If Only...

Aztec Triogal

Feb 8, 2007
Williamsport, PA
I think for every Final Fantasy fan there is at least one game you didn't like. One that you played, had high expectations for, and just completely suffered through the whole thing because it just "wasn't for you". Mine was Final Fantasy VIII.

However, at the end of the day, I think I could like Final Fantasy VIII if some key elements were changed. I mean after all, it is a FF game, so it can't be all bad, right? So if you could change one or two things about your least favorite game what would they be and why would you change those specific things?

For me, I would have restaffed the entire main cast of Final Fantasy VIII. Even Zell and Rinoa, who were the characters I most liked, didn't really do anything for me. Even though I didn't hate them, I just didn't have any connection with them. They were pointless and underdeveloped characters. Rinoa had a lot of potencial as a great character but they kind of fell short on the whole mother love interest and general dad aspect of her character. And when you subtract those factors, her character becomes pretty shallow rather quickly. I would probably replace the whole cast with characters I could more relate to. Honestly, if they gave Squall a personality (not a new one... just one to begin with) and a wardrobe change I think he'd be a fairly likable character. He just needed a spine.

The second major thing I would fix is the whole sorcerous plot. It honestly wasn't horrible... but the main baddie switched waaaay too often and at the end they just kind of threw in Ultimacea. If they could reintegrate the whole Ultimacea aspect into the game it wouldn't have been so bad. If they just killed the whole Adel/Rinoa witch bit... and took that time to develop Edea as a good character and Ultimacea as the real threat, that would have been nice. Instead they tried to change Rinoa's character while throwing in anotehr new character... and completely ignored finishing Edea's new persona or introducing Ultimacea's.
Um. FFXI, how about... Not online? That'd be nice.

But if not, then FFXII. I was hoping for some huge massive game filled with an immense, complicated plot, and Im given a piece of shit on a CD, with no plot twists, or big payoff at the end other then, "Oh great, what a complete waste of 50 hours. Fuck you Square."

Im sorry for the language there, but I really hate that game.
I think for every Final Fantasy fan there is at least one game you didn't like. One that you played, had high expectations for, and just completely suffered through the whole thing because it just "wasn't for you". Mine was Final Fantasy VIII.

However, at the end of the day, I think I could like Final Fantasy VIII if some key elements were changed. I mean after all, it is a FF game, so it can't be all bad, right? So if you could change one or two things about your least favorite game what would they be and why would you change those specific things?

For me, I would have restaffed the entire main cast of Final Fantasy VIII. Even Zell and Rinoa, who were the characters I most liked, didn't really do anything for me. Even though I didn't hate them, I just didn't have any connection with them. They were pointless and underdeveloped characters. Rinoa had a lot of potencial as a great character but they kind of fell short on the whole mother love interest and general dad aspect of her character. And when you subtract those factors, her character becomes pretty shallow rather quickly. I would probably replace the whole cast with characters I could more relate to. Honestly, if they gave Squall a personality (not a new one... just one to begin with) and a wardrobe change I think he'd be a fairly likable character. He just needed a spine.

The second major thing I would fix is the whole sorcerous plot. It honestly wasn't horrible... but the main baddie switched waaaay too often and at the end they just kind of threw in Ultimacea. If they could reintegrate the whole Ultimacea aspect into the game it wouldn't have been so bad. If they just killed the whole Adel/Rinoa witch bit... and took that time to develop Edea as a good character and Ultimacea as the real threat, that would have been nice. Instead they tried to change Rinoa's character while throwing in anotehr new character... and completely ignored finishing Edea's new persona or introducing Ultimacea's.

I'm willing to bet that in one of his emotional bouts, Squall socked an 8 year old and stole his jacket!!!!1

And I agree! They should have mentioned Ultimecia, even if it was just as a dumb prophecy or something!
But if not, then FFXII. I was hoping for some huge massive game filled with an immense, complicated plot, and Im given a piece of shit on a CD, with no plot twists, or big payoff at the end other then, "Oh great, what a complete waste of 50 hours. Fuck you Square."

