Is this the last Final Fantasy?

Final Fantasy will be around well after we are all dead. Plain and Simple!

Makes way to much money
Never Ending Storylines
I totally think PS3 will open Final Fantasy Franchise to a whole new erra and Evolution
Example of that is FF13

Enough Said

FF 4 Life

Keep up the amazing work SE!

The thing is, if FF go's for a long time, eventully the characters will get to look more and more the same (Example: The boy called Vaan out of FFXII, looks like Tidus out of FFX) So Nomora will have to get some more ideas for characters before Square make some more FF's. Thats what I think =\
It can't be the last one,they must continue making games for the compilation of the FF games.
I'm sure it won't be the last one, (numbered or otherwise) they make too much money from it. Theres never been a Final Fantasy game I've not enjoyed or replayed like a million times, so I don't think they're running out of ideas. I dislike 9 a little though.
well.... maybe is the last one who nows
They'll keep making them if Square-Enix wants to stay open for business. They won't all be good, but they'll keep making them. Final Fantasy will have its ups and downs, just like any other series. I'm thinking Suikoden....
I highly doubt that FFXIII will be the last FF game - it may be the last original game (but i doubt that too) but final fantasy wont just go away - with the ps3 coming out and the psp they could make sequels or remakes - FF7 8 and 9 would sell loads if they were remade, so FF isnt going to go anywhere.
A world without FF would be like a paradise without the esence of life. Final Fantasy games were the very thing that made Square-Enix what is now and I doubt they would close a series that has brought them so much money.
I heard a rumor stating that this will be the last Final Fantasy. I mean I know they're probably gonna remake FFVII but is it true that there won't be a FFXIV? The rumors are that it would be the last numbered Final Fantasy. Theoretically speaking, if this were true, then future Final Fantasy games would be named something like Final Fantasy: Chronicles of Crystamithium as opposed to Final Fantasy XIV.
I sure hope not, id be real mad :P its 50% of the reason why I bought a PS3 and why I will continue to buy Playstation systems, for Final Fantasy!
I'd be very sad.... :cry2: It would mean the end of an era really...I don't like to see such good things end. But if Square believes it's for the best...

And if they are just named differently, and not numbered that would be OK I guess, as long as they are still our same beloved FF. :P
I doubt that Square Enix would get rid of the FF series at all its way to big of a franchise and its wat made them who they are. The most likly is they will hold out for a while for Final Fantasy XIV so sumthin lik end of 2008 or 2009
I actually think they should end it at 13. They'll be getting two games out of 13 anyway, with it's sequel, and it's a great number to stop at. :3 The direction of the FF games of late have been becoming more "action" anyway, so it feels like they're ready for a change, and have been for awhile. I think they'll get out what they can from the FF franchise, then move on to something new and possibly better. I think it would be silly to just keep relying on the FF name. Why not try something new? They wouldn't have to feel obligated to keep up with the consistency of the FF games and could just do whatever. That's what I think~
It does seem like they are going towards action games now instead of full-blown RPGs. Maybe this is exactly what Versus is intended to do - test the market to see if there is a future for FF in the action genre. I don't think they should just stop the series of RPGs though; they are icons in the gaming community. I don't think Square would do that do us anyway. At least not with a comparable new title to replace it.
i dont believe this is the last FF - i do belive theyll stop before the number hits 20 though. However - with the PS3 and PSP they have the opportunities to remake the greatest FF games Ever - And with next year being FF7's Tenth Anniversary i think theyll do something special then like announce a remake or somethying like that :D but i dont belive 13 will be the last FF game - i Predict that FF will still be around by the time were all dead.
The last one should be called "The Final Fantasy" heheh... no but seriously tho, I hope the series never ends.
The last one should be called "The Final Fantasy" heheh... no but seriously tho, I hope the series never ends.

The Final Fantasy, that's cute :lol:.

But yeah, I don't think we'll see an end here to the series soon, I believe Square is still on the top of its game, so it would be very foolish for them to discontinue the series.

They'd lose tons of money and there'd be many many angry fans out there!
All great things must come to an end, unfortunately.

If they ever said "we have no more idea's", I would personally bitch slap each and every one of them. Why? Final Fantasy is based on imaginary worlds, characters and stories. In such a case, they'd be saying "We have no imagination anymore", which is highly unrealistic. Sure, there may be a few more flops, but they can't finish, they just can't.