments and with the diversity of characters within the world for XII, it was severely dissapointing how listless this game seemed to be.
-better character development. (for example, ffx. i loved all the "love" scenes to the sad ending for it. just awesome.)

-more cut scenes. i'm tired of battling, leveling up and going back and forth to see the next part of the story! hah. it's fine if like you have new game plus or something then you can have less cut scenes, who cares cuz u already know what happened. xP

-change how you ride the chocobo. it so sucked, you know it. compared to the other games, you dont have timing! can just go where ever. and the stamina runs out so fast. AND waste of ur gil when you enter some village then u have to pay when you go back out. wth?

and yeah. that's all. then i'm good. ^^
-Character development/plot etc.
The fact is, these characters, while some were cool, and some had some development; overall they really just were unexplored... Wished we could've seen more of their pasts etc.
A touch of romance would have been nice as well; like an actual romance I.e. Squall-Rinoa or Zidane-Garnet

Overall, the Espers, while interesting and wide-ranging; sucked at being only able to be summoned for 90 seconds... Plus the fact that all they had were Gambits and not useable moves... Grrr

-New Game+
Would've been good...
having your guests level up would've been nice

summoning more like ffVII, VIII, and IX

new game+

more weapon veriety
yes I know it's more then three but if your only going to change three thing why not change tham all
I personally didn't like only being able to control one character. I know there are gambits and stuff, but it just wasn't the same. I'd find a FFXII a lot more fun to play if it was a tad more like it's older brothers in the battling department.

In the interests of not being someone who can't stand change I'll say that FFXII was perhaps a step in the right direction, but I really didn't like how it played.

I won't be close-minded enough to criticise the storyline, or character development, I'm only about 20 hours in. I can somehow tell it won't be up there in my top 3 FFs somehow.
I don't understand - why have a new game +? What's the big love behind it?
FFXII - My Opinion...

I own ALOT of FF stuff, and rare FF stuff at that. My fav games are FF and i know alot about FF. Nuff boasting.

Is it just me, or does anyone else find FFXII boring? I'm sorry but i really cant get into it. I've played FFXII for 7/8 hours now and i don't really know much of the story because i've played it on and off since it came out because it bores me to tears. The new battle system seemed great at first, but it has just become tedius.

The way you cannot select 'cure' from the main menu and keep curing a character takes the mick, because you get hit as you cast cure (if a monster is by you). The battle system is flawed in that sense.

The game doesn't progress well. e.g near the beginning of the game, you get monsters that can kill your whole party.

*maybe spoiler*

I'm up to where you face some of the Judge-lookalikes with the big helmets and my HP just isn't up to it. I've not trained extra hard, (why should i? i'm only 8 hours into it!) i normally begin training super hard as i get towards the end.

The game goes from stupidly easy to stupidly hard. The levelling up system is pretty poor.

I'm sorry but like it or lump it, this is my opinion. I wish they kept everything like the old FF's. If it aint broke, don't fix it.

Anyone else got any likes/dislikes to add?
I noticed that there were 3 other threads complaining about FFXII, so I'll merge them all together.

-Threads Merged-
Sweeeet, now we has one giant bitch thread instead of 4 different ones :elmo:
So to be on the topic of bitching, here's a quick thing I was quite unhappy with:

The special edition version of FF12. The box is ugly, and everything on the bonus disc is pointless crap like artwork thats in the strategy guide. Waste of the extra $10, if you ask me.
The special edition version of FF12. The box is ugly

I agree, all it was a shitty coloured piece if tin with a huge XII put into the middle of it :wacky:

Anyway, I didn't find the story all that bad, I liked thw whole political side of it...it was the depth of the characters that ruined it...and it makes a change from all the sappy love stories they made :monster:
Gameplay - very nice
Graphic - ok ok
Story line - boring =.="

that's y i stop playing cos the story is too complicated lol
Sweeeet, now we has one giant bitch thread instead of 4 different ones :elmo:
So to be on the topic of bitching, here's a quick thing I was quite unhappy with:

The special edition version of FF12. The box is ugly, and everything on the bonus disc is pointless crap like artwork thats in the strategy guide. Waste of the extra $10, if you ask me.

I don't think that was even released over here. I'm glad I didn't see it in the shops anyway or that would have been more of Bam's money wasted. I'm a tit like that you see, I always seem to make a beeline for the expensive stuff...like the guide. I could of got the normal one for the usual 12 quid but noooooo I had to ge the hard back one that was almost 20 quid :gasp:

Iv never even looked at it, THAT's how much attention I gave this game. All my other guides are dog eared to feck.....

I'm sure one day....I'l get round to playing it again but it just didn't suck me in like all the others did -__-
If anyone dares to make another "FFXII IS REALLY SHIT LOLOLOMGWTFISIT6PMALREADY?!!!!" thread, I'll get on my special Destruction Explosion Ass Kicking Foot Boot, and give them some POWER TIME.

In reply to Shyne, levelling system poor, wtf? Yeah, that's why I'm above average level for this point in the game. This point meaning, I should be moving onto Giruvegan, but it freaks me out ;_;
I wish all of these boards (sphere grids, liscense board, etc) would go away in the FF games. What happened to just having a character use a certain weapon and armor specific to them? I'm just glad the battle system had an active/wait function when choosing commands. And dont get me started on gambits :ffs:
I like XII, interesting and innovative like X was when i first got it. I guess many didn't approve of the story that is a little more on the political side and no character development.

I enjoyed the battles now since there's no more of those tedious random battles. like when you are about to battle someone hard without knowing and you die!

The only thing they should have put in, was a little more scenes about each of the characters. The license board wasn't up to expectation though, because in the end every character would have the same abilities. This was just like the sphere grid, but at least it had a little more flexibility.

I thoroughly enjoyed it till the end, and without any regrets.