Since you'll probably end up posting in here again anyhow, I might as well give you a lead-in.... what would you fix if you could have? What particularly about the plot didn't you like? Wasn't an overthrown government and a rebellion working for ya? lol Seriously just expand on your thoughts, please.

EDIT: LMAO!!! Rhea, my roommate wants me to thank you. THat comment made me laugh so hard I woke the poor guy up. LOL! That was really hilarious. Thank you, btw. :D
Alright, I'll expand.

When a new FF came out, I'd always be pumped up for a lot of plot twists that make you go, "Oh shit! Never saw that comming". And I was hoping something would be physically wrong with the main character (who wasn't even worthy of that title), like in FFX, Tidus being a memory, FFVII, Cloud being a project, FFVIII, FFVI Terra being half esper, FFXI, Zidane being a genome.

But no, Vaan was a bitch who would do chores around Rabanastre. I also hated how the world was based on Tactics, I hate that game as well.

Anyway, Vaan had no character development, the plot carried no twists that made my jaw drop except for when the credits rolled and I was like, "The hell? That's it?".

I'd give the plot a twist near the ending, or at least SOME form of character development. God, in one of the begining scenes, Vaans like, "Someday I'll be a skypirate." and thats all that happens. He joins the rebels because his family was killed by the empire. Well, then anyone could've been Vaan, really.

And Vaans voice, ZOMG!!! I hated it. I was tempted to skip the scenes because I hate it so much, but I hoped for a turn in the plot, but no. Nothing.

And the costumes, Jesus. I like having a cool-looking party (FFVII), but no. Vaan pretty much isn't even wearing a shirt. Basch is wearing shorts. Shorts for a warrior? Think again, Square.

Arg, I could go on and on, but I have to clean my room, so, ta-ta! *Runs off*

Edit: Or in SO3, everyone is just a program for peoples' viewing in 4D. Metal Gear Solid with all the plot twists... C'mon, the story of FFXII sucks. Its a bad rip-off of FFII, and I think FFII was better.
Aztec said:

For me, I would have restaffed the entire main cast of Final Fantasy VIII. Even Zell and Rinoa, who were the characters I most liked, didn't really do anything for me. Even though I didn't hate them, I just didn't have any connection with them. They were pointless and underdeveloped characters. Rinoa had a lot of potencial as a great character but they kind of fell short on the whole mother love interest and general dad aspect of her character. And when you subtract those factors, her character becomes pretty shallow rather quickly. I would probably replace the whole cast with characters I could more relate to. Honestly, if they gave Squall a personality (not a new one... just one to begin with) and a wardrobe change I think he'd be a fairly likable character. He just needed a spine.

The second major thing I would fix is the whole sorcerous plot. It honestly wasn't horrible... but the main baddie switched waaaay too often and at the end they just kind of threw in Ultimacea. If they could reintegrate the whole Ultimacea aspect into the game it wouldn't have been so bad. If they just killed the whole Adel/Rinoa witch bit... and took that time to develop Edea as a good character and Ultimacea as the real threat, that would have been nice. Instead they tried to change Rinoa's character while throwing in anotehr new character... and completely ignored finishing Edea's new persona or introducing Ultimacea's.
Honestly, I couldn't really have put it any better myself for VIII, so I just had to quote this xD With the exception of Zell. I liked Zell. Only two people that I would allow to stay in VIII, were Zell and Seifer.

Final Fantasy X.....god I can't stand that game. I figured out not even quite half-way through that he was the dream, simply because the entire game is steeped in 'this looks like a "he's dreaming all of this" plot' but, that's too much of an obvious thing to do, so I jokingly said to my brother "watch, he'll turn out to be the dream, and everything else will be real" then the more I played and thought about it I went, 'you gotta be fucking kidding me, I'm right'.

I'd change the casting somewhat. For the English version, Wakka wouldn't have that god-awful vomit inducing accent, Lulu would have a personality, and Kimahri....Kimahri just wouldn't be there. I never used him, and found him completely useless to the story and as a fighter.

