the only time we ever see or hear about them in the media is when they've done something wrong. ripping people off, not paying taxes, destroying land that they don't own, illegally occupying an area and costing local councils a pretty penny in legal action which either goes on and on and on or leads to the gypsies being removed from the land by police.
other than their claim to an ancestral heritage based somewhere that isn't britain (they can't seem to decide where it is they think they've come from) the only thing that would place them in a separate ethnic group is the fact that they don't want to settle in one particular place - they want to move around. so when they do settle ie start living in a house somewhere and effectively become on-grid citizens their claim to a separate ethnicity is false. which is neither here nor there because they are not a race. unless you want to define racism as the discrimination of someone based on their race, ethnicity, which religion they ascribe themselves to etc in which case you might as well scrap concepts like sexism, ageism, homophobia and just call it all racism. which would be stupid, of course.
so is it a terrible sin (aka racist) to oppose the permanent settling of gypsies on a legal plot of land or in a house, or camping (i'm not sure what they call it) illegally on land which they know they shouldn't be on? is it so wrong to criticise an ethnic group who, for the most part, don't contribute anything to our society, who choose to live outside of our society but expect to settle where they like, be allowed to damage land and property that doesn't belong to them all while trying to reap the benefits of the society they are so desperate to shun?
i think i've made a good case for being able to criticise an ethnic group (who are not a separate race anyway) without it being called racist. do you think they are a separate race? do you think that racism isn't just about race? do you think the destruction of land and property is really a cultural trait that should be respected? am i just jealous that i don't get to travel the country in a caravan and set up camp where ever i feel like it? are you a gypsy or a member of the "travelling community"? do you like gadjits like banana, carrot or cucumber?
now you
other than their claim to an ancestral heritage based somewhere that isn't britain (they can't seem to decide where it is they think they've come from) the only thing that would place them in a separate ethnic group is the fact that they don't want to settle in one particular place - they want to move around. so when they do settle ie start living in a house somewhere and effectively become on-grid citizens their claim to a separate ethnicity is false. which is neither here nor there because they are not a race. unless you want to define racism as the discrimination of someone based on their race, ethnicity, which religion they ascribe themselves to etc in which case you might as well scrap concepts like sexism, ageism, homophobia and just call it all racism. which would be stupid, of course.
so is it a terrible sin (aka racist) to oppose the permanent settling of gypsies on a legal plot of land or in a house, or camping (i'm not sure what they call it) illegally on land which they know they shouldn't be on? is it so wrong to criticise an ethnic group who, for the most part, don't contribute anything to our society, who choose to live outside of our society but expect to settle where they like, be allowed to damage land and property that doesn't belong to them all while trying to reap the benefits of the society they are so desperate to shun?
i think i've made a good case for being able to criticise an ethnic group (who are not a separate race anyway) without it being called racist. do you think they are a separate race? do you think that racism isn't just about race? do you think the destruction of land and property is really a cultural trait that should be respected? am i just jealous that i don't get to travel the country in a caravan and set up camp where ever i feel like it? are you a gypsy or a member of the "travelling community"? do you like gadjits like banana, carrot or cucumber?
now you