I wont be getting a PS3 until this game comes out!

its not glitchy

It is concerning old FF PS1 titles.

Yes, there is another reason for PS3 fans to get the console beside this FFXIII title. I'm particularly looking forward to DMC4, Tekken6 in particular.
Eh, i dont think im going to buy a PS3 at all. That game wont change my mind, it costs too much for only one or two games I like, and its doubtful there will be any other games made for it that i'll like for another year and a half. >_<
I wouldn't count on the PS3 dropping in price too much though because of the Blu-ray disk its gonna stay at the same price for at least a year maybe more...
PS3s price will drop it has to drop and in one year it will be a whole lot cheaper
Stupid blu-ray disk...

We didn't need it.
All they had to do was modify the pre-existing one, or have we modified the crap out them old ones so much that we can no longer make them better?

...anyway, i was fine with the graphics the PS2 could produce. Final Fantasy XII proved that the PS2 was capable of all of that.
PS3 is going to be more capable than PS2
PS2 is nothing in graphics compared to the PS3
tbh, im not that interested in a ps3, i dont think the games look that good, the graphics arent that amazing, and i have no interest whatso ever in blue ray, the ONLY reason i will get one is for Final Fantasy XIII, so will definately wait till the price drops
I won't be getting a PS3 until one of three things happens- Final Fantasy XIII comes out, Kingdom Hearts III comes out (yes it's coming it's too popular not to), or Xenosaga IV comes out (I hope they decide to bring it out >_<). It's just not worth spending that much money on a PS3 unless a game I really love comes out on it.
think its gonna be worth buying a ps3 to play this?

i am seriously considering buying a ps3 and this game when the game comes out. but idk cause ps3's are like 600 dollars or something ridiculous like that. im gonna do some research on this game to get some kind of opinion. what do you guys think? is this game gonna be the real deal?
I think it's definately worth getting a PS3 for this. It's mindboggling how amazing these games will be and all on the PS3. FF XIII and Versus XIII are definately worth spending the money for a PS3. It might take you longer to save up, but you'll be happy when you do.
Well honestly there is no way in telling until you take that kind of risk. You could always wait to read reviews and other peoples opinions but it all comes down to you as any of those opinions may not reflect your own. That's what I experienced with Final Fantasy XII but it wasn't that bad considering I already had a PS2.

As for me, I am waiting a bit. Not neceserally waiting for Final Fantasy XIII but till the price gets lowered or a couple of games come out that I want. So far the games that are tempting me to buy a PS3 are:

Final Fantasy XIII
Grand Theft Auto IV
Assassin's Creed
John Woo Presents Stranglehold

2 of those games will be on the 360. It may well depend on FFXIII's
exclusivity although even if it doesn't I may well still go for the PS3 as I hate Xbox 360.
Well, Square have just announced that XIII will no longer be exclusive to PS3 so you may not have to buy a PS3 to play it.
Final Fantasy XIII will remain exclusive to PS3 as I believe but there are plans for more FFXIII titles that will spread to other consoles. I think this could be a bad idea. They should either make them multi-platform or just stick one. I think people would be pissed off already that they have to buy a PS3, DS, PSP and possibly having to buy other consoles just to play your favourite game. I mean, the PSP is getting most of the 20th anniversary stuff. Considering that the 20th anniversary is quite an achievement, I thought they would have wanted to atleast make a game for a console? FF Dissidia would definitely look cool on PS3.
Well im buying a PS3 and this is certainly one of the main reasons alogn with
Devil May Cry IV
Grand Theft Auto IV
Metal Gear Solid IV
Tekken VI
Burnout V
The next Silent Hll game
and im hoping there wll be a few new game series to come out which will be good.