And the 'laughing' scene? It just wouldn't be there. And don't get me started on the complete shit factor that was Yu Yevon.
Final Fantasy X: I never liked the whole hero being some kind of sports superstar and changes into a fighting hero. At the start he can't even hold the bloody weapon but just manages to hold such a big sword with one hand in time for some enemies attacking. As you may see, I mainly not like the main character. Tidus really just irritates me. The story seemed straight forward. Going from temple, after temple, after temple. Things happening on the way there of course but it just seemed pretty straight forward.

Final Fantasy XI: MMORPG! Not that I hate MMORPG's (Well, not my favourite) but to keep it as part of the numbered series was a mistake. It just didn't seem like Final Fantasy at all.

Final Fantasy XII: I've read most reviews on Final Fantasy XII and basically it was all "This game is da best! LOLZ!". It got all sorts of reviews. 5/5, 10/10, 40/40 and some not quite but close to full marks. I think in a couple of reviews I remember reading that this was the best one yet and although people are entitled to their opinions and my opinion my not reflect his, I was still up for the game as I was thinking "Well I can't be bad".

I wish I never got so worked up about this game. I'm not saying that it was bad but compared to all the reviews I thought it was a major let down. My brother, who normally does better than me when it comes to Final Fantasy got bored of it when he was to go to Archades from Mt. Bur-Omisace and hasn't played it since. It was a major let down from the reviews etc. The main character is a bit gay and just takes a back seat. They tried to make him seem important by giving him some extras like making Vaan grab the sword and charge at Vayne. Just to make you realize that Vaan is actually still in your party.

I haven't got time to say what I would change about them as I am leaving soon but I will edit my post whenever.
I honestly haven't found an FF game I have played and completed/semi completed worthy of COMPLETE hatred from me. Many of the games have faults, but, seriously, I am being honest.
Mine is VI. I'm not sure if I really hate that game but it's my least-like FF. The cast is great, the systems are convenient but I just find the plot too short and the ending is so lame to me. The game is like centered with the graphics and animations only. I've been hearing many players praising FF6 and when I played that game in the beginning I thought it's really awesome. I liked the opening where you start as riding magitek armors and I've had high expectations but they failed. If I could change some things, I'd wanna add some more missions and breath-taking scenarios to expand the game time.
Mine is FFIX. It just wasn't as exciting as any of the rest for me. I really didn't like how I was never able to max out my HP and I hated by the last disk how the roots for the tree blocked off some areas and towns so you're not alloud to go there anymore. The thing I hated the most was the plot. I didn't find it all that exciting, it actually seemed a little plain to me, and kinda rushed. Everything seemed to happen too fast.
Keep your temper down sheesh. Many of us manage to post without resorting to foul language. It'll also help if you expand your answer, give reasons?

Truth be told, I could aways mention FFVII. There's a lot of characters in this game that over glorified, it's unbelievable. Materia system was shoddy, I even found Sphere Grid more fun then this. Lack of half decent sidequests was a problem too. The story was fine as it is - we need no sequels or prequels. If the creators had done a better job with this game, we could have just had it on 4 discs, without all the extra crap. Like the Tsviets. We could have just had all the important info, and left it at that.
Final fantasy 8 - The fact that mosters level up with you REALLY annoy me. I didn't like the fact that you had to draw magic although that was no where near as bad as the monsters leveling up with you thing.
Alright, I'll expand.

When a new FF came out, I'd always be pumped up for a lot of plot twists that make you go, "Oh shit! Never saw that comming". And I was hoping something would be physically wrong with the main character (who wasn't even worthy of that title), like in FFX, Tidus being a memory, FFVII, Cloud being a project, FFVIII, FFVI Terra being half esper, FFXI, Zidane being a genome.

But no, Vaan was a bitch who would do chores around Rabanastre. I also hated how the world was based on Tactics, I hate that game as well.

Anyway, Vaan had no character development, the plot carried no twists that made my jaw drop except for when the credits rolled and I was like, "The hell? That's it?".

