Is anyone happy about the turn-based system being replaced?

From what I heard FFXIII will be having KH type of gameplay. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? Let's wait for more detail.
From what I heard FFXIII will be having KH type of gameplay. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? Let's wait for more detail.

nah. while i played KH a really long time ago, i didn't make any connection at all.

just wait until you get 12. it will consume you. :)
nah. while i played KH a really long time ago, i didn't make any connection at all.

just wait until you get 12. it will consume you. :)

Oh boy and I am ready and waiting to be consumed by it :cool:

And Omega... <33333333333333
FF13 i don't think will have the Kh type gameplay. I was hearing that about FFversus13. The KH team is suppose to be working on it to make the battle look more like they did in advent children.
I thouroughly enjoyed the turn based battle system, however, I think it doesn't belong in an FF game.
Being able to remove the main character and whatnot was nice as well, but's straying from the normal cliche that everyone loves.
I thouroughly enjoyed the turn based battle system, however, I think it doesn't belong in an FF game.
Being able to remove the main character and whatnot was nice as well, but's straying from the normal cliche that everyone loves.

You say it's straying from the normal cliche? It's still turn based, like the rest of them, the only major difference with this game is that random battles are no more. Monsters set traps, you can even see them attacking each other.

SE can't stick with same old thing all the time..I just hope they do something similar with FFXIII, where you don't have random battles :cool:
FFXII battle system was engenious. It felt more natural and whatnot. I don't see why everyone thinks the change is so bad. I hated random battles. Very Annoying Very Quick.
FF13 i don't think will have the Kh type gameplay. I was hearing that about FFversus13. The KH team is suppose to be working on it to make the battle look more like they did in advent children.

really? do u think itll be worth buying just to check it out. i just think PS3's are a waste of money.
yea PS3 suck really. Only reason why i'd buy one is for Silent Hill 5, MGS4: guns of the patriots, FFXIII, and Sonic....which sucks anyway
i like new things different things and so i like the change

yea PS3 suck really. Only reason why i'd buy one is for Silent Hill 5, MGS4: guns of the patriots, FFXIII, and Sonic....which sucks anyway

i agree with you but it only has a few problems
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did you see it when it launched. They were saying that it would be able to find cures for diseases and crap. Since when do i want to find a cure for AIDS with my gaming system. A gaming system is for entertainment...not finding solutions to world hunger.
Haha well I do agree that the idea of having no random battles is nice. As opposed to running through a field and every five seconds..."PShhhhHHHhh. Dun dun dun dun dunndddundudn."
Oh man, that was annoying. But there was something about this battle system that was unnoriginal. I didn't like being able to control the espers on the battlefield either. =\
I didn't like the espers period. They were just pointless. But this system sorta reminded me of how an Online ATB game would be.
I think that FFX had the best Battle System, letting you take a step back and think about your next move strategically making a win much more rewarding, I am a big fan of the Turn Based Battle System and I think that it should stay, it will be a shame to see it just won't feel like a FF game!
I'd rather think on my feet rather then "Oh, we can wait and plan our moves. The monsters won't attack until we are good and ready."
I agree...the battle system was nice, but this isn't an online game. >_<
i prefer it since it dosnt get as annoying like random battles did