Is this the last Final Fantasy?

FF-franchise are the only games Square-Enix seems to be doing these days ( why not making Crono-games? ) so why would they end series that brings money to their pockets thanks to us. And if they start to run out of money they use their trump card and make FF VII remake. That is the reason I think there is no FF VII remake yet, since it is good to save for rainy day.

FF games are just changing.
oh my god,just when do u guys will stop posting on this thread:huh:

we all agree that XIII will not be the last one
This wont be the last FF game for sure. Square Enix makes way to much money off of this series to kill it at XIII. They could make more final fantasy's than I can count and I bet people of that generation will buy and play them. And if this is the last one, then..... Holy crap.
As long as FF games continue to evolve with gamers and can stay fresh is ee no reason why the series can't go on as long as Squ-Enix exists.
By evolve i mean, Look at the difference in FFX to FFXII.
It's simply making so much money for them and is still popular.
As most of you have said above....I seriously doubt this is the last Final Fantasy. This is too big of a series to end so quickly.
oh my god,just when do u guys will stop posting on this thread:huh:

we all agree that XIII will not be the last one

That doesnt mean people still cant post their opnions.
And as long as theres fans still out there, Final Fantasy will keep going.
As long as SquareEnix are making money, I can foresee no end to the Final Fantasy series. Sure a FF20 would seem a bit like overkill, but the series is just way too friggin popular to quit at 13.
How can you say such a stupid thing that this maybe will be the last Final Fantasy Game. No way they will stop making these games it's to good of series that they will quit it.
As long as the keep the series strong, and don't all of a sudden randomly decide to go downhill, I believe they will still keep going :). Aw man this series...definitely the one I grew up with o.o;
I don't know. I don't think that Final Fantasy is doing as well as it use to. Especially in Japan. I think that Square Enix should be trying to find ways to either make it like it use to be or just quit. Perhaps they need a new series they can be successful with in the RPG world.
as for the series ending no. or at least i dont see it. but final fantasy isnt there only good game. have any of you played chrono trigger. we NEED another
Personally, I wouldn't care less if FFXII was the last, though I have already said I doubt it. It'll take a lot of work to make me want to play another FF when S-E is sucking it all up IMO. They should work more on DragonQuest, SaGa, Vagrant Story or Chrono series. FFXIII just is overkill.
im not too sure that it'll ever end. final fantasy is never really THE final fantasy because you can guarantee there will be another final fantasy adventure in the pipeline ...but look on the bright side ... The Last Remnant looks promising .. lol so maybe SE has a new franchise that we'll be into shortly
Many speculate it is the last, but I think they will last until at least XV. Also, even if it is the last in the numbered series, there are bound to be endless spin offs and mini games like Dissidia etc.
Final Fantasy is SE's biggest income, and although they have many other successful games (which I don't enjoy at all apart from Drakengard 1 & 2), FF is pretty much their trademark.
There is no way this is going to be the last. There are so many final fantasy fans out there that if they quit I don't think anybody would ever buy any of their games again>_<
i grew up with ff series so i don't now what will i do if they stop making them. I think they won't do that. Because there is still some magic to explore.