UPDATED: Added in new combos, move stacking, frame data of moves, and other things
(Dave forced me too use this pic, that pic whore)
Note: Holy spam is a large part of Bartz of Bartz's game but is not the only thing he has. If you disagree, take it to the guide discussion thread, where Ill be happy to bring you back to your senses(painfully)
Why not, he’s awesome(Classic response for anytime someone questions your main). Bartz is a mime, and therefore he can make invisible walls to protect himself(or at least he should be able to), but seriously, he uses moves from all the heroes of Cosmos, other than that forgotten little turd that shouldnt even be in the game. This means that he can go from Zidane’s twin daggers, to Cloud’s giant buster sword, to Squall’s funky gunblade, to Tidus's bubbly Brotherhood, etc. in a matter of seconds. But overall, Bartz is a really balanced character, capable of handling any situation, without being put in any major disadvantages.
Pros and Cons
•Moves have extra abilities
•Extra abilities can be stacked in order to increase their effect
•One of the few characters that can do hp damage right after hp damage, and is by far the most effective with it
•Has the best hp in tha game
•The only character that can have crits without equipping the actual ability
•Range game(holy) deals heavy damage when glitched, and gets you easy hp damage
•Is one of the best wall rush comboers, beating Zidane but losing to Cloud
•Fastest Vertical Distancer in the game
•Fastest mage if you want to play that way
•Can be made the fastest character in the game
•great at collecting EX
•An extremely underrated character, but you can use it to your advantage
•only moves that arent easy to avoid/block are solid rise and goblin punch(rise lance as well, but not so much as the other two) but those are all he needs in order to force early reactions for him to punish
•Requires patience
•May cause people to hate playing you
An analysis of Bartz's moves
Rise Lance
Slow initial shield attack that travels a short distance, followed by multiple hits with a spear.
• An efficient surprise attack while dashing toward enemy.
• A good counterattacking move to hit incoming enemies and block some slower magic attacks.
• Can be used after dodge cancelling Lead Impulse
• Increases physical barrier by 10%
[English version change] The attack is now faster, which is great
Back in the Jap version, this move was crap, however now its pretty decent and has the most vertical range of his ground BP attacks other than lead impulse, which by the way never hits by the way. The speed is pretty good, and itll do more damage than solid rise if you wall rush. This move gives you something against characters that stay just out of range of solid rise.
usefulness: 4/5
Throws shield
Catches shield
Smacks with lance
Lead Impulse
Throws an axe that travels mid range, that pulls opponent closer then attacks using daggers, knocking them higher in the air
• Can break Exdeath’s High guard
• Can be dodge cancelled after pulling the opponent in, then chained into Rise Lance
• Can be dodge cancelled after pulling the opponent in, then chained into Climbarrel
• Can be dodge cancelled after pulling the opponent in, then chained into solid rise
• Can be dodge cancelled forward after pulling the opponent in, then chained slide hazard
• Can be dodge cancelled after pulling the opponent in, then chained into Soul Eater
• Can be dodge cancelled forward after pulling the opponent in, then chained into Goblin Punch
• Increases EX Force absorption by 1m
I cant remember the last time I hit with this move without having to block or wait for the opponent to use a punishable spell first. A combo starter for additional damage.
You think this would be useful right, well no.The move is way too slow for you to be able to use it offensively. You go through way too much trouble trying to hit with it just to do that little bit of brave damage.
usefulness: 2/5
Throws axe
Axe comes back
Slashes them(never use this part when you actually hit with Reel impulse)
Sends them flying
Rushes to the opponent using Buster sword and then followed by a quick gunblade combo
• Can be used after dodge cancelling Lead Impulse
• Can enter Chase mode after using the attack
• Increases Chase Brave damage by 10%
This move is shit and shouldnt be equipped at all. Just like cloud's climhazard, this is so damn easy to block and see coming and the damage is just not worth it.
usefulness: 1/5
Charges blade first
Blast them away
Solid Rise
Begins with a gunblade combo, and then knocks the opponent straight up with a sword.
• Can enter Chase mode
• Can be used after dodge cancelling Lead Impulse
• Opponent is knocked high into the air.
• Minor counter attack boost(not very much, but it works with the counterattack ability)
• can combo on stages with a low ceiling
• Cant be blocked on reaction
This is a great move, it can set you up for a nearly unavoidable holy, and its difficult to block. Any ground based Bartz must have this. Also, this is the only ground bp attack I equip, because its just that great. Add in some crits and this move becomes an instant break.
usefulness: 5/5
More slashy
Knocks them up, jump and stab
Storm Shoot
Attacks using spinning daggers and then finishes with a slash from Brotherhood.
• Hits the opponent multiple times very quickly and deals a nice amount of brave damage. The attack is a good combo starter when you wall rush
• Catches early dodges and goes through magic
• Increases dodge efficiency (how many frames of invincibility you get in one dodge)
[English version change] The attack doent go as far, so it is more difficult to hit with
You be pulling off zidanes with this move, Its used the same as Paladin force, to catch early dodges. Only use this when near walls or ceilings though, as itll get you combos. Use paldin force anywhere else
Spinning slashes
One more slash
Slide Hazard
A quick aerial combo with Brotherhood, and a finishing blow with the buster sword
• A good ranged attack, and fairly quick
• Can be dodge cancelled after hitting with Brotherhood, then chained into wind shear
• Can be time cancelled after hitting with Brotherhood, then chained into Soul Eater
• Punishes backward dodges and goes through magic
• Crashes opponent into ground, and deals very good rave damage while racking up ex. Auto activates sneak on one hit
