Well, what can jecht do to bartz when he's miles away from it? By you logic, you are saying that jecht beats everyone.
Well, what can jecht do to bartz when he's miles away from it? By you logic, you are saying that jecht beats everyone.

Jecht can easily close ground against a holy spammer, as most holy spammers seem to forget, dash goes straight through holy, he cant beat everyone definatley not but to say Bartz has the advantage on the ground is an incorrect statement, Bartz is better staying mobile and in the air than on the ground, as Jecht is extremely powerful on the ground.
Yeah, but you forget that bartz can dash too.

And Jecht can block just about anything thrown at him, we could argue the toss about what they can and cant do all day, but Bartz'es single advantage in the fight is Goblin punch, fighting a skilled Jecht player and expecting to win in a ground fight or by holy spam just wont cut the mustard, you are going to have to work for it.

If anything the scale is more 50/50 when it comes down to it, with the scale shifting to 60/30 to Bartz if he goes into Ex-Mode and 65/25 if Jecht gets into Ex-Mode, Jecht's Ex-Mode as i stated before is nearly as dangerous as Gabranth's and in small arenas can often mean the end of a battle, note I said the Ex-Mode, not the Ex-Burst is the danger factor, as being able to combo freely means he can shut down a lot of space in a very short time, leaving you nowhere to run on small maps.
Well, you'll find that you are totaling things up to 90, not 100. Don't forget that it is only in EX mode when jecht can get an attack. Otherwise, he relies on blocking and bartz can just use holy and then dodge/wind shear and reflected holies. Jecht really struggles to touch bartz outside of EX mode.
Well, you'll find that you are totaling things up to 90, not 100. Don't forget that it is only in EX mode when jecht can get an attack. Otherwise, he relies on blocking and bartz can just use holy and then dodge/wind shear and reflected holies. Jecht really struggles to touch bartz outside of EX mode.

Windshear leaves Bartz wide open for attack for a start, Holy can be deflected by using ultimate Jecht shot or Jecht block, tbh i find Bartz to be one of the easiest to beat when using Jecht because i find the move patterns of Bartz users to be so bloody predictable, holy spam, slide hazzard if Jecht gets close, or foolishy trying to wind sheer (in which Jecht actually has 2 frames in which he can strike Bartz before windsheer triggers fully, his basic attack only taking a single frame to trigger)

Bartz isnt as "great" as people would think him to be, if anything he is more a mid level character who begins to struggle when he starts meeting the higher tier of play characters such as Melee OK, Cloud of Darkness, Mastered Ex Death'ers, Zidane masters and Ultimecia users.
To be perfectly honest, I can't see why people think that Holy Spam is effective at all. I find that easy as hell to get around no matter who I'm playing as. All it does is somewhat (if at all) slow the inevitable death of the person spamming it.