Is this the last Final Fantasy?

Final Fantasy basically single handedly carried Square to where it got to. Even as Square Enix, Final Fantasy is its top franchise and I can't see them stopping soon.

No Final Fantasy = No Square Enix

I really couldn't see the company lasting without it.
Final Fantasy basically single handedly carried Square to where it got to. Even as Square Enix, Final Fantasy is its top franchise and I can't see them stopping soon.

No Final Fantasy = No Square Enix

I really couldn't see the company lasting without it.

I doubt it will be the last, but if it is, I have no doubt that square will have something up for their sleeve for a new series that will probably be amazing and along the same lines...
This definately won't be the last FF instalment made. Why is this thread going on for soo long. We all know it aint the last so let's just end this. :)
the last of the Signature Series

It could quite possibly be the last game under the name "Final Fantasy", but it definitely wont be the last game that the final fantasy people make....i mean how far can they go? Final fantasy MM? thats like 2000 games, they have to change the name sometime dont ya think?
Technically they dont have to change the name from final fantasy - if they felt the number was getting too high they'd probably change it to a name like Final Fantasy Advent children - no numbers still Final Fantasy
If they think that the Roman numerals are getting confusing then they could just change it to actual numbers but I still think it could carry on the same for awhile now.
Let's put it this way

*No Final Fantasy = Square-Enix goes down and loses money.

*No more Final Fantasy = Angry Final Fantasy fans who will probably burn down Square-Enix for that.

*No more Final Fantasy = The possibilty of not allowing next generation gamers playing onf of the greatest game series of all times.

*No more Final Fantasy = probably the end of all Final Fantasy based forums because we can't talk about the same games forever.

Any questions?
I hope they don't cancel FF, cause i would be so sad. I bet they will make a FF30 BTW, WHAT IS 30 IN ROMAN NUMERALS?
Very Unlikely. SquareEnix knows the success that their Final Fantasy game have so they won't stop making them, at least until people stop buying them, so don't stop buying Final Fantasy games.
I'm not quite sure who, but I think it's Tetsuya Nomura has announced FFXIII will be his last Final Fantasy as he wants to work on the Kingdom Hearts series. This doesn't mean there will be no more Final Fantasy, just he wont be working on it and it means there might be even more Kingdom Hearts games to come.