If you could Live in....


Jan 16, 2007
MIddle of no where NY
What FF world would you live in?
what would you do there?
and of course would you try to find the main character from the game?

1) Final Fantasy 8 of course
2)be a seed recruit and be kickin ass with gunblades and GF's
3) yea i think i would want to have him train me with the gunblade
Final Fantasy IX
1)I'd live in lindblum
2)Become a dragon knight
3)Just fly 'round gaia in the Invincible
1. FF: Tactics Advanced. The town with the Monster Bank, I forgot the name.
2. I'd want to join a clan and go on missions. Try to help all the people of Ivalice. Also try to raise monsters and get them to help others as well.

~Though being in FFVIII and being a Balamb Garden student wouldn't be so bad. :P
:I would live in the FFIX world. ^_^
:I would be an actress working for Tantalus.
:Of course I would find him! Zidane kicks butt!
-What FF world would you live in? FFVIII
-what would you do there? Train to become a Gunblade specialist and a SeeD
-and of course would you try to find the main character from the game?Yeah why not, as long as we get to fight Ultimecia.

On a second thought...

-What FF world would you live in? FFVII
-What would you do there? I would join the Turks
-And of course, would you try to find the main character from the game?Yeah to face him in battle.
IX and I'd either live in Alexandria and be a Knight of Pluto OR in Lindblum and work on the airship docks for Cid.
Hmm... where would I live?

I would live in VII's world in Wutai because I love that place.
I guess I would work in that bar. Maybe Yuffie would train me to become a Ninja.
I would definently meet Yuffie and then I would beg her to introduce me to the rest of Avalanch

That or I would live in X's world
I would become a summoner and get all the aeon's except the final one. Then I would whore them out and take over various parts of the world with them.
It would probably be inevitable that I would meet the main characters. So I would cleverly use them to defeat Sin forever and then before Yuna sends all the aeons to the far plane I would have her sniped. I would make sure to wait for her to send Auron first though. Then I would take over Spira with all my summons and invent some new wacky religion so everyone would follow me without question.
Which world? FFX
What would you do there? Play Blitzball and "get" with Rikku, of course.
Would you find the main charcater? Hell no. I'd rather hang out with Rikku or that stick-up hair anyday than meet Tidus... Unless he taught me the Jecht Shots.^_^
Ivalice in FF Tactics.I would track down Ramza and tell him to lose the ponytail.And then we'd go Accumulating together and wipe out any foe in our path regardless of level,the head to the shop and drown in some ale,swapping stories,comparing swords and chocobos,then heading to the Ivalice brothel to relieve some anxiety.The next morning we'd try a different class and see how it goes,maybe Calculators?....
I'd live in FFX and travel as a mercenary/guardian, or maybe settle down somewhere like Macalania Forest or Kilika and make music. Oh and tell Tidus that Yuna will die with the Final Summon before the horrible horrible scene in the Al Bhed Home.

Oh, and start a revolution against Yevon.
I thought only Burmecians were Dragon Knights? :\

World? Gaia (FFIX)
Place? Alexandria
I'd be the third General, along with Beatrix and Steiner.
Meet Main Character? Yup. I'd get him to teach me how to use Dyne :D
What FF world would you live in? ffx spira
what would you do there? its pretty!!! i like kilika <3
and of course would you try to find the main character from the game? yea i would coz he is hottt

i like being adventurous, perhaps a sphere hunter or something
perhaps being a summoner, always liked the essence of summoning creatures from an other world or some stuff
and if i have time do some Blitzball too... always liked its style, wish it was playable in the real world

ofc... considering Tidus won't be there, it'll be Yuna i'll be looking for

would live in the Zanarkand Ruins, peace and quiet(don't like FFX-2's Zanarkand tbh)
What FF world would you live in? Final Fantasy IV
what would you do there? Hang out with Edge down in Eblan
and of course would you try to find the main character from the game? Cecil was cool, but I would be more interested in finding Kain.
I would live in FFX's Spira and would be a blitzball player soacking up the sun on Besaid Isle. I wouldn't have to worry about Besaid's bad luck in Blitzball games anymore because we would be the best team around, winning Championship after Championship.

And finally, I would be messing around with Rikku. (I think she's legal age now...)
It's a close close tie between FFIX and FFVII.

Of course, FFVII has the Gold Saucer, but that world is just too gloomy. o_O
FFVII has so many places that I would love to explore. ^_^

FFIX has Alexandria, Burmecia, Treno...all these exciting places! ^_^