if aeris didnt die...

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aeris gainsborough...what is MoTP? and whre do i find it? i wanna read it and get to the bottom of this for myself
nope :P Read MoTP - in it Aerith Rejects Zack because "she loves Cloud much more than her first love" (I.E. Zack) ^_^

Who appears when she thinks of cloud? Zack! :P

aeris gainsborough...what is MoTP? and whre do i find it? i wanna read it and get to the bottom of this for myself

MoTP is pro cloti( a fact that is missed by most cleirths).

I wont ruin it by telling you why.
I don't think they would have. I believe that Cloud had strong feelings for both Tifa and Aeris; but I do't necessarily think it was love. It just seemed that way to me. Although people keep saying how it was obvious and that you can see he had strong feelings for any of them, I don't think it's true. He sort of acts like there protector, guardian, hero even; but not lover. He cares for them, not loves them. I don't think he'll ever lover someone; and if he ever did a lot of barriers would need to be broken before he could ever love.
Areis and her people

aeris gainsborough...what is MoTP? and whre do i find it? i wanna read it and get to the bottom of this for myself

Look if you want to find out about Areis then you should look at her closly by going to the old church in secter 5 and the hous she was born in and stude her mother and the other Cetra and dont stop at final fantasy 7 check all of them look in every corner under every rock and bilding and look for conections between every charecter and every place and suspect that every purson in the games have same relation to otheve final fantasy charecter even the most unimportant people and alwase suspect there is a secerat behind them because they can be your most trusted friend one second and your very worst enamy the next and they could be a wolf in sheeps cloving and they could have a dager for your back so be carful because I was always watching that Yuffie Kisaragi because I new she was up to something and it would not be easy to spot when she was going to make her move. But I belive that its a good idea to keep your friends close and your enamys even closer because I always kept Yuffie as closs as I could and made shore that she was in the party so she could not pull any tricks. I sugest you use the same coursion if you look into this. So good luke and happy studeing.
Not read many posts in this topic, but you might find this interesting..

Aries was NEVER going to die in FF7. The only reason she did is because one of the creators (i forget his name) mother died, so it was his way of showing his upset/pain for his moms death. All the pain/power/upset came through the game and created probably the most emotional scene in gaming.

The only thing is, if Aries was never going to die, what would she have done later on in the game??

I think it's good Aries died (even though she was a great character), because it added a huge amount of depth into the storyline. I mean, if Aries didn't die, Advent Children probably wouldn't have been made, because it wouldnt' serve a purpose and Crisis Core wouldn't be made , because people think 'Cloud' was the main character, which he was, but Aries had just as much importance in the storyline.:cool:
Clouds a player, he would never settle for one woman. Look at the way he plays games with Tifa.
I don't know.
I walk around telling people that I'm a Clerith half the time but it's merely because the story seems to lead that way. And I can't see Tifa expressing her feelings to Cloud; ever.

Uhhhhh...I have to say that...in due time, I'm sure Cloud and Aerith would have wound up together. I don't see him approaching her, but...I can see her attracting him merely by being in his presence.
She probably would of fallen for him, personally I think she already did and it was blatent cloud had developped feelings for her. Then she went and died. *Tear* LOL
Didn't Aeris need to die in order for her prayer to reach the planet so they could use Holy? 0.o I thought her death was what made the final connection. Anyway, assuming that the planet still existed if Aeris lived, I would guess they would get together. But if I think about it, it seems that Cloud actually discovered his feelings for her when she died. Maybe if that hadn't happened then he wouldn't realize the loss or know that he loved her. It's tough to say, maybe Cloud would just rather be alone, with friends, not having a relationship.
I think they would if she didnt die in the game bout if didnt die in the game it would not be the good:)
I would defentely think that they would be in love :) But Cloud wouldn't be brave enaugh to tell Aerith. And Aerith would help Tifa to take care of Denzel and Marlene
when i first played FFVII i was mad that Aries died but not anymore cause if she didnt the story would......SUCK
Of course. I mean, like, he was still feeling bad about it in Advent Children.

It kinda makes me sad, though.. I mean, Tifa is cool, and no offence, but since Aeris did die I think she deserves Cloud.

Random Game Quotes:

Tifa: "Now that you mention it, why did you want to join SOLDIER in the first place."

Cloud: "......I was devastated. ......I wanted to be noticed. I thought if I got stronger I could get someone to notice........."

Tifa: "Someone has to notice you...? ......who?"

Cloud: "Who.........? ......You know who! ......You, that's who."


Cloud: "I wonder how Aeris is doing."

Aeris: "Cloud, are you there?"

Cloud: "Aeris!? You safe?"

Aeris: "Yeah, I'm all right. (I knew that Cloud would come for me!)"

Cloud: "Hey, I'm your bodyguard right?"

Aeris: "The deal was for one date, right?"
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yeah i agree i completely think that they would have ended up together. if you read MoTP it says that aeris had definitely fallen for cloud and had loved him much more then she had loved zack.
Of course. I mean, like, he was still feeling bad about it in Advent Children.

It kinda makes me sad, though.. I mean, Tifa is cool, and no offence, but since Aeris did die I think she deserves Cloud.

It's not a matter of who 'deserves' Cloud, but of who Cloud prefers.

Random Game Quotes:

Tifa: "Now that you mention it, why did you want to join SOLDIER in the first place."

Cloud: "......I was devastated. ......I wanted to be noticed. I thought if I got stronger I could get someone to notice........."

Tifa: "Someone has to notice you...? ......who?"

Cloud: "Who.........? ......You know who! ......You, that's who."


Cloud: "I wonder how Aeris is doing."

Aeris: "Cloud, are you there?"

Cloud: "Aeris!? You safe?"

Aeris: "Yeah, I'm all right. (I knew that Cloud would come for me!)"

Cloud: "Hey, I'm your bodyguard right?"

Aeris: "The deal was for one date, right?"

I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to contrast with these two quotes, exactly.

yeah i agree i completely think that they would have ended up together. if you read MoTP it says that aeris had definitely fallen for cloud and had loved him much more then she had loved zack.

It also said that the majority of things that made Cloud unique to Aerith were emulated aspects of Zack.
I also don't see how Aerith liking Cloud more automatically equates to them ending up together. If Cloud isn't interested, he simply is not interested.
I think Aeris and Cloud may have ended up together if she stayed alive, but even so I'd still think that he'd belong with Tifa. It doesn't matter if Aeris didn't die in the original draft - in the final game it was absolutely necessary that she be killed, in terms of both story and dramatic tension.
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