Exdeath can be mean as well. Why squall? When will you put up the builds and matchups for everyone? By the way seeing as the good job you did on bartz, I encourage you to do a guide on other characters after bartz is finished.
As a ground-counter character Firion has a lot of benefits from playing against Bartz. If Bartz stays in the air and uses Holy without prepping Windshear its possible to counter it. The remaining aerial attacks (with the exception of Paladin Force) can be easily guarded, countered, or dodged.
As an example Slide Hazard can be Shield Bashed, guarded, or Seize Knived.

Squall on the other-hand represents an aggressive air game that takes skill and luck to out maneuver an opponent or force them into a particularly negative position. As with all (other) characters Squall is capable of breaking brave repeatedly, but for Bartz and a few others this is especially so. Since Squall can use Beat Fang quickly after recovering or Heel Crush his way toward Bartz it makes it especially difficult in player matches against him.


I'm not sure I recalled all of the points correctly...but then again I've never really had too much trouble...
My bartz uses fire book and has soul eater disabled as well as storm shot and 2 ground brv attacks for s and l. Is that all right?
Okay major update that I just finished coming up

also redid all the strategies

storm shot is very important when youre playing on the ground, as well as soul eater. The only ground bp attack you need is solid rise. Paladin force seems really pointless now, and flood was never up for debate....

Ive been working on an equipment set that I thinks been working pretty well
The reel impulse combo can be blocked during slidehazzard and aerial recovery can stop soul eater.
which is why I said they are not perfect combos

Ive decided to remove reel from my ground set, because of how risky the combos are

slide hazard combos really depend on the stage, although it may not look like it, many stages are slightly slanted in a direction, ruining the combo. The only perfectly safe stages would be the cosmos and chaos stage
updated with a bunch of stuff, from frame data to move stacking(a bartz original) to a whole bunch of new combos I found and more things Ive realized about Bartz

planning to rewrite the whole matchup section
You know, you only need moves at the neutral part to hit everything regardless (wind shear neutral works on both foward and back unless filled with other move.)

if youre talking about move stacking, it means by equippping the same move more than once, you can increase the additional effects, like speed boost or counterattack
So would that only work on bartz? But doesn't that waste a lot of CP? Adding 2 solid ascensions will cost 30CP which you could use on some important skills like speed boost.
I manage to fit all the abilities I need with all the attacks with enough cp to spare on less useful things

Disable Sneak
Katana adept
hairpin adept
equip machines
speed boost ++
Jump times boost ++
3 windshears
soul eater
2 solid rises
rise lance
storm shot
slide hazard
and some others

once everything is mastered, its all easy

plus the boost is worth it, as it can completely change matchups
its unnecessary when you do the math

in ex you get an automatic 50% chance of crit

with ex crit boost you have 100%

but its unnecessary as counter and sneak give their own 50% and 2 solid rise give

and as Bartz has a pretty easy time getting those other cirts. ex crit boost is useless, like it is on many characters
What if you are neither counter or sneak attacking? Also, which build are you running with that?
than you dont get all crits

but holy always activates crits and slide hazard, solid rise, and rise lance are made for countering
Also EXP to HP/BRV as it costs 0. Are you running the ultimate regen build with that?
VS Jecht

55-45(Bartz's Advantage)

an opponent who you would rather want to play on the ground. Since youre on the ground, all his attacks become easy for you to dodge and avoid, as well as counter with solid rise or even a slide hazard if your lucky. Jecht will have no choice but to come back down to where you are in order to hit you, while you have no problem basting holy from underneath him. If you get hit though, youre gonna get hurt, alot. Also watchout for his EX mode.

Id say the Jecht matchup advice is actually not good, the worst possible thing you can do is try to fight Jecht on the ground, especially when you are fighting a skilled Jecht user.

Jecht can:

Charge up his brave attack to become unblockable
Block both brave and HP attacks (including being able to knock Bartz out of wind sheer and blocking Cloud's Ex-Mode)
Counter with devastating Brave > HP attacks that usually get wallrush bonus that can lead to further punishment if you are wall rushed next to him
Block Holy spam with Ultimate Jecht shot, knocking your own spheres back at you

Your best best vs Jecht is to play the counter fight, wait for him to make the first move, dodge and captialise on the opening, NEVER try to take him head on or think you can beat him at his own game or you are in for a world of combo hurt, if he gets into Ex-Mode, stay as far away from him as possible, Jecht is almost as Dangerous as Gabranth in Ex-Mode with his combos being able to allow him to close ground on you rapidly and quickly chaining into HP attacks that can easily catch you if you are lose your concentration for even a split second.

heres a couple of Vids of just how punishing Jecht can be:

Yes Damon that is Your Terra Ghost friend card getting beat up :wacky:
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