Dirge of Cerberus Is DoC Worth playing?

Final Bullet

Favorite esper = famfrit
May 4, 2008
So I have had DoC for quite some time now and I haven't been on it yet, Because my brother was always on it, now I have the chance to play through it, is it worth playing on?
Eh, it depends. If you're madly in love with Vincent Valentine, you'll probably enjoy it. There's an awful lot flaws in the game though.
What Lisa said really

I wanted it because I really like FPS but it wasn't really up to scratch, it was abit fidly the story isn't all that great either.

If you have it though you might aswel play it, it's not a very long game and despite it's shittiness it is actually quite enjoyable. I'm pretty sure I just contradicted myself there xD
I had the oportunity to get it at a rather cheap price and grabbed it. I went into it with very low expectations after having heard so many bad things about it. I had fun with it and liked the characters and the story. It is a fun game to blast through over the weekend.
Is it soley based on Vincent, or does it offer some new information on the other FFVII cast?
Since I can't be bothered to type out a paragraph, here's why Dirge of Cerberus is worth purchasing in point form:

- Amazing graphics (the cutscenes look like Advent Children :P )

- It's in REAL-TIME. None of that ATB.

- You find out more about Vincent's past, which many people wanted to know about (unless you couldn't figure out the ShinRa Mansion sub quest :wacky: Then you were left weondering, when DoC came out, who the **** is this nancy boy?)

- It's a SHOOTER! And that a pleasant change from the usual FF rpg :P

Need I go on... ?
i baugh the game yesturday, tryed it for few mins and i think i gone play it when i got nothing to do, dont like the AIMing so much in this game
I had the game over a year ago because i thought you'd be able to use Cloud because it said FF7... I should've payed more attention to the box art, but anyways, I started it out and didn't really like it because I couldn't aim the gun =(
But like 3 week-ishs ago, I got hooked to FF7, played it out, and it was great~! The physical attacking becomes not-so-great 'cause you can't customize it like your gun, so it gets weaker as the game goes on, too... And you'll get the hang of aiming after like the second chapter. Anywho, gameplay and areas were really fun and different from the other FFs(I think), but the story and cutscenes didn't really sink in... Like, it doesn't really have that many emotional scenes that hits you like Crisis Core and Aerith and FFX, with the exception of Shelke. Ugh, so yeahh, I think it's definitely worth getting if you like RPGing but with good reflexes during fighting(I guess like KH?) =)
I have a preference towards playing RPGs, but I did enjoy playing DoC.

Like mentioned, the main reason why I liked it was the story info given on Vincent; who was originally an OPTIONAL character that ended up being incredibly popular.

I know some people whine about how the game style isn't true to FF franchise, but I think that it's not a good enough reason to pass up playing this game if you're into the FFVII story and want to understand all the points that Square has added on to it for it's own profit.

At first I wasn't sure if I was gonna like a game with the focus on Vincent, but then I remembered he's friggin' hot in high-res and I wanted to know more about his background and story. And also, the couple of other FFVII cameos make up for it I think.

I will admit that the main game playthrough isn't very long; my first playthrough took me about 3 days, and only 'cause I got stuck at a few points, but generally I breezed through the game.

And I know some people didn't like spending 50+ dollars on the game, and I'm inclined to agree with that; it's a good game to play, but the length isn't worth the original game price.

Over-all, DoC is a good game on it's own. It's fun to play (and there is some small part of me that enjoyed shooting enemies with Cerberus :wacky: ), the graphics were pretty good, and the voice actors were better than I thought they would be.

And really, it's worth playing at least once if only to understand more of the FFVII story -_-

So you don't even need to BUY the game, just rent or borrow it to play it just once, 'cause you'll enjoy playing it even if it's not like the other FF games, and the story will make you go "whaaaa" quite a few times xD

So basically, yes, DoC is worth playing :monster:
The only reason I really wanted to play DoC was to get more of the back-story for Lucrecia, Vincent, and Hojo. I wasn't too into the gameplay and such, but the plot and how many references went back to FFVII made it very worth playing.
i think it was worth playing, even though many people said it wasnt great, it was still an amazing game
It really depends, if you're in love with Vinny then you'll love this game but it has quite a lot of flaws. I'd only recommend it if you're in love with Vincent or want to discover a lot more about his past
I'm not in love with Vincent, but I did find this game entertaining. It did tend to get a little repetitive at certain times, but it was cool. The CG graphics were gold, and the story was interesting.........except when it came to the Tsviets, turns out, they too have an interesting story, but unfortunately if you did not have the Japanese version you missed out on that. And that annoyed me because I was thinking who the h#ll are these Deepground soldiers??? Where??? When??? How!??? Then I saw Online Dirge of Cerberus and that filled in the gap.

I would give it a 7/10......it was fun. People were just wierd that it was a shooter, and that it was another milking of money from the FFVII fans (which it was, FANSERVICE)
Yes, it is. The story is pretty decent, nice to see more of Vincent as an individual aswell.

The targetting system seems to be not well liked for alot of people, but for me personally, I was able to just pick it up and play it without any problems, probably because the movement in terms of aiming is like FPS games like Timesplitters, which I used to play alot. It's effectively and first person shooter played in the 3rd person view.

In terms of a Final Fantasy game, don't try and treat it as one, it's a spin off game, so think of it as a spin off.
I'd say yes it is worth playing, it's story isn't the best as far as FF stories go, but it is manageable. It isn't the best third person shooter around but the game play is still kinda fun. Plus it won't take up too much of your time as it is pretty easy to finish and is a relatively short game.
You don't need to be good at shooting games to play this, and seeing as this was probably one of the first I've ever really played in this category, just shows you simple gameplay was. No challenge, easy to pick up from the start...