Crisis Core Is Crisis Core worth getting?

I've wanted a PSP for ages, but I never bought it because of lack of money and the fact that there weren't that many games on it that I liked.
But ever since Crisis Core came out, I wished I had a PSP.
And now that I finally finished FFVII (yes I know shame on me) I can't wait to actually own a PSP.
However, the first problem is still here. I don't have any money!
But I think the game is really worth it, so when I finally finish paying for my study in Japan, I'll buy one. Probably a Japanese one because I won't come back to my own country till august. (with a Japanese version of CC)

Lucky for me, my sister has a PSP WITH Crisis Core, so I could get a little taste of it.
Unfortunately my sister does not live in the same house, so I can't use hers all the time. It did however convince me I have to have this game. Until then, I'll just play FFVII again.. and again.. Only 5 more months to go..
Yeah Crisis Core is worth getting. I found it painfully addictive and incredibly fun. The story wasn't too crash hot but it was easily the best out of all the FFVII spin offs. I would recommend that people give it a shot.
It's the only reason I finally bought a PSP actually. IMO, it's worth getting a PSP for, but that's because I'm a FF fan to the fullest. I haven't bothered buying a PS3 yet because FFXIII and FFVXIII isn't out yet, and it's the only reason I'm buying one. Though, I'll admit, Blu-ray support is a massive bonus. Not to mention some of the exclusive games such as MGS4.

I would recommend buying a PSP and FFVII: CC, without hesitation. But, on the other hand, I make enough money where I can afford to spend the x amount of money for the PSP without it really putting me back. There are too many things to consider in someone's life, such as income, expenses, and how much of a gamer said person is... really, it's tough to give one person advice considering it's a decent chunk of money.
It's very worth getting. I never regret buying it. The storyline, character making, CG, new battlestyle...and etc. I would really say that it's the best release of PSP games for now..
I think Crisis Core is worth getting. The story is great,the characters,the items. This game is a very good experience.
welll.... i think it sucked (srry for the lang.) sure the graphics was good but i beat it in 2 days! the story is short, the dubbing in english is horrible, and i think it's a sad excuse to be called ff7 i mean when did it turn in to like kh? but i'd still get it just to collect it, but i'd get it in japanese the voice is soo much better in japanese! But i'd have to say it does have good graphics for the psp!
for me i really loved the game
everything just sat right with me
-the story line
- the voice acting
- how it fit so well with ff7
- game play

i think if your a fan of ff7 you should really look into this
Crisis Core is an amazing game but it has a very sad ending. Crisis Core made me sorta cry.
Well, story wise... definitely worth getting on how it filled in the blanks. Even though I knew the ending before hand through hidden content in the original game, I wanted to know the journey that led to the hope that Cloud inherited from Zack.

But, game play-wise it had its flaws. Extremely linear, only a few side quests and the bulk of it is in the missions. Which in that case, was like a 'copy and paste' scenario... same maps and they just changed the route, treasure chests, bestiaries, final boss that is required to finish the mission and a final prize upon completion.

So it made me think that this was actually a low-budget game since they reused many maps.

But I still love the game for the simple fact that it was for fan service and it that was what I wanted. Unfortunately not many game reviewers didn't think that way.
One of the main reasons I ended up in possession of a psp was because I wanted to play Crisis Core. The game is pretty good, the battles can be avoided on the majority if you can't be bothered with them as they are not random and the ending is fantasticly amazing :sad2::whistle:
That I agree on. I showed a friend who loathed FF7 and had to admit that even though he doesn't like it and is miffed on how Squeenix is milking it for all it's worth, he truly enjoyed the whole 'Final Stand' for Zack. It was hopeless but he still fought until the very end.
I sa heck yes becuase it is so important to the FF series

Mod Edit

Put more effort in your post please, say why you think it is so important to the FF series. Thankyou
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I would say a definate yes. The story is good, but its worth getting on a purley aesthetic level. The art work is amazing! the best argument for buying a psp
Crisis Core is definately worth getting!
this game is so fun!
its an action RPG, that has a solid story and interesting characters!
This game is so worth getting, the storyline is good and touching, lovable characters, Zack Fair is very respectable and he is quite hero.
Definitley, CC pushes the PSP's graphics to the limit. Especially the cutscenes. Gameplay is smooth, and the battles against bosses are tough and give you that "on your toes feeling" where if you go just a little easy and try to relax, you'll just get hit hard.

In my opinion it's a great RPG that answers some questions left behind from FFVII.
Of course Crisis Core is worth getting the gameplay is amazing and so are the cut scenes. It is really fun but the missions um are fun but get harder and trust me you do not want to fight Minerva like I did. Minerva equals 10 million hp!!!

THE BEST GAME. FILLED WOTH ACTION,SORROW,AND (in my opinion) the best battle system of a final fantasy game (compared to 11, and 12 - i didnt really like the system)
I finally bought a used version of the game yesterday and am starting it today. I have tuned out most everything everyone is saying, but thanks to people not using spoiler tags I already know what happens to Zack (although I remember something vaguely happened to him when Cloud finds his pictures in the library in that one house). I am so new to this game, but already love it.. but hopefully it's not this easy all the way through (I just finished my 1st pre-mission [kill the 8 wutai soldiers and received an elixir]). I already know about Genesis thanks to all the fan boys and fan girls falling head over heels for him...

So hopefully I still have something to look forward to as far as the story line goes.