I'd give the plot a twist near the ending, or at least SOME form of character development. God, in one of the begining scenes, Vaans like, "Someday I'll be a skypirate." and thats all that happens. He joins the rebels because his family was killed by the empire. Well, then anyone could've been Vaan, really.

And Vaans voice, ZOMG!!! I hated it. I was tempted to skip the scenes because I hate it so much, but I hoped for a turn in the plot, but no. Nothing.

And the costumes, Jesus. I like having a cool-looking party (FFVII), but no. Vaan pretty much isn't even wearing a shirt. Basch is wearing shorts. Shorts for a warrior? Think again, Square.

Arg, I could go on and on, but I have to clean my room, so, ta-ta! *Runs off*

Edit: Or in SO3, everyone is just a program for peoples' viewing in 4D. Metal Gear Solid with all the plot twists... C'mon, the story of FFXII sucks. Its a bad rip-off of FFII, and I think FFII was better.

Mine is FFXII and Avin summed up all my thoughts about it. And i Lol'd when you mentioned Basch being a warrior and wearing shorts. I thought that was weird for a warrior too but i didn't say anything.
Mine would have to be X

I honestly thought that the Sphere Grid system was a bit too deviated from the leveling up system that the preceding FF's incorporated. And instead of increasing multiple stats, you were only allowed to increase one per (movement point?) And what happens when you run out of spheres with which to increase with? I remember I wasted about half my day trying to accumulate speed spheres since I had none with me.

But then again, I thought all that questing and blitzball complemented the shortness of the plot. Maybe if they went a little bit more in depth or at least providing a couple more locations to roam around in?:|
Oh god, FFVIII's level up system urked me sooo bad.
You could spend 938490284 hours leveling up and the monsters only get harder.
All you have to do in order to beat the game with no sweat is to not level up at all.

It only takes 1000 exp to level up, no matter WHAT level you're already at.

I'm a big fan of hard game-time work; leveling up, sidequests, the works...

I like spending countless hours leveling up so that I'll be TOP notch.
This game just ruined that aspect.
it doesn't feel like an FF
it's straightforward
the story's a mess
one time you're talking with Ashe, 1 minutes later your at the other side of the world(wtf?)
voice acting was nice because it was mostly in... royal speech, which i like a lot, but the voices were a bit stupid, and way way way too much brittish voice acting, where's the americans?

brittish voice acting does not suite eglish voice acting, 1 or 2 voices, fine, 80% of them, NOT
the licence grid sucked, i could buy an nice piece of armor, but i had to spend 100s of LP to actually wear it, same with weapons, and then the looks of those weapons are far from breathtaking, compare Tidus' longsword with Vaan's, get my point?

shields don't suite FF, it's either busters or 2handers(swords, rods, staves)
maces, sledgehammer, axes... what? since when are the characters of FF barbarians? doesn't suite 'em imo

to me, while all in all, FFXII is pretty fun to play, next to the few references to FF(chocobo's, names, spells etc) or didn't feel like an FF at all

and best off all, i couldn't fucking remove petrify with esuna, and even worse, esuna had its MP cost tripled...
I'd Say XII Also. I don't think it neccesarily lived up to the plot twist in the Ivalice World. I mean Tactics had Ramza turn against his own family and there was conspiracies within the church and thing like that and Tactics Advance it was about a child going against the wishes of his friends trying to teach them that living in an alternate reality to escape your problems isn't the right route.

XII had none of that really. All it had was a War that's it with monster from stones which had no real significance. No Allies turned Enemies. No betrayal non of that. I think XII was just blown out of porportion.

I'm not sayin i neccesarily like the game i'm just saying it could've been better. And it being a Final Fantasy and all might have made to Reviewers give it a littel more credit than it deserved which really let me down in the end.

Cool battle system though like the best thing about the game.
Final Fantasy....X-2.......It's like "The adventures of the three Stupid-Bored-Pinked-Paris Hilton's most dead-encephalography friends acting like a brainless barbies's copy of Charlie's Angels"
This Topic is a very GOOD one. I love and play every Final Fantasy...Except ONE. VII. Fell below the nuts, never found a place in my heart for for it.