• Increases Crash Brave damage by 10%
• Can fuck up the opponents camera angle, and lead to a holy if you dont know what youre doing
[English version change] The part where Bartz attacks with Brotherhood is altered making it harder to chain
This move is half your range game as well as a large part of your melee game. It works well with goblin punch, which forces people to dodge back, which this move will punish. Since it knocks the opponent straight down, itll make a open target for some holies. Also does very nice damage and will always activate sneak attack.
usefulness: 4/5
One more time, two more times, knocks them upwards
Get down there
Shoots out 5 holy spheres
• Its Bartz’s only long range BP attack, and can home into the opponent
• Chains into Flare
• Increases Jump power
• Good damage dealer and will always activate sneak
• You must spam it, whenever your way below your opponent or their below you or just far away, spam it and use the holy glitch
[English version change] The first sphere moves faster than the rest, while the last sphere moves slower, another excellent mind game and very spammable
Note: To holy glitch, you must holy, dodge cancel, holy, and then active flare when the first holy hits. The other set of holy will follow and deal heavy damage. Whats even better is that it cant be avoided.
This move is a must have. Great tracking, great range, great damage. Its Bartz only safe air attack. Use it over and over and over again, You just cant stop using it. When on top of the opponent, any reflected holies can be seen coming back at you, so its where you are safest, but when below the holy spheres are alot harder to dodge, so remember to move around alot while youre casting holy. Holy will always activate sneak attack, so itll cause many people to disable it, but keep in mind, if you get all crits with holy, it can do up to 3k of damage.
usefulness: 5/5
Form holy balls
Fire holy balls
BP to HP
Zaps the opponent after they’ve been hit by Holy.
• Used after Holy for HP damage
That’s the only reason you need
Doesnt do much damage by itself(what do you expects, its OK's attack
Charge magic
Soul Eater
• Can be used after Lead Impulse and Slide Hazzard
• Crashes opponent into objects
• Increases Crash HP damage by 10 %
A very important part of your ground game. Soul eater is a great pressuring option when on the ground, instead of just spamming solid rise.
usefulness: 3/5
Blasts them with darkness
Blasts opponent with three geyser like attacks
• Longest range HP attack, and comes from underneath opponent
• One of the most easy to spam moves in the game.
• Breaks All Guard
• Increases Magic Barrier by 10%
• Can be dodge cancelled to use Holy afterwards
[English version change] range was decreased
This move is fail, DO NOT USE
Charge magic
Still charging
Geyser Rapeeee
Paladin Force
Bartz shoots a bullet of light. If it hits, he performs a deadly swordplay that smashes his opponent to the ground.
• Can be used after slide hazard(complete) when near the ground
• Can be chained into goblin punch
• Increases dodge movement (How far you go in a dodge)
[English version change] range was decreased
An early dodge punisher that deals hp damage, omg. Great combo starter when you hit with it close to the ground when in ex mode.
Usefulness: 3/5
Charge energy blast
Whirlwind Blade
Bartz spins in the air
• has a drawing effect that when Bartz is spinning in the air, and if the enemy is close enough, he will get sucked into the spinning swordplay.
• Can block some physical and most magical brave attacks
• Increases Speed
Dont think of this move as an attack, because thats not where its best at. The range is so short and the move takes so long that anyone can punish it if it misses. However Wind shear maybe the difference between a win and a lose in certain matchups because of the fact that it can reflect/nullify many magic attacks. When dodging is ineffective, wind shear becomes your best friend, reflecting moves like shield bash and flare while canceling out many other attacks.
Usefulness:Varies depending on matchup. Normal:1/5 Other:4/5
Begin spinning
More spin
EX Mode
Transform(Its morphin' time)
Bartz gets four things when he goes into Ex mode, the regen status, which is really a basic ability in EX for most characters, a manly cape, three stars that magically float over his head, and Goblin Punch, the most epic HP attack ever.
Goblin Punch
• Hits opponent instantly
• Does more damage heavy damage
[English version change] range was decreased slightly
This is Bartz's best move and maybe the best hp attack in the game. Not only is it the (debatable) fastest hp move in the game, but it can be comboed into by any of Bartz's moves that can wallrush and then combo even further depending on how you angle the attack. The only downside is that the priority is pretty low, so its useful is shortened when against characters with equally quick attacks.
usefulness: 5/5
In Depth Frame + damage/priority/ex/extra abilities analysis
Skill name
damage type, Priority
damage multiplier (Total)
startup frame (1 sec = 60 Frame), EX force produced
Brave Attacks
Ascendent Lance
Physical, Melee Low
10,2*4,12 (30)
19F, ~130
*minor Physical Shield = +10%
Solid Ascension
Physical, Melee Low
1,2,3,4,6,8,16 (40)
13F, ~50
*minor Counterattack = +12.5% crit rate
Physical, Melee Low
1*4,2,2,16 (24)
27F, ~132
Reel Impulse
Physical, Ranged High (Axe) ~ Melee Low (others)
5,5,2*4,16 (34)
47F, ~40
Storm Shot
Physical, Melee Low
2*3,5,10 (21)
19F, ~120
Physical, Melee Low
3,3,4,5,10,15 (40)
23F, ~160
Magical, Ranged Low
15 each
37F, 4 each
*minor Jump Boost = Jump Boost ability (yes, I dunno why its "minor" XD)
HP Attacks
Magical, Ranged High
1*15 (15)
--, ~140
*minor Back to the Wall = +12.5% crit rate
Soul Eater
Physical, Melee High
4,2*5,6 (20)
39F, ~160
Magical, Unblockable
71F, ~4
*minor Magical Shield = +10%
Paladin Force
Magical, Ranged High
2,4,2,4,2,6 (20)
43F, ~145
*minor Midair Evasion Boost = so minor that can't really see the difference
Physical, Melee High
1*15 (15)
41F, ~140
*minor Speed Boost = Speed Boost ability
EX Mode
Goblin Punch
Magical, Unblockable
1*5 (5) / 8*5 (40) (x8 damage if same lv)
15F, ~165
EX Burst damage
type: Physical
Initial: 3*4, 5
Last: 20
Total Damage = 95

