If you could pick one FF character..

I know this might sound crazy but I would like to spend the day with Sephiroth. I'd like to see what's it like to be powerful and evil, we'd kick Cloud's butt over and over. But I would be really nice and then try to convert him to good. Then maybe he'd stop killing, if I turned him nice. Because no one is really nice to him but I would. If that doesn't work out then screw him, I'd spend the whole day with Cloud. You know why.
easily cloud because he is obviously the best character lol yellow spiky hair big sword what else do you want we would go snowboard all over the northern crater
I'll spend a day with Rikku because of three reasons

1) It is a lot of fun with her

2) She is cute :rikku:

3) She can teach me how to Mix things. Maybe I'll learn how to make a Nintendo DS Lite from an apple and an orange or something :lew:

Another possible choice is: golden chocobo
I'll travel around the world! :highfive:
I would love to spend a whole day with Cloud and go to Guadosalam or the farplane and just sit and talk to him. He seems like deep down he'd have a lot of knowledge and be incredibly thoughtful. it'd be interesting to hear what he really feels and that kind of thing :-)
I would love to spend the day with Firion and Vincent and go snowboarding near the icicle inn, sit and socialize oustide of Fynn where the wild roses grow, learn how to kick an enemy's butt with Vincent's cerberus gun, have a snowball fight in Salamand, Kick Leblanc's butt in the middle of Midgar with a thundaga grenade, bomb Hojo in Bevelle, and travel around in Cid's airship.

Another option would be: Cloud Strife.
I wonder what it would be like riding around his Fenrir motorcycle and kicking the jenova remnants' arses over and over, even when they cry for their "mommy".
I would spend my day with Quina from IX and just have it cook for me :) Thats what dreams are made of, mah boi!
I'd spend a very kupo day with Montblanc. We could go on a hunt together and pwn some marks using my l33t fighting sk1llz (Even though i have none) and Montblanc's black magic (he's a black mage in FFTA).
I would spend the day with cloud, and listen to his "Nightmares" about sephiroth. Then we would be reminded of zack and visit his grave
I'd spend the day with Quistus at Zanarkand. I'd just talk with her about how insane she was to ever like Squall XD Hell Zell would be better... *writes down ZellXQuistus idea* Hmm...
In all seriousness though I think personality wise Quistus is my best fit. Would be nice to talk to someone half normal as well XD
Tifa (AC Version obv), I mean who wouldn't wanna spend time with those big huge (Censored) I'd take her to Besaid and "play" with her in the sand :P
I would spend the entirety of the day with Locke and we would go stea-I mean "treasure-hunting" in numerous caves and dungeons throughout the series and at the end of the day we would split our enormous profits and I could brag about my experience as being a thief for one day. Heheh, did I say "thief"? I meant treasure-hunter of course ;)
Which FF character would you like to meet for a day and why?

I would like to meet Vivi from FFIX. He seems like he is such a likable character that would be fun to meet, add the fact that he can do magic and that would make for one hack of a day. Imagine seeing his spells for real, Flare would be amazing to see.
I reckon it'd be interesting to meet Zack.

I've grown quite fond of his character of late. I'm rather intrigued by his mature and courageous personality.

He's also really hot and I really want to touch his arms. <_< They are so manly. XD

No really. I'd like to talk to him about Aerith and his feelings towards her and such. What he would do if he had more time etc.

It'd be an interesting chat in my opinion.
Spend the day with Tidus (FFX) at Zanarkand Ruins/Spira (FFX/X-2) because "it's a interesting place". We would talk about "what was in zanarkand earlier and other stuff like this xd And maybe we would play some blitzball and fight monsters xd"
I would like to meet Zidane over any other that I can think of at the moment. He seems like he'd be the single most interesting person to interact, even over characters I like better than him. You would not get bored with Zidane, regardless.
Just for a day?

Zack or Tidus, especially if I could talk to either one after the end of their respective games and discuss their motives and feelings on what happened.

Now, if I could meet them for "one day" and then... :drag: ...

Hmm. I'd have to go for Reno. He's such a fun guy, I'm sure it'd be a very amusing day!
The fact that he's good looking doesn't hurt, either.
if i could meet and be with one characters i would choose vincent because he is awsome and i would like to shot his awsome gun.
Maybe Squall to tell him to man up and stop saying "...."

Wakka would be fun I guess, you could make him do an impression of Bender from Futurama
I would meet Tifa and I would go to a restaurant with her and such. It would be fun but bedtime will be the best xDDDDDD well maybe it will. But just one day I would judt get to know her xD