Is this the last Final Fantasy?

No i don't think so, but i sure that it's not like the other final fantasy games.
I have read somewhere that FFXIII is going to be the last game in the series, however, I doubt it. Without Final Fantasy, there would be no such thing called as Square Enix.
I highly doubt it will be the last ff maybe the last numberd one but I highly doubt that too
Highly doubtful. Square-Enix is definitly going to milk it dry. And it is far from dry.
Maybe someone just thinks it's going to be the last because the past few game shave been wading neck high is a vat of sh!t. Like most consols have been seeming to suffer lately, the lack of new idaes. Sure each FF is different with new features, but they haven't ahd anythign striking like some of the older FFs had.

I'll admit, Kingdom Hearts was a neat concept and a fun and different game, but once again theyhad to draw back on all thier classic FF characters too also win the appeal of the FF crowd. Cloud, Sephiroth, Aeris, Yuffie, "Leon," Titus, Selphie, Wakka, Cid and whoever else.

Eitherway, they just need some fresh concepts, and tehy can't beat into a pulp once they get their hands on it and force it out into pproduction because they need the re-advertisement. If you still want FFf games I woud suggest tehy do better care to make better games. Learn from the past, it'll serve you well.
It would be so stupid to end the franchise, just because there is enough. All of the games are different, but they all garauntee greatness because the carry prestige and promise in the name. FF9 could have been called IDK, "Crisis on Terra" or FFX been called "Secret of the summoner, or something" But they were all Final Fantasy's and even thougha ll different, they still retain some qualities of the others. Final Fantasy should never end.
It's impossible. SE is just like any iother company: They're in it for the money. FF brings in way too much cash for them to make this the last one. End of story.
Actually I think it's possible asking if it's one of the last game is like asking is ff going to end in 10 years since ffXIII is a 10 year project.
FF is the world's third best selling series after mario and pokemon an has made square enix loads and loads of money and they keep making more so i really dont think it's over.
Actually I think it's possible asking if it's one of the last game is like asking is ff going to end in 10 years since ffXIII is a 10 year project.

LMAO 10 year project? No. Its gona be released much sooner than everyone things ^_~

As far as being the LAST FF game.... No If you know anything about business, you would know. A FF is what MADE SE what it is. B. BIG money maker. C. MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of fans world wide.

Original or used? Well every story line is new granted. But they do need some new things added in the game. Like for a example in Final Fantasy XII they use music from Final Fantasy 8!!!!! So they do have some work infont of them if they want to get better.
i very highly doubt it will be ended unless the whole video game industry will end, they might kill the series with a final bang and end it while it is good and not terrible. you knwo end it on a good note, but i dont think 13 will seriosuly be the last.
They cant end it now...jst as new consoles are on the horizon n stuff...n jst think how much hate mail theyll get :P ....stopping FF would b like cutting off their own head
I remember recently reading an interview...and the guy (I forget his name) said that he wouldn't be surprised if FF games were made 40 years from now.
It will never ends if the game industry is still growing.
Final Fantasy is money making insurance for Square-Enix.
SE has said somehwere that FF is going to be one of the projects, along with three others, that they will continue to focus on. Its not going anywhere for a long long time.
I highly doubt that this will be the last FF. Square makes WAY too much money and gets too many fans, etc...for it to just end with a snap of the fingers like that