Is this true or not?


Chocobo Breeder
Sep 2, 2007
Sorry if this has already been asked or not. But I always level the hell out of my characters before moving along in the story. Now before we even left on the airship to rescue Penelo and others. I had Vaan at level 17. Then my friend Travis told me that I should just start over cause the more I level my character so early on , makes the game harder? Is this true or not? Or do I not make any sense lol.
I don't think that's true...I think that was based on his opinion, more than anything. You're fine as it is. I think I was only around level 10 when I rescued Penelo, so restarting isn't necessary.
Your friend fails more than Micheal Jackson does. :monster:
It isn't true and you are way too overlved. You should be around lv 9 by then.
UGH I AM SO MAD AT HIM! I lvled all the way up there! Had mad licenese and all the equipment I could have plus spells! GRRR! Well , I started over yesterday and left Vaan at level 6. Just in case I wanted to level him all over again instead of moving on. I think I am just going to level him to level twenty and then move on. I know it's not needed that so far in the game but I really like to be ready for anything that comes my way.

Anyways I hate the gambit system. I wish I had a friend to play the game with lol.
Your level is more than enough, IMO. Plus having Vossler as a guest kinda helps you along too. It doesn't make the game harder the higher you level your characters, it actually makes it that much more easier to defeat higher level marks and defeat bosses -- as in all Final Fantasies. :P
Won't you find it boring lving your person up to 20 before moving on?
By the time you get to 15 it will take ages to lv up against the same enemies you were fighting at lv 9. You may as well just continue with the game since you'll probably lv up faster.
Some monsters do tend to level up with you, but not many. I don't think at least. *shrugs* Oh well. haha.

Anywho, yeah, having vossler really helps. Your level is just fine. Keep going! Leveling is a good thing.
I knew it , he claims they changed it for this one! Maybe he was jealous I was so far ahead level wise , I really love leveling before I even go on with the main story
damn your level 17? thats not bad, its impressive. your friend may be thinking that it's this way possibly because he played FFVIII. in that game when you level, the monsters level too making it harder, but its not like that in FFXII.
Won't you find it boring lving your person up to 20 before moving on?
By the time you get to 15 it will take ages to lv up against the same enemies you were fighting at lv 9. You may as well just continue with the game since you'll probably lv up faster.
No when I have no dates and no social life video games are my life at the moment. I could level up for 24 hours sad to say and then move on with the game and not be bored.

I know I am a loser. I just moved back from Indianapolis to Massachusetts so I have tons of free time. I thought FF12 would make a nice hobby.
Lol well I play video games alot but I hate lving up :'(
FF12 would last you a while if you do all the sidequests ^_^
Lol well I play video games alot but I hate lving up :'(
FF12 would last you a while if you do all the sidequests ^_^
Send me your memory card. I will level you for a week straight and then mail it back to you. With all the gil and lp's that I aquired not even used yet haha. Now that would be something.
Lol im already lv 99 ages ago but i just don't like lving u in nearly all rpg's.
Oblivion and morrowind are the exceptions.
Nope its not true, I have over levelled my characters and have thus far faced no problems.
Some monster and bosses in the game get more harder depending the level you are on but theyre not that much hard either . And since not all of them get harder you should train your ass off it really doesnt make a diference in this game.
my opinion is that dont over level up because it ruins the fun ( the game becomes to easy ) like facing hell wrym when on level 99 but if you are low leveled you enjoy the game more ( i dont mean too low leveled just average )
Don't overlevel. I did it, and the last 1/3 of the game was boring as hell. 99% of the fun of this game is the feeling of accomplishment after winning the murderously hard boss fights.