(Dave forced me too use this pic, that pic whore)
Note: Holy spam is a large part of Bartz of Bartz's game but is not the only thing he has. If you disagree, take it to the guide discussion thread, where Ill be happy to bring you back to your senses(painfully)
Why not, he’s awesome(Classic response for anytime someone questions your main). Bartz is a mime, and therefore he can make invisible walls to protect himself(or at least he should be able to), but seriously, he uses moves from all the heroes of Cosmos, other than that forgotten little turd that shouldnt even be in the game. This means that he can go from Zidane’s twin daggers, to Cloud’s giant buster sword, to Squall’s funky gunblade, to Tidus's bubbly Brotherhood, etc. in a matter of seconds. But overall, Bartz is a really balanced character, capable of handling any situation, without being put in any major disadvantages.
Pros and Cons
•Moves have extra abilities
•Extra abilities can be stacked in order to increase their effect
•One of the few characters that can do hp damage right after hp damage, and is by far the most effective with it
•Has the best hp in tha game
•The only character that can have crits without equipping the actual ability
•Range game(holy) deals heavy damage when glitched, and gets you easy hp damage
•Is one of the best wall rush comboers, beating Zidane but losing to Cloud
•Fastest Vertical Distancer in the game
•Fastest mage if you want to play that way
•Can be made the fastest character in the game
•great at collecting EX
•An extremely underrated character, but you can use it to your advantage
•only moves that arent easy to avoid/block are solid rise and goblin punch(rise lance as well, but not so much as the other two) but those are all he needs in order to force early reactions for him to punish
•Requires patience
•May cause people to hate playing you
An analysis of Bartz's moves
Rise Lance
Slow initial shield attack that travels a short distance, followed by multiple hits with a spear.
• An efficient surprise attack while dashing toward enemy.
• A good counterattacking move to hit incoming enemies and block some slower magic attacks.
• Can be used after dodge cancelling Lead Impulse
• Increases physical barrier by 10%
[English version change] The attack is now faster, which is great
Back in the Jap version, this move was crap, however now its pretty decent and has the most vertical range of his ground BP attacks other than lead impulse, which by the way never hits by the way. The speed is pretty good, and itll do more damage than solid rise if you wall rush. This move gives you something against characters that stay just out of range of solid rise.
usefulness: 4/5
Throws shield

