Is it any good?

One of these days, I'm going to play all the games in order. It'll be interesting to see how the FF series evolved over the years
I think it's definitely worth a playthough. The plot isn't great but the game actually is fairly well constructed. There is a point in the game where you can't proceed through a dungeon without a certain artifact. However, that artifact cannot be retrieved until that dungeon is at least partially traveled. It adds depth to a game that lacks it. I'd definitely play it once.
Tacticalshadow0, graphics do not make a good game at all. They could've made FFVIII with FFI graphics, and it would still be my favourite game.
One of these days, I'm going to play all the games in order. It'll be interesting to see how the FF series evolved over the years

I bet it'd take about a year to do, maybe longer ^_^

I agree with almost everyone else, the graphics are simple but that's what makes it so good, the story isn't complicated either which is also good but makes replay value is next to nothing unless you go like a year without playing it :P most deffinately worth a play-through though
I just started playing the game yesterday and i don't think it is too bad. Sure the graphics are bad but that is understandable. I just think it's cool to see how the first FF was and all the magic and how the music after you win a battle hasn't changed after all these years.
Tacticalshadow0, graphics do not make a good game at all. They could've made FFVIII with FFI graphics, and it would still be my favourite game.

Having said that, given a choice between FFVIII with 8 bit graphics and FFVIII as it actually is, if they both already existed and money were no issue, you would choose the latter.
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It was great for its time. The graphics weren't great, but compared to Dragon Warrior, they were like the Mona Lisa. Also, unlike Dragon Warrior, and most 8 bit RPGs, FF had a storyline. Not a great one, or a complex one, but it still had one. The worst part is the fact that it takes forever to get enough money to get one crummy sword.

But hey, at least you get an airship.
One of these days, I'm going to play all the games in order. It'll be interesting to see how the FF series evolved over the years

That is what I'm doing right now. I'm only on one but i think it would be really cool to go through all of the games in order and see how they got better as the years go by.
You people have far too much time on your hands ^_^ that would take aaagggeeesss, anyway...yes this games is worth it, if you're planning on buying it for GBA or whatever then do so A.S.A.P :P
this is the best game that square enix was able toi put out to start the series it is a lot better than the ffii but that isnt saying much
No, FF I is NOT better than FF II, in fact, it's not even close, but it also offers a neat look into the basic fundamentals of the series that has helped it remain popular for so long. Buy Dawn of Souls if you can, it's an excellent combo.

Honestly any final fantasy fan needs to play the game that started it all... to not play it is like a star trek fan who has never seen the original series with Kirk and the gang... >.>

Erm, that's debatable... The Next Generation is a perfectly fine starting point in my opinion. :P
thing only bad thing about this game is that the only half challenging enemy in it is the final boss, Chaos and he was easy. I think II is better just because it has a good story line. The non-leveling thing in II sucks though.
Well yeah its going to be bad compared to those games because it was made like 15 years before that. I still think it was a good game because thwy had nothing to work off of. The magic looks decent and the characters aren't bad. Its a decent game and a great game for its time.
Is it any good? IS IT ANY GOOD?!?!?!?!?

Is sugar sweet?
Are boobs fun to squeese?
Do bombs explode?

the answer to ALL of these questions is most definitelly YES!!!