It's Done!!! I Have beaten FFX, But I have A LOT to say about the ending...

Kim Taehyung

You shine brighter than anyone ✨
Nov 30, 2006
Well, Two months and about two weeks later, I have finally beaten FFX. The final boss? what a disappointment! I mean really, he's a freaking floating bug! one hit with a celestial weapon takes him out!Braska's final Aeon was a tad bit better, but I still KO'd him with three hits.

The ending movie that proceeded it, however, was spectacular. I kind of guessed that Tidus never really existed, but I thought that they would figure out some way to make him actually exist and not fade away. When Yuna ran up to him as he was walking away... MAN, that was sooooo sad! I actually cried for, like, ten minutes after I shut down my PS2. Seriously, ask bustersword07, he was there.

Long story short: the recipie for a perfect ending:
Either you have a boss that is nearly impossible to beat (then you beat them), or a sucky boss with an incredible super-emotional ending.
I didn't think BFA was that easy. But I didn't have any celestial weapons and I didn't train my characters more than needed :).
Yes, the ending is really sad but beautiful.
Congradulations on beating FFX Carrier if Hope. I loved playing this game, it's probably my second favorite FF of all time, right behind of FF7. You're right about one thing though, the final boss was a big time dissapointment. The monster arena was great, I loved it, it had a lot of challenging fights. But dark Aeons in the US version. I get pissed every time I think of that.
Yeah again, huge dissapointment with the whole final bosses thing butthey do kind of make up for it with all the optional bosses but i still think they should have given it about 600000 more health or added something odd like, you can't use any equpment items or you can only use yuna and tidus. BUT the biggest problem with it is the auto-life, you could complete it if you were like lvl 4 ort something... seriously sad anyway nuf said, lets hope FF12 is bettererer (havn't got it yet :()
Haha Adam you were ranting about that the other day :P and yeah i think the final boss might have been a bit too easy but if you want a superomnipowerful boss fight Penance Nemesis or The dark aeons - then make THAT your ending :P

But i have to say i loved the ending of FFX - could've used a bit more inclusion of the other characters though :huh:
people can complete the whole game without using sphere grid
i dont consider yu yevon as a final boss BFA was harder although the ending was great
I thought aurons sending was more sad than tidus's
Once your stats are high enough even the monster arena is easy
nemesis is easy if you do a certain tactic
penance was hard but if you use the correct attacks and moves he shouldnt be too hard
I consider the Yu Yevon boss fight more like an event battle than anything else, and I consider Braska's Final Aeon the true final boss. The Yu Yevon fight I think was just to show they we're bringing things revolving around Sin to an end, and also so the Aeons could finally have peace. Since Braska's Final Aeon was basically Sin itself, it feels, to me at least, that it makes more sense that it's the final boss.

I agree though, Yu Yevon's a huge joke.
FFX wasn't a bad game, but...Yu Yevon kind of made me wonder what the whole bloody adventure was all about...
You're invincible for christ's sake.
What exactly was Yu Yevon trying to do? He creates Sin as his armor, and then he wants a summoner to come and defeat him, sacrificing his/her life, and then be reborn again? Kind of strange...
hey wel done on beating 10!!

yup the ending is fantastic,, se made it absolutely perfect. this is my favourite final game ever!!!
Great now beat FFX-2 and then you'll know the whole story!
Yeeesss! I am trying to talk you into it! There will not be a day of peace
until you do, so JUST DO IT!!!!
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congrats. first time through i hardly touched the sphere grid, so braska's aeon was a little tough, but yu yevon seemed to be thrown in there at the end. you don't know about him until the end and he doesn't have much of a buildup of being that bad, not like sin. but overall, the ending was great. i am going to reply it here soon, hopefully you will go and beat all the dark aeons
I hope no one hates me for this but me and my dad laughed our faces off when Yuna tried to hug Tidus...and fell flat on her face.Yu Yevon was a disgrace to all final bosses everywhere.
I hope no one hates me for this but me and my dad laughed our faces off when Yuna tried to hug Tidus...and fell flat on her face.Yu Yevon was a disgrace to all final bosses everywhere.

i hate you... that was the part that made me... shed a tear...

anyhow, i'm not really impressed you beat FFX, it wasn't exatly hard, i would be impressed if you beat the ultimate boss, as i never really have tried to do it, but well, can't care much, perhaps i'll try sometime
I never had trouble with BFA, and I've only really Sphere Grided myself up past each of the characters main routes and possibly half way around anothers so im never as high leveled as all these people who can take it out in like three hits >_<
i hate you... that was the part that made me... shed a tear...

anyhow, i'm not really impressed you beat FFX, it wasn't exatly hard, i would be impressed if you beat the ultimate boss, as i never really have tried to do it, but well, can't care much, perhaps i'll try sometime

well, I've been working on this for over two months and I am happy that its finally over. Now I've moved on to the Kingdom Hearts series.
yeah, the final fight with yu yevon was rele easy plus i had the auto-life ability so it was easier. wats the point of auto-life, it sorta takes the fun out of the game almost. i played FFX for the first time this year and i cried during the ending but then i found out there was a sequel so im ok. the sequel wasnt as good as the first one tho :(
i strongly agree about two things that the ending was spactacular but the final boss was way too easy i gave it to my little bro hu was 6 at the time n he even beat him bt i still have alot of fun on that game