Catches shield

Smacks with lance

Lead Impulse
Throws an axe that travels mid range, that pulls opponent closer then attacks using daggers, knocking them higher in the air
• Can break Exdeath’s High guard
• Can be dodge cancelled after pulling the opponent in, then chained into Rise Lance
• Can be dodge cancelled after pulling the opponent in, then chained into Climbarrel
• Can be dodge cancelled after pulling the opponent in, then chained into solid rise
• Can be dodge cancelled forward after pulling the opponent in, then chained slide hazard
• Can be dodge cancelled after pulling the opponent in, then chained into Soul Eater
• Can be dodge cancelled forward after pulling the opponent in, then chained into Goblin Punch
• Increases EX Force absorption by 1m
I cant remember the last time I hit with this move without having to block or wait for the opponent to use a punishable spell first. A combo starter for additional damage.
You think this would be useful right, well no.The move is way too slow for you to be able to use it offensively. You go through way too much trouble trying to hit with it just to do that little bit of brave damage.
usefulness: 2/5
Throws axe

Axe comes back

Slashes them(never use this part when you actually hit with Reel impulse)

Sends them flying

Rushes to the opponent using Buster sword and then followed by a quick gunblade combo
• Can be used after dodge cancelling Lead Impulse
• Can enter Chase mode after using the attack
• Increases Chase Brave damage by 10%
This move is shit and shouldnt be equipped at all. Just like cloud's climhazard, this is so damn easy to block and see coming and the damage is just not worth it.
usefulness: 1/5
Charges blade first

