Is anyone happy about the turn-based system being replaced?

I think the new battle system works ok, but I prefer the turn-based systems.

Altough the integration between exploration and battles is seamless and fluid, I think the turn-based systems have a little more elegance to them. I often find myself feeling like a spectator in FFXII battles.
I think it would be better to combine both systems in the game, leaving the option to choose either one... i prefer the new system to grind, but for boss battles, its definitely better with the old one.
I haven't played XII yet as i i'm australia and it hasn't been released yet. I'm sad to hear they've changed the battle system from X. X has to be the best game i have ever played, I lost months, years of my life playing that game. I'm still looking forward to playing XII, though i aggree with hydracula with giving you the option which system to use. Just a question to anyone is XII on a 4.7gb or a dual layer DVD? Lose the Enix and get back the Soft. lol
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I've heard the License board is similar to the Sphere Grid..?
I really love it.
Just think about it: all the *FSHHHHHHHHHHHHwaintinglikeanhourorsomething* then you kill just 1 fiend, then *musicwiththeitemsandexpyougainlikeforanotherhourorsomething* , just to gain 5 exp points '-' , or just to escape if you dun like to waste time to kill that crap.

Do you like that? xD
I feel the same. . .it kind of ruined the series.

and gambits just make me feel lazy. literally all i have to do to fight is walk into a monster. that's all!
I prefer the old 1..coz we loved FF coz it was wesome with the old system...
The new 1..I dunno
What's more realistic - a monster appearing out of nowhere, or, monsters walking around that are not hiding in thin air? This is still a good FF battle system. Do you really think we would have had random battles forever?

Don't just use gambits - put some effort into fighting, and not use them.
I think it would be better to combine both systems in the game, leaving the option to choose either one... i prefer the new system to grind, but for boss battles, its definitely better with the old one.

they did. you can have the gambits turned on, or you can turn them off and manually select your commands. the action bar still has to fill up, which makes it quite similar to the turn based style.

I've heard the License board is similar to the Sphere Grid..?

eh, sort of but not really. easier to understand once you see it. but i will say that i thought the license board was WAY cooler than the stupid sphere grid.

I feel the same. . .it kind of ruined the series.

and gambits just make me feel lazy. literally all i have to do to fight is walk into a monster. that's all!

turn the gambits off, then play. i don't think you'll be lazy then.

I prefer the old 1..coz we loved FF coz it was wesome with the old system...
The new 1..I dunno

so they change the battle system and final fantasy isn't awesome anymore?

i welcome the change. finally, turn based random battles ended. thank you so much, square enix! and let's talk about random battles, shall we? very annoying. screen does this morphing action, little introduction to the enemies, same ol' battle music, then you kill him with one hit. then there's the same ol' victory music, followed by the victory dance, then the screen that shows you what you got, THEN you can continue on your quest.

rather have that, or when you see a wolf, you whack him, then continue?

confining square to the same old stuff for every final fantasy game is uncalled for. let them be creative and do things differently. if you want turn based combats, then go play another FF. there's 10 of them, for crying out loud. can't they make ONE that's different?
It's not that i dont like the turned based battle system, its just not final fantasy anymore and its kinda disapointing because i really enjoyed the turn based system
I love it. I think its the best thing to happen to the series. I remember playing eight for the first time, it was the first game i played in the series..and i fell in love with it. But when your trying to get something done, and you keep having to wait to engage in battle, and then wait for it to go back to you being able to run around...takes up a lot of time and can be really annoying. I got a glimpse of 13 for the ps3, are they not doing the same battle system as 12?
I loved the switch to the Gambit system, and I hope it stays around for a bit. All it did was "automate" the easy battles anyway. During bosses you still had to pause with the X and make different decisions on the fly. It saved your "X" button is all. Plus, if you really wanted the turn based system, you could still have that by playing around in the options with Gambits turned off.

To me, it still felt like Final Fantasy. I do hope they get rid of the lisense board, or refine it to be better than it is for future games. I would like something a little more "limiting" in a way, where your choices actually matter and turn your characters into something unique (sort of a Diablo cross where you have limited amounts of points to spend so you want to make sure you follow a certain path to the end once started).
I love both. As someone said, it's great for traveling, cause the random battles dont appear every 2 steps. It feels much more real.

But honestly, I preferred turn based battles with bosses. It seemed much more strategy linked. Less in FFXII. It's more linked on fast choices, something I expect to get from Kingdom Hearts, not Final Fantasy.

But I still like it. although the bosses are a pain...I don't like the way I battle them.
I like the change its better than before and it makes the game feel better as well
(like XII's could have been implemented in 10. New system, new start?)

Dear god, if they did that.... <:O Then I would bow down and worship them and be their servant for one whole week. I liked the new battle system, it was a much-needed change. I also love that they added oil, sap, and many other status ailments from previous games to make it a masterpiece. But My love for FFT will always remain, that was the best. ever.
I like the new system because I can plot the destruction of my enemies beforehand...I get all jazzed up for that little red dot on the map in the corner of the screen...I know when I need to heal. I know where to go when I run. I can see little backfighting b*tches before they get to me and put the whoopin' on em...'cept for them toads in the rains that jump out of nowhere and those snakes on the ozmone....I call shenanigans on those bigass monsters gettin' the drop on six people...
everbody should like system it has improved the game and is a million times better than the old system

bow down before the best
so they change the battle system and final fantasy isn't awesome anymore?

i welcome the change. finally, turn based random battles ended. thank you so much, square enix! and let's talk about random battles, shall we? very annoying. screen does this morphing action, little introduction to the enemies, same ol' battle music, then you kill him with one hit. then there's the same ol' victory music, followed by the victory dance, then the screen that shows you what you got, THEN you can continue on your quest.
Damn u r right!!
I mean..Damn this dude is cool!