If there was another playable character, who would you prefer it to have been?


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Jun 26, 2008
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Anyone got any ideas of what you would have liked as another playable character? Post any character from any game that you think would have been great to have played. Yes I have taken this idea from a similar thread on the FFVI board, sorry!

In FF7...
I would have loved to have seen Bugenhagen as a playable character... I thought / hoped that he'd join your party at the point in the game when he goes with you to the City of the Ancients... It would have been ace if he temporarily joined your party and you could use him... Imagine some realy kool mystical limit breaks and stuff.
in ff7 it wud ave 2 be the whole avalanche group (jessie, biggs, wedge, etc) at the start of the game, and in ff10 O'aka XXIII
In VII, I wish you could've controlled Sephiroth during the Nibelheim flashbacks, however repetitive his attacks were.

In VIII, Seifer and Edea should've been permenant playable characters. For the sake of the plot, they were in and out at the best possible times but, for gameplay, they should've been playable for a longer period of time. If not, then Xu would've been immense with some form of large gun.

For IX, Beatrix should've been permenant, after your first battle with her under your control. Period.

During X, I would've enjoyed playable flashbacks from Braska's pilgrimage, therein making Braska, Jecht and a young Auron all playable. Elma and/or Lucil would've been nice additions, I suppose.

XII would've been immense if you could've properly played as one of the Judges - even without changing the plot. You could've been Drace and have fought Bergan before actually dying. You could've been Gabranth, particularly towards the final battle - an unregistered guest character didn't do him justice.

In the Kingdom Hearts series, you should blatantly be allowed to control any of the characters - particularly, Riku. 10 seconds in the final battle with limited attacks doesn't count.
In FFVIII Edea should have been permanent, however she loses her Sorceress powers, does she not? I guess that explains why she can't join you forever.

In FFIX there is absolutely NO reason why Beatrix can't have been a permanent member of the party, it would have fit in with the storyline, and frankly, it would just be awesome.

In XII, it would have been nice to have Larsa forever, but I think that would have changed the plot too much D=
In FFVIII Edea should have been permanent, however she loses her Sorceress powers, does she not? I guess that explains why she can't join you forever.
She gives them to Rinoa and all that does is make Squall and Rinoa closer. Gameplay-wise, Angel Wing lets you use up your magic without consuming your stock as well as multiplying the normal damage by 5 ... but, let's face it, we could've just made Edea's base-magic stat much higher and let her keep her Sorceress powers.

Ice Strike > Angel Wing. Besides, we could've given Edea more limit breaks - amplified spells, basically.
In VII definately one of the Turks, Reno or Tseng maybe, i wasn't all that fond of Elena so anyone but her really. That would have been pretty nifty

Not sure about VIII there's no one that really stands out that I can think of really, Edea was ok but I wasn't fond of her as a playable character for the short time I had her. I used her all of once just to check her out and have a go of her limit =/ Can't remember much of IX so that's that out of the window

X....like Riku said playing in the flashbacks would have been pretty good, although saying that I wasn't all that keen on the flashbacks in VIII so maybe not....

EDIT* Mark I just noticed that, it scared the shit out of me and I hate you :gasp:
In FF7 Def would have to be Zack, who wouldnt like another clone of Cloud???? That would be awesome, seems to me everyone forgets about Zack. Then again it would of messed the storyline up, because it was Aeris previous boyfriend, but still... That is where Cloud got his sword. Wish he wouldn't of died!
In FF7 Def would have to be Zack, who wouldnt like another clone of Cloud???? That would be awesome, seems to me everyone forgets about Zack. Then again it would of messed the storyline up, because it was Aeris previous boyfriend, but still... That is where Cloud got his sword. Wish he wouldn't of died!

My suggestion to you is get a PSP and play Crisis Core.

Anyways, on my behalf, in FFVII I would have liked to ravage the planet as Ultima Weapon, flying around blasting things and whatnot. Or Meteor. Inch by inch, slowly but slowly, worming my way to the planet until one day.. KABLOOIE. Imagine the gameplay. You just repeated press "X" to float closer to the planet. Priceless.
Well thats kind of boring huh???? Anyway, if you were one of the Weapon's, you would just be killed by the crew!! HAHA, whatever 3 that may be! Did you not forget they DIE, lol!
my personal favorite choice would have been to have Reddas join your party perminantly in XII, also i would have loved to have seen the turks as playable characters During VII, VIII and IX i didnt really enjoyin X i would also have liked to see Braska and co have playable moments and also to have had more time having a playable Seymour Guado and it would also have been nice to spend some time as Cloud in FFVII:CC
In FFX I suppose Cid would have been a cool playable character, In FFVII Bugenhagen would be a sweet character. In XII I sorta thought Vossler was going to become a full time member of the party, which would have been pretty awesome. Shame you have to kill him :P
I would have totally been Reno

Hes just got this awesome vibe about him ya know?

And well of course

Genesis! :D
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I would like to be storm from final fantasy 13 in final fantasy 7.

I think you mean Lightning. And that wouldn't work out :wacky: The rest of us are talking about characters that are already in the games being part of the party, not adding characters from different games into one.

Not to mention, it just wouldn't make sense.
Someone like Lara Croft would have been suitable as one of the three women in X-2... :D

They should have just shoved all of Charlies Angels into that game!

Hmmm... I'd have liked to have played as the Dawn Warriors in FF5 temporarily in a flashback scene of some kind.
Getting a little off topic in your own thread, aren't you? :P

Okay, I know this may be somewhat predictable, even though it would have completely changed the game, it would have been great if Sephiroth was one of the playable characters throughout the game.

Then my party would have always been Cloud, Sephiroth, and Nanaki.
i would love to have taken the role of the turks in FF7 especially Reno and Rude havin them join the party for a bit would have been fun howver i think that it would of been good to have a side quest where you had to do certain things i.e steal items or other things....that would be cool!
As someone else said, Xu would've been fun to play in FFVIII, although she's probably stronger than Quistis so it might've unbalanced the party. I'd gladly replace Selphie.

In X, it would've been interesting to have charge of Seymour for more than one battle. Although his overdrive (yes, I checked it out) was a little less exciting than expected.

I also would've liked to have been able to play the Braska/Jecht/Auron team in the flashbacks.

Elma also appeals to me, but ONLY if they got rid of the ghastly American voice dub and went back to the Japanese seiyu, who rocked. But who wouldn't want to get to play a chocobo knight in combat?
Larsa should have been playable in FFXII. Sure he was a guest once but that wasnt enough! I really loved his charecter, and his voice was so cool;)