Blast them away

Solid Rise
Begins with a gunblade combo, and then knocks the opponent straight up with a sword.
• Can enter Chase mode
• Can be used after dodge cancelling Lead Impulse
• Opponent is knocked high into the air.
• Minor counter attack boost(not very much, but it works with the counterattack ability)
• can combo on stages with a low ceiling
• Cant be blocked on reaction
This is a great move, it can set you up for a nearly unavoidable holy, and its difficult to block. Any ground based Bartz must have this. Also, this is the only ground bp attack I equip, because its just that great. Add in some crits and this move becomes an instant break.
usefulness: 5/5

More slashy

Knocks them up, jump and stab

Storm Shoot
Attacks using spinning daggers and then finishes with a slash from Brotherhood.
• Hits the opponent multiple times very quickly and deals a nice amount of brave damage. The attack is a good combo starter when you wall rush
• Catches early dodges and goes through magic
• Increases dodge efficiency (how many frames of invincibility you get in one dodge)
[English version change] The attack doent go as far, so it is more difficult to hit with
You be pulling off zidanes with this move, Its used the same as Paladin force, to catch early dodges. Only use this when near walls or ceilings though, as itll get you combos. Use paldin force anywhere else
Spinning slashes

One more slash

Slide Hazard
A quick aerial combo with Brotherhood, and a finishing blow with the buster sword
• A good ranged attack, and fairly quick
• Can be dodge cancelled after hitting with Brotherhood, then chained into wind shear
• Can be time cancelled after hitting with Brotherhood, then chained into Soul Eater
• Punishes backward dodges and goes through magic
• Crashes opponent into ground, and deals very good rave damage while racking up ex. Auto activates sneak on one hit
• Increases Crash Brave damage by 10%
• Can fuck up the opponents camera angle, and lead to a holy if you dont know what youre doing
[English version change] The part where Bartz attacks with Brotherhood is altered making it harder to chain
This move is half your range game as well as a large part of your melee game. It works well with goblin punch, which forces people to dodge back, which this move will punish. Since it knocks the opponent straight down, itll make a open target for some holies. Also does very nice damage and will always activate sneak attack.
usefulness: 4/5

One more time, two more times, knocks them upwards

Get down there

Shoots out 5 holy spheres
• Its Bartz’s only long range BP attack, and can home into the opponent
• Chains into Flare
• Increases Jump power
• Good damage dealer and will always activate sneak
• You must spam it, whenever your way below your opponent or their below you or just far away, spam it and use the holy glitch
[English version change] The first sphere moves faster than the rest, while the last sphere moves slower, another excellent mind game and very spammable
Note: To holy glitch, you must holy, dodge cancel, holy, and then active flare when the first holy hits. The other set of holy will follow and deal heavy damage. Whats even better is that it cant be avoided.
This move is a must have. Great tracking, great range, great damage. Its Bartz only safe air attack. Use it over and over and over again, You just cant stop using it. When on top of the opponent, any reflected holies can be seen coming back at you, so its where you are safest, but when below the holy spheres are alot harder to dodge, so remember to move around alot while youre casting holy. Holy will always activate sneak attack, so itll cause many people to disable it, but keep in mind, if you get all crits with holy, it can do up to 3k of damage.
usefulness: 5/5
Form holy balls

Fire holy balls

BP to HP
Zaps the opponent after they’ve been hit by Holy.
• Used after Holy for HP damage
That’s the only reason you need
Doesnt do much damage by itself(what do you expects, its OK's attack

Charge magic


Soul Eater
• Can be used after Lead Impulse and Slide Hazzard
• Crashes opponent into objects
• Increases Crash HP damage by 10 %
A very important part of your ground game. Soul eater is a great pressuring option when on the ground, instead of just spamming solid rise.
usefulness: 3/5

Blasts them with darkness

Blasts opponent with three geyser like attacks
• Longest range HP attack, and comes from underneath opponent
• One of the most easy to spam moves in the game.
• Breaks All Guard
• Increases Magic Barrier by 10%
• Can be dodge cancelled to use Holy afterwards
[English version change] range was decreased
This move is fail, DO NOT USE
Charge magic

