Is this the last Final Fantasy?

i think that after XIII they will re-release 7,8, and 9. square enix will go down if they stop FF. i know for one if they stop FF and the last game isn't a gift from the gods i will be mad enough not to buy any other Enix titles
Since the two exact threads were made by a member and me, I have decided to merge them both and have it as ONE thread. :)

This is definatley not the LAST one. It is, as a matter of fact, the BEGINNING of the next-generation of FF games. Look forward to a wave of top-notch Final Fantasy titles on the PS3.
I think this the last even if is a such a big hit it still has to end i know square enix will go down a bit but after a while they will get another
big hit and so will stay afloat

even if this is not the end it is close
I have read somewhere that FFXIII is going to be the last game in the series, however, I doubt it. Without Final Fantasy, there would be no such thing called as Square Enix.

What he said. Plus that would make me sad.
Plus they would be nothing without it. They need it, it's their company's life blood. Star Ocean and stuff like that was just like the iron in the blood. It doesn't do much even if it was fun.

Square Enix would go bankrupt without it. :S Plain and simple.
Actually, the highup execs would have enough money to retire and have a nice life.
Never without FF gaming will never be the same and squareEnix is making to much off the seris for them to quit and they just started to shown as a awsome game by reviewers.
If FFXIII the last in the series, there will be plenty of spinoffs to keep you amused. That and even though they have not said anything, I know they are thinking about remaking some of the older games, or packaging all of them into one disc and making a giant collectors edition, which will sell like mad.
I very much doubt that enix will stop making final fantasy, what have they got left then? The only other good games they made where the KH series and even they don't come close to FF.
I heard that they had a contract to continue the series to fifteen. Whether they make more will be up to them.

Lets just hope they they are good games. I would really like to see them go back to the original concept of the four crystals.
Nah, the earlier games were so much better based on crystals <3
i reasure you all that ff13 is NOT the last ff. square enix has plans to continue with ff untill maybe 20.just thought id let you know.
I heard that they had a contract to continue the series to fifteen. Whether they make more will be up to them.
A contract? Square Enix own Final Fantasy. They don't need to sign anything to allow them to do... well, whatever they want... with the franchise.

As long as emotional shattered teenage boys and lonely teenage girls keep playing them, you can be assured that Square Enix will keep on chucking them out.
The closest that SE have gone to making up to FFXV is they've registered domain names up to then but that's just to protect the site names for future use.
i think that there will never be a FINAL fantasy - it just adds a certain irony to the name of the game......however i think that they may remake some of the older games before making FFXIV