if aeris didnt die...

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Edward Elric

Mar 19, 2007
if aeris didnt die do you think her and cloud would have DEFINITELY fallen in love? i know a lot of poeple say that they had a relationship but its not DEFINITE because she dies before they can truly fall for eachother. dont get me wrong i think they liked eachother, i was convinced after they went on their date at gold saucer. but WHO knows??
I think that Final Fantasy VII would have sucked if she didn't.
I actually think so....
Especially after the events at the temple and the forgotten forest.
It seemed they actually...no, really had a mutual bond together.

And yes, if Aeris didn't die, I definitely think they would've gotten together in the end.
But because she did, I feel Cloud more respects her more than truly loves her.
Aeris was in love with Zack. Cloud thinks he's Zack.
Had Aeris never died & Cloud never got his real memories back, perhaps they would've ended up together.

However, Cloud isn't truly like Zack at all. Because of that, I think the "real" Cloud & Aeris have more of a sibling-like love. They definitely love each other deeply, but I don't think they're in-love with each other.

Tifa is in-love with Cloud; however, by that point Cloud has shut himself off from affection because he feels useless.
No. Aeris would still have her longing feelings for Zack, and Cloud would be there by her side as a friend through thick and thin. Cloud doesn't seem like he wants to "get with" anyone, and Aeris isn't some desperate girl who needs a boyfriend 24/7 in order to make it through life.

She had strong feelings for Zack, and no doubt she's still feeling that no one could replace him just yet; no matter how similar Cloud and Zack are.
Yeah Aeris would have realized she saw Zack in Cloud and that was about it really, actually if she didn´t die then Cloud and the others probably would have given up their struggle to safe the planet and Sephiroth would destroy everything.

But this is all speculation as Aeris is most certainly DEATH!
if aeris didnt die, the planet would have been saved but the planet still would've been hurt from Shinra. I think that it was a good thing that they made Aeris die because it changed EVERY character in the game.
Aeris had to die, if she didnt then the game would have been pointless IMO. The emotion that comes after her death is great. Plus does it matter if they would have been in love or not? She was attracted to Zack cause he reminded her of Zack, but I doubt there would ever be love.
Aeris was in love with Zack. Cloud thinks he's Zack.
Had Aeris never died & Cloud never got his real memories back, perhaps they would've ended up together.

However, Cloud isn't truly like Zack at all. Because of that, I think the "real" Cloud & Aeris have more of a sibling-like love. They definitely love each other deeply, but I don't think they're in-love with each other.

Tifa is in-love with Cloud; however, by that point Cloud has shut himself off from affection because he feels useless.

If anything, the Cloud/Tifa relationship would be a sibling one. They were together since they were small kids, and Cloud was looking out for her, like a brother would.
I think people need to stop making thread like this with the exact same question.

But who knows, maybe he did.

Personally I think he would've ignored both of them
if aeris didnt die do you think her and cloud would have DEFINITELY fallen in love? i know a lot of poeple say that they had a relationship but its not DEFINITE because she dies before they can truly fall for eachother. dont get me wrong i think they liked eachother, i was convinced after they went on their date at gold saucer. but WHO knows??

...You dont neccessarily go on a date with Aeris at the gold saucer, it depends on how yu play the game, yu can get tifa or even Barret on the date...So im not so sure Cloud and Aeris did have anything other than freindship, and im glad because i hated her:) much rather cloud ended up with Tifa
You all have valled points and they are all good one's. But there is one crushale mistake in the idea that it was the simerlareties between Zack and Cloud that brougth Cloud and Areis together. It was the diferanceses between them and Areis her self said that she was not seireus when it came to Zack they where friends noughting more and I think Tifa had a thing for Zack because of Cloud because he was that simerler and there diferences would mack such feelings even more powerful. Id remember what I just said I know things about those charecters that most people wouldn't even imagine and that inclouds the stafe.
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Tifa had a thing for Zack? You mean Aeris. And not to sound harsh, can you watch your spelling please? I had to re-read your post.
If Aeris didn't die then I don't think the story line wouldn't have been as dramatic. It would've sucked without that, like the others said.
yes i do believe that they would've gotten together, Zack was already dead so what was to stop them. It depended on the player to put Cloud with a love interest and i always picked Aeris, plus he was full of guilt in Advent Children about her demise. But Zack got her in the end didn't he.
If anything, the Cloud/Tifa relationship would be a sibling one. They were together since they were small kids, and Cloud was looking out for her, like a brother would.
I view "looking out for her" as simply a male characteristic in general. Of all the characters Tifa & Cloud do have the strongest connection, but Tifa knows Cloud way beter than Cloud knows himself. I think because of that, she resigns herself to what is & what isn't.

plus he was full of guilt in Advent Children about her demise. But Zack got her in the end didn't he.
He felt guilty because he "let her die". That's not necessarily the same as their being in love with each other. (Don't you love how authors leave you hanging?)
We can't make a case for Cloud wanting either Tifa or Aeris...especially since it's obvious he wants Barret. :P

Just kidding folks. In my opinion, Cloud doesn't have romantic feelings for either. He blames himself too much to let people rely on him in a romantic way.
I do believe that they would have definatly gotten together, but that was because Aerith was more up front about her feelings - unlike tifa.

but in the end it's up to each players opinion, and i (obviously) prefer the cloudxAerith pairing ^_^

But Zack got her in the end didn't he.

nope :P Read MoTP - in it Aerith Rejects Zack because "she loves Cloud much more than her first love" (I.E. Zack) ^_^
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