Still charging

Geyser Rapeeee

Paladin Force
Bartz shoots a bullet of light. If it hits, he performs a deadly swordplay that smashes his opponent to the ground.
• Can be used after slide hazard(complete) when near the ground
• Can be chained into goblin punch
• Increases dodge movement (How far you go in a dodge)
[English version change] range was decreased
An early dodge punisher that deals hp damage, omg. Great combo starter when you hit with it close to the ground when in ex mode.
Usefulness: 3/5
Charge energy blast


Whirlwind Blade
Bartz spins in the air
• has a drawing effect that when Bartz is spinning in the air, and if the enemy is close enough, he will get sucked into the spinning swordplay.
• Can block some physical and most magical brave attacks
• Increases Speed
Dont think of this move as an attack, because thats not where its best at. The range is so short and the move takes so long that anyone can punish it if it misses. However Wind shear maybe the difference between a win and a lose in certain matchups because of the fact that it can reflect/nullify many magic attacks. When dodging is ineffective, wind shear becomes your best friend, reflecting moves like shield bash and flare while canceling out many other attacks.
Usefulness:Varies depending on matchup. Normal:1/5 Other:4/5
Begin spinning

More spin

EX Mode
Transform(Its morphin' time)
Bartz gets four things when he goes into Ex mode, the regen status, which is really a basic ability in EX for most characters, a manly cape, three stars that magically float over his head, and Goblin Punch, the most epic HP attack ever.
Goblin Punch
• Hits opponent instantly
• Does more damage heavy damage
[English version change] range was decreased slightly
This is Bartz's best move and maybe the best hp attack in the game. Not only is it the (debatable) fastest hp move in the game, but it can be comboed into by any of Bartz's moves that can wallrush and then combo even further depending on how you angle the attack. The only downside is that the priority is pretty low, so its useful is shortened when against characters with equally quick attacks.
usefulness: 5/5

In Depth Frame + damage/priority/ex/extra abilities analysis
Skill name
damage type, Priority
damage multiplier (Total)
startup frame (1 sec = 60 Frame), EX force produced
Brave Attacks
Ascendent Lance
Physical, Melee Low
10,2*4,12 (30)
19F, ~130
*minor Physical Shield = +10%
Solid Ascension
Physical, Melee Low
1,2,3,4,6,8,16 (40)
13F, ~50
*minor Counterattack = +12.5% crit rate
Physical, Melee Low
1*4,2,2,16 (24)
27F, ~132
Reel Impulse
Physical, Ranged High (Axe) ~ Melee Low (others)
5,5,2*4,16 (34)
47F, ~40
Storm Shot
Physical, Melee Low
2*3,5,10 (21)
19F, ~120
Physical, Melee Low
3,3,4,5,10,15 (40)
23F, ~160
Magical, Ranged Low
15 each
37F, 4 each
*minor Jump Boost = Jump Boost ability (yes, I dunno why its "minor" XD)
HP Attacks
Magical, Ranged High
1*15 (15)
--, ~140
*minor Back to the Wall = +12.5% crit rate
Soul Eater
Physical, Melee High
4,2*5,6 (20)
39F, ~160
Magical, Unblockable
71F, ~4
*minor Magical Shield = +10%
Paladin Force
Magical, Ranged High
2,4,2,4,2,6 (20)
43F, ~145
*minor Midair Evasion Boost = so minor that can't really see the difference
Physical, Melee High
1*15 (15)
41F, ~140
*minor Speed Boost = Speed Boost ability
EX Mode
Goblin Punch
Magical, Unblockable
1*5 (5) / 8*5 (40) (x8 damage if same lv)
15F, ~165
EX Burst damage
type: Physical
Initial: 3*4, 5
Last: 20
Total Damage = 95
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