Is this the last Final Fantasy?

i think that there will never be a FINAL fantasy - it just adds a certain irony to the name of the game......however i think that they may remake some of the older games before making FFXIV

i dnt fink they shud remake games!


because they have already been done.. the story will be similar so its no point.. the gameplay will change with everything else so why not design the next one instead of a remake with a new story..

they will just be wasting time in my opinon. whats been has been and gone.. its time for the future!!!!
I think it would be a shame if the FF series would end at XIII especially if the era of the PS3 has only just begun it would be good to see the FF series progress with the PS3 as it did with all the other systems it has been played on.
no matter how "sucky" an FF is, there are still people who like that particular FF, and usually these are a lot of people

FF will remain, for at least another 5 games/movies etc
it's too popular to quit with
if they quit, they'll be hated, and they'll lose a massive amount of money, so it's very doubtful they will
I think it would be a shame if the FF series would end at XIII especially if the era of the PS3 has only just begun it would be good to see the FF series progress with the PS3 as it did with all the other systems it has been played on.

There probably is only going to be two FF's on the ps3 considering there was only two for the ps2. If the series is no more after that SE is going to be in trouble if they don't come up with a good calibur series to replace it.
Highly doubtful. Square-Enix is definitly going to milk it dry. And it is far from dry.
I dunno... It's getting dry to me... I think they'll milk it so dry that then they'll have to shoot the cow it comes from, mystically transform it into a horse, kill the horse, then beat the dead horse for the remainder of the existance of time and space...

...Maybe even beyond that...
I have a Very Very strong feeling and would bet my neighbor's flat screen TV and my future Private Jet that I will own someday, that this wil not be the last FF in the series. The video gaming industry is just entering into the biggest advancments of all-time which opens more doors for Square-Enix to step their game up and showcase what a truly great RPG should play and LOOK like.

FF for life! Huzzah!
I highly doubt it. Even if XIII is a 10-year project, they brought out other Final Fantasies while at the same time bringing out games from the VII compilation, as well as Kingdom Hearts II. They have plenty of capability to do both at once, and besides as a lot of other people pointed out, even if people are starting to like them a little less Final Fantasy is too much of a money maker. I think people's interest would really have to lessen drastically and sales would have to fall sharply for them to call it quits.
Whoever asked the question must first question the popularity of the series as a whole. There are millions, possibly billions, of fans across the world and why we are here to discuss our favourite game. It will not end yet. There are still many more games to come and the makers just keep getting better with each game that they create and sell worldwide.
SE would be insane to make XIII the last FF. i mean, it's the dawn of the PS3 era and the FF series is still a MAJOR seller, people were hyping XIII up before XII was even released!!! so no, XIII wont be the last game, even if it's bad, SE will NEVER let this ship sink.
I heard somewhere around here that the team is going to continue working together, though...they're starting a new series with a different name...
Could just be rumors though.

I don't think FF will last much longer with all the big directors that have stepped down over the last few years.
i wouldn't count on it, Final fantasies are what is keeping Square enix together and keeping them out of debt hehe
To be honest, if I would have known that FFXII sucked so bad, I wouldn't have bought it.
I'm not gonna buy a shite game just because it has my favorite title slapped on the box.

FFVIII and XII...are making my question their capabilities...
WHAT that game was classic it did not suck, what was soo wrong with it
Which game?
Because if you want an analysis on why FFVIII sucks, I'll give you a full run through...

I mean...some of the things they come up with...
They're hurting themselves...bad...
To be honest, if I would have known that FFXII sucked so bad, I wouldn't have bought it.
I'm not gonna buy a shite game just because it has my favorite title slapped on the box.

FFVIII and XII...are making my question their capabilities...
Hear, hear! Though I liked VIII, I know that few FF fans like it. But I agree that XII was not so grand. Lack of input from Amano/Nobuo/Nomura made it suck to me.
Amano/Nobuo/Nomura haven't all three of them stepped down the latter significantly?
Meaning...any future FFs will most likely suck...
Amano/Nobuo/Nomura haven't all three of them stepped down the latter significantly?
Meaning...any future FFs will most likely suck...
Exactly... And that's most of my reasoning for my dislike for XI and XII. X... I just didn't like it because of Tidus...

To get back on topic, When FF does end, I hope it ends with a game we can all love.
Hopefully that Square Eniz will keep on making FF games, cuz I'll buy them all