Is it any good?


Jan 30, 2007
hey ive never seen ff1 is it actually any good ive never actually seen it anywhere to buy would it be worth playin lined up next to the more recent ff titles
lined up to the more recent ones? probably not.

but it is a classic that needs to be played. grab it if you can find it. it's a very fun game.
Honestly any final fantasy fan needs to play the game that started it all... to not play it is like a star trek fan who has never seen the original series with Kirk and the gang... >.>
FF1 is the classic, and sure, it's not a platinium hit, but it is worth playing. You can probably find it at one of the following sites - I know for a fact they have it - I bought mine there, but I'm state side of the atlantic, so if you're in europe it might not be there.
..It's hard. You will seriously need to level up at the beginning, well, when you get to Elfheim anyway. Also for money, things are very expensive.
You should definitely play it. It's one of the great RPGs for NES. Granted, it's not going to have an involved storyline or anything, but it's got good gameplay. You should look at getting the GBA copy, it's overall a much smoother game.
If you looking for a game with exceptional character development, flashy graphics, and a very involved storyline, then this game is not for you. But if you interested in an old fashioned challenging RPG and want to see where the Final Fantasy games started, then try it out.

For it's time, I was an awesome game. It wasn't a typical game like others in its day where it was "save the princess". Well, you do do that but there is more to the game than that.

Make sure you buy weapons right away and level up. Some of the bosses are difficult especially the last one.
It's painful... but worth playing. I can't say I'm a fan of it but I am going to pick it up just to say I played it. I got about halfway through before I got so bored my eyeballs fell out.
The original NES version....sucked. PS version is much much better becuase its been remade but the best one has to be the GBA version. Similar to the PS version but more up to date with the rest of the seires and its been tweaked so its not as time consuming as the PS version.

All in all, definitly worth a play. It may not be up to standerd when you consider newer FF titles but still a darn good RPG none the less.
I personally say get the game, but i have a few tips for you.
Get as much of these as you can-
Cash (Expensive items!)
Levels (fights are a pain.)
Equipment (Things can hurt you fast, at least they hurt me pretty badly most of the time.)
i played to original at my friends house and got to the earth crystal in the GBA version ( i really need to finish that) and from what iv played its amazing
Out of all the NES games that were made FF I is arguably the best. It was way ahead of its time as far as gameplay, and if you're a real FF fan you'll be able to appreciate it. However as mentioned before it is painfully boring if your not a patient gamer. The GBA and PSX versions are less boring but are WAY too easy. I say pick it up as a ROM and play it on your computer, you'll save money and understand where FF roots are.
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You might only be able to truly appreciate this game if you actually played it back in the days when it was only available on the NES. Especially if you are used to the more modern RPGs. But who knows, I could be wrong.
Ahhh the classic. NES was the only one i've played some years ago. When walking around was even hard. But its good. Worth picking up if for nothing else but to have. Test your patients as well
i dont consider ff1 one as good only after VIII did i start to like ff series
It might not be best, or one of the best in the series, but Final Fantasy I is a pretty good game.
Definitely worth playing.

'sides, it's the one that started it all.