If you could pick one FF character..

I would meet Tifa and I would go to a restaurant with her and such. It would be fun but bedtime will be the best xDDDDDD well maybe it will. But just one day I would judt get to know her xD

Tut tut tut. :gasp:

But yeah, I'm the same.

For other reasons though (TOTALLY different reasons) I'd like to spend a day with Red XIII as I believe that it would be a fun day. He'd be pretty interesting to talk to I reckon.. I mean people are interesting in their differences in the different parts of the world they are brought up in, but a lion-wolf creature would be a heck of a lot more interesting and must have different perspectives on life and different mannerisms.

I just imagine him sat in my living room on the floor watching TV and then scratching his head with his hind leg at the same time as saying something intelligent about who he thinks "done it" on the murder mystery on TV at the time, etc.

Would be epic.
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kefka so he could tell me everything evil hes done in his life and listen to some jokes
If I could meet anyone from FF it would probably have to be Zack Fair so he could tell me about his life etc. etc. yadda yadda yadda and also teach me some cool tricks with a weapon etc.


It would have to be Auron for the fact he was dead all along and what possessed him not to tell anyone all that time until near the end of FFX....
I think I would like to spend a day with Snow. I think he is awesome and silly a sweet and good looking guy.
I just wanna talk (as long as he doesn't mention Serah and being a hero too much :P) maybe he can teach me how to kick someones ass and I definetely want to hug him once XD Dunno a location, doesn't really matter, as long as it isn't too crowded.
I would definitely have a tough choice to make here:

1. Edge - Other than hanging out with him doing ninja things, maybe I could actually get him and Rydia together. That, and since that cast seems to be pretty tight, I'd have a pretty good chance of meeting everyone else as well.

2. Shadow - He'd be cool to hang out with...cept I'd always have to keep my eye on him in case he tries to make a run for it (always leaving me at the most inopportune times in the game :gasp:)

3. Lightning/Fang/Vanille - Ok, I know I listed three, but I'm really not sure which I would pick. Lightning would be interesting to spend a day talking too. I'd love to see her gunblade as well. Fang and Vanille would both have a ton of stories that they could tell me, based upon where they are from.
Hmm, this is an extremely tough one, but I think I'd have to say...
I'd spend the day with either Setzer, Cid Highwind, or Balthier, on their respective airships (the Blackjack in Setzer's case, since he has more than one), and hang out with them and fly over as much of the world as we possibly could :x3: And with Setzer I'd have to talk about airship specs and play a bunch of card games; with Cid we'd probably kick back and have a beer or something and exchange funny stories; and with Balthier we'd probably eat some sort of sophisticated meal and end up talking about the known history of Ivalice, since it's a really fascinating world to me and yet I still don't understand everything about the different kingdoms. (And, for any of the three cases, whatever else happens on the airship, stays on the airship :kinky:)

...Dammit, now I wish this stuff could really happen, it'd be fun :sad3: Oh well.
oh god a few i wanna meet

vincent cuz a) hes sexy b) i wanna fuk him c) no other words to describe how sexy he is

Aerith, because I'd love to learn how she does her hair like that, and whether or not she can change her clothes in the Lifestream (worst nightmare; never being able to change clothes). And whether or not she loves a certain someone :gasp: We'd obviously spend it in the Lifestream, and we'd talk about Cloud for sure :sup:
I'd like to spend the day with Cloud so he can finally teach me how to get my hair to look like that. I've made a few attempts and none of them have worked. And then I'd go grab my buster sword and we'd kick some ass!
-Bretboy129 ~ Bret Hudson
My all-time fav game is FFVII.

I would love to met tifa. A nice person that will go the extra mile to do the right thing. Plus come on I am a guy and tifa AC verison is epecially cute.

Cloud.Just to have a chat over the beer. I think if he isnt in one of those left me alone moods he would have a great knowledge to share.

Red VIII/Nanaki - I think he would have great knowledge and lots to talk about.Cosmo Canyon, his dad and they the story for 200 years after final fantasy vii to tell.
hmm, either cloud or squall..their both awesome and cool FF character...so hard to decide
Wow, not so sure. I guess either Zell or Selphie. It would be a good fun day and Im sure Id be tired by the end of it as those 2 are so full of energy lol XD I would have chosen Squall, but if he was moody all day I would end up slapping him!
I think if I could hang out with any of the characters it would be Noctis. Though the game isn't out yet and we don't know loads about him as a character, I like what I've heard about him and I think we share similar qualiities...I'm not the biggest talker and I'm pretty shy, but I do have a sense of humor and etc...

As far as what we'd do...I'd probably have him teach me some of his awesome battle skills and we'd have a battle of our own and later spend an entire night just talking about whatever. I'd love to know what kind of person is inside his tough and what can be seen as cold exterior...and to see him smile <3
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While Lightning is my all-time fav character, Rinoa is a close second and would be much more fun to hang out with. Where Lightning is more quiet and submissive like myself, Rinoa is fun, bubbly and all over quite adorable. I think we would bond well. So yes, definitely Rinoa.
Hmm, ima have'ta say Zell.

I dunno, even though he's a hothead, he still amuses me and I think it would be fun to hang with him xD he's a goofball, and I think it'd be very easy to talk to him =)

I think it would be in the cafeteria of Balamb Garden, and we'd have a hot dog eating contest LOL xD.

i'd soo lose haha.
I'd spend the day with Cloud from FFVIII because he like my girlfriend.
We would play at Goldsaucer the whole day, then we would went to the motel!!!
I think Zidane would be the best choice for me. I could honestly see myself talking to that lad for hours on end. Wisdom beyond his years and definately the only main character with any real depth. Definately my favourite character out of any Final Fantasy.
I would love to meet Vanille or Rikku for a day.
Those two are very bubbly and outgoing and I love to have bubbly and outgoing people as friends, even though i'm a bit shy myself. I can totally imagine us chatting it up about random things, doing girly things. It would be an awesome day. X3
I would meet Sephiroth. I would follow him everywhere and see what he does in his personal life. I would get him to train me to wield the Masamune. He would teach me how to look as sexy as he does and get my hair like his.
I would try to cure him of his Jenova disease so he doesn't turn evil. Maybe his hair would turn black or brown if he was rid of all the jenova cells in his body.

I would also get him to hook up with Aeris. Aeris and Sephiroth were originally supposed to be lovers but that idea was scrapped in the development of the game. Here is an original art work by Yoshitaka Amano depicting Aeris and Sephiroth as lovers http://www.rpgamer.com/games/ff/ff7/graphics/people/art225.jpg
Sephiroth and Aeris would have made the best couple. They even have similar hair styles (i.e. bangs). It would have added more depth to FF7 if they were lovers, a corrupted man willingly kills his beloved with no emotion as he now sees's her and all life as mere energy sources to go back to the planet so he can absorb them. now that's what I call a good plot!