Is this the last Final Fantasy?

i dnt think theyll stop making them. theyve got too many fans to stop really. unless something happens to make ff unpopular all of a sudden they should continue
I think that this might be the last of the numbers, partly because they are bringing out three at once. But I know they will continue doing spin-offs, tactics, Crystal chronicles, etc.
I don't think this will be the last one even if people say it'll last 10 years. Perhaps by saying this, they mean in the same way Final Fantasy VII has lasted 10 years? Anyway, I don't think it will be the last one.
I doubt it will be the last one... It would appear to me Final Fantasy is still pretty well liked by fans all around. (And it would be a great money making opportunity isn't it?)
I don't think this will be the last one even if people say it'll last 10 years. Perhaps by saying this, they mean in the same way Final Fantasy VII has lasted 10 years? Anyway, I don't think it will be the last one.
I really don't think this is the last Final Fantasy even though people are complaining constantly about the release date of Final Fantasy XIII and so on.

I keep hearing rumours of a Final Fantasy XIV already.
I doubt that this is the last we'll see of FF. Ending a series that has millions of fans is like throwing money away. Final Fantasy is a cash cow that will be milked to death, until no fans are left (and judging by how many FF fans there are, it'll be a while before it's milked to death).
Square Enix already trademarked or patented the titles "Final Fantasy XIV" and "Final Fantasy XV". Final Fantasy XIII will not be going the way of Final Fantasy X-2. Final Fantasy probably will not end during my lifetime.
Technically, Final Fantasy 1 was meant to be the last game they ever made, hence it's title. but they were shocked by it's success, which they did not expect in the least, and so here they are today with one of the most popular franchises ever.

So, will it die? Pfft, ya right, the fans won't let that happen.
Square Enix already trademarked or patented the titles "Final Fantasy XIV" and "Final Fantasy XV". Final Fantasy XIII will not be going the way of Final Fantasy X-2. Final Fantasy probably will not end during my lifetime.

Or even mine, for that matter..
So we'll all get to enjoy some pleasant music and gameplay..! ^_^
I can't see it happening to be honest, Final Fantasy is too important to SE to give it up. Even though they have other franchises their revenue will drop to an unmanageable amount.
I can't see it happening to be honest, Final Fantasy is too important to SE to give it up. Even though they have other franchises their revenue will drop to an unmanageable amount.
That's true. It's like when they abandon Final Fantasy, it's like abandoning their only precious thing they have left in the world (aside from their family).
That's true. It's like when they abandon Final Fantasy, it's like abandoning their only precious thing they have left in the world (aside from their family).


That's ridiculous, SE has other games besides FF you know.

But, I doubt XIII will be the final one, they'll see the money in making more.
maybe they meant FF XXIII, don't think XIII would be the last it's SE hope
No. They don't have any other popular franchises just yet, and FF is so big that it would be insane to kill it. People are just thinking that because it's gone on for a long time.
But, you see, FF is able to adapt and evolve. It was very clever making every FF game independent of the other. As long as the tactical RPG genre remains popular, FF will remain popular and profitable. All that matters is that SE can come up with something relatively new for every game. But I could be wrong. FF's creators might just kill FF after XV. Whatever the outcome, FF has had a very good run, and you can't say fairer than that.
Everything that has a beginning has an end though, and there will be a Final Final Fantasy one day. =/
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I thought FFXII was the last game, and wham! Here's FFXIII plus two spin-offs already being made for it.

Who knows when it'll end?