I know people who have quit

ummm yeh i am stuck on ffxii n i havnt played in like a week lool n just started kh2 again wich i have beaten like 20 million times.
But yeh ffxii aint a disipointment its just dat mabye dey dont understand it or mabye its to hard lol
I hated FFXII at first. But then i began to like it...slowly.

Does really get interesting until like Nam-Yansea or wot ever its called xD.
I personally quite like FFXII, i've played 184hrs of it (and thats not including the 1st time i played it, 183hrs) so far and have all of my characters in their level 80's (i'm trying to level up all of my characters evenly).

Things that i like about it;
a. The cities/towns/villages etc- i love the environments in FFXII.
b. The battle system- the best battle system i've played in a FF game so far, love the freedom of it etc.
c. The side quests/challenges are fun and involving, like the Clan hunts etc.

Things that i wasn't too happy about the game;
a. I never really found the story that involving, it was interesting and fun at times, however i found it too be overly complicated, uninteresting/dull and predictable at others time. IMHO The story would have been better if the characters had been more involving/appealing/interesting, which brings me onto my second point;
b. The game did have some really good characters, but i think the characters were let down by the way the story panned out. Like Penelo, she automatically became one of my fav characters from the moment she was playable in the game, however i really think she was let down- throughout the game she felt more like a side character than one of the main playable ones; she just kinda tagged along and occasionally spoke and that was about it.
Or Fran, i thought she was a really interesting character, however the game allows us to find out so little about her.
I just think the story would have been better if the player had been allowed to grow a better bond with the characters, like by allowing them to find out more about the characters or simply involving the characters in more scenes so they could shine more etc.
c. Lack of Card game or Chocobo Ranch- i know this sounds silly, but i really miss the Chocobo Ranch of FFVII. In FXII Chocobo's played an absolutely miniscule part in the game, they were just a means for occasionally accessing small parts of the maps. Chocobo's are awesome and its a shame they didn't include the old Chocobo Ranch. I also miss the Card games of older FF games, those were pretty fun and helped fill in the gaps when the story moved slow.
d. The pacing of the story is wrong- the story moves very quickly and easy, while levelling up characters takes a very long time, which means if you want to level your characters up at a good pace with the story so they are in their level 90's when you are ready to finish the game, it means that you have to spend mindless hours simply killing monsters and not doing much else etc.
e. The selling of items in the Bizarre- if i hadn't gotten the walkthrough for the game, there's no way i would have known how to obtain certain weapons and items from the Bizarre- the chances of me accidentally coming across something like an Artemis Bow would have been increadibly slim. I don't think they should have made this part of the game this way, obtaining important items shouldn't be based on slim random chance. At least in FFVIII, they told you what items you needed to upgrade your weapon- this was a much better system i think.

Anyways, this is just the stuff from the top of my head. I did go through phases of not playing the game for weeks (even months), however i'm playing it quite regularly right now in an effort to complete the game 100% (doing well so far). I think its a good game, but i think it has many issues which make it not as addictive as other previous FF games- most people i have known that have played it never bothered to complete the game.
c. Lack of Card game or Chocobo Ranch- i know this sounds silly, but i really miss the Chocobo Ranch of FFVII. In FXII Chocobo's played an absolutely miniscule part in the game, they were just a means for occasionally accessing small parts of the maps. Chocobo's are awesome and its a shame they didn't include the old Chocobo Ranch. I also miss the Card games of older FF games, those were pretty fun and helped fill in the gaps when the story moved slow.

To be fair, Chocobos have never been that widely important for anything else. So when they're used for accessing bits of a map in XII, well, they've been like that for past games.

If anything, they played a big part in IX, and I guess X, seeing as you could take part in minigames.
I quit for a while because I got new games and all, but I've got back into it. To be honest, I find the storyline straight forward and the battle system was like a dream for me!
I haven't played FFXII in weeks. Probably because Tchita uplands are too hard for me and leveling up takes time.
i've stopped playing it because my ps2 is missing. otherwise i would be training my chars non-stop till i can one shot a boss heehee!
To be fair, Chocobos have never been that widely important for anything else. So when they're used for accessing bits of a map in XII, well, they've been like that for past games.

If anything, they played a big part in IX, and I guess X, seeing as you could take part in minigames.

The only complaint I had about the chocobos in in XII was that boost system of theirs. Use it all up and the chocobo is gone. To be honest, I'm still waiting for a FF where I and my uber leet party will ride into a giant battle atop armour-clad chocobos.

I thought XII was gonna provide that...and epic battles on giant fields clashing against a vast army of Archades' soldiers, but no. The PS2 probably wouldn't have been able to handle that anyway, though.

I haven't played FFXII in weeks. Probably because Tchita uplands are too hard for me and leveling up takes time.

Tchita Uplands aren't too bad, it's easy enough to gang up on Coeurls for leveling. Just try to avoid Bellwyverns if you're too weak. But you should spend a bit of time lvling there though, because the boss fight coming up (five Mandrogoras) is pretty hard.

otherwise i would be training my chars non-stop till i can one shot a boss heehee!

Which is a complete impossibility in XII, especially if you're going after marks.
I stopped playing it after I reached level 37 because I found it boring and dull and also I don't like the characters.
After that I just wanted to finish it because it's a FF game >_<
I think I did a similar thing, I played it quite a bit as soon as it came out, got to level 30something, and then didn't play it for about 4 months. Partly because i had uni finals to work on and partly because I'd lost interest.

Anyway having that far out of the game really made the story seem dull. But it still didn't seem that it was as epic as it could have been.
In all honesty Final Fantasy 12 was pretty decent

I also have not finished it, i havent touched it since Mario Galaxy came out. hehe,
But i am up to the bit where you gotta get the sword of the kings or something. (its been months)

The way i look at it is if SE released this game as a solo game not FF, people wouldnt can it as much.

And personally i like Ashe. ^_^
i two have been a a victom of the hardness of ff12. i have found myself not playing it for at least eight months. it was because it was really hard for me and the knew battle system did not impress me one bit, and addicting as the previous final fantasy's in te past