Just Beat The Game... Very Dissapointed!

At least it had some sort of a story. Maybe in XII, they had better things to focus on then love? :/ I dunno.
At least it had some sort of a story. Maybe in XII, they had better things to focus on then love? :/ I dunno.

yes. they did have better things to focus on than love. and the story was deep.

but, i don't think i'm gonna argue much more in this thread.
At least it had some sort of a story. Maybe in XII, they had better things to focus on then love? :/ I dunno.

There wasn't much romance in VII, V, or IV either. VII it was more sexual tension. Even if your a Cleris, well, Aeris dies at the end of disc one so that ends that romance. V almost none. And IV, Cecil and Rosa were already a couple and the game hardly focused on it anyway and Edge was always being a perv to Rydia.

VIII, IX, and X are really the only ones that have a heavy love story.

I'm not a big romance fan so having no love story will be a plus for me.
Now that I've thought about it for a couple of days, I've come to the conclusion that this game just doesn't have the same melodramatic elements that some of the other Final Fantasy's have had.

I must again reiterate that there is almost no character development. I don't even know who the protagonist of the game was. You learn almost nothing about Vaan who I assume was the main character. In my opinion, they spent too much time focusing on the revamped battle system and new environments than they did on the characters.

Final Fantasy's VII, VIII, IX, and X all had huge twists in the story and did a good job developing the main characters. You learn about the past of Squall and Sephiroth and you learn about the true motives of Shinra Corp. In VIII, there is an awkward romance between Squall and Rinoa that adds a slight comedy element to an otherwise serious game. Even IX, which is probably my least favorite Final Fantasy game, did a good job of making you care for pretty much every character. And even though the plot of X is somewhat linear, there are enough subplots along the way to keep you motivated and interested.

This game also made one of the more unique elements of Final Fantasy pretty much useless. Special moves (quickenings) and summonings (espers) serve almost no purpose in the game.

I feel that if this game didn't have Final Fantasy in the title, I would have stopped playing a long time ago.
You can pretty much FFVIII, VI, IX, X-2 without summons, and also the early games seeing as they weren't a big issue.

I don't see the big deal there. =P
Yeah but you could beat the game without summons if you tried really hard though. The majority of FF games don't really need summons in them in all honesty, because I only used them once in a blue moon. Once my characters were strong enough, I stopped using them altogether.
I suppose. Summons like hades and KOTR in ff7 were very useful against the WEAPONS
In ff10 they became almost essential to use
but yeah you could complete the ff's without them
Even if this wasn't a FF game i still enjoyed the battle system.. Yeah the plot could have used some work but i'm in it to play.. not watch a soap opera if i had total control of making this game i would have devoted way more time to revamp the battle sytem than make the characters fall in love .... guess im just a guy though :)
I've been watching this thread for a couple of days now, and honestly I can't understand quite a few of the arguements here. Some I can, but others I guess don't make sense to me. And I know some of these arguements might not have been brought up in here, but I've seen them really rampant elsewhere.

The Lack of Romance - As Rydia pointed out, there have been quite a few Final Fantasies without a solid romance story. Even VII, despite all the bickering, there was no official pairing, even if some were strongly hinted at. They were left open to interpretation and preference, and I think XII has done the same thing. To me Vaan x Penelo, Fran x Balthier, and Ashe x Rasler were incredibly obvious. But that's me. I've even seen people say that the Balthier x Ashe pairing is as canon as XII pairings as it gets. I don't know, maybe Square Enix liked all the love triangle debates that VII generated and what interest in the game it brought, maybe they're doing it again who knows. But personally, I don't think a game needs a romance plotline to be a good game. I haven't read the whole thread and don't know if anyone pushed this arguement, but I've heard many a person complain about this since XII came out.

The Lack of Character Development/Storyline - This is one arguement I don't understand out of personal preference. To me, I don't like having everything spoon fed to me, I like some things left to imagination. I like to sit there and go "Oh, maybe they did this, or maybe they're this, or wouldn't it be awesome if this happened." That's one of the best things about a game to me and I liked that it adds some mystery to the characters because you can then go on to speculate. Sometimes it takes the fun out of things to have questions answered. Even then, personally I think there's enough story and character development even if we don't get every last detail. I can see where some people are coming from with this, but this is my personal thing anyway.

The Battle System - It took some getting used to, but after I got more into it, I figured out I loved this battle system the best. Number one, I hated sitting there waiting to get hit. And two, I like the challenge it brings, it's a breath of fresh air after Final Fantasy X-2 which was a joke as far as difficulty.

I'm not trying to attack anyone, or say anyone is wrong so please don't take offense ^_^ I'm just saying I can't really sympathize with any of these arguements (so I probably shouldn't be posting in here, but oh well XDDDDDD). To each their own though ^_^
The Lack of Romance - As Rydia pointed out, there have been quite a few Final Fantasies without a solid romance story. Even VII, despite all the bickering, there was no official pairing, even if some were strongly hinted at. They were left open to interpretation and preference, and I think XII has done the same thing. To me Vaan x Penelo, Fran x Balthier, and Ashe x Rasler were incredibly obvious. But that's me. I've even seen people say that the Balthier x Ashe pairing is as canon as XII pairings as it gets. I don't know, maybe Square Enix liked all the love triangle debates that VII generated and what interest in the game it brought, maybe they're doing it again who knows. But personally, I don't think a game needs a romance plotline to be a good game. I haven't read the whole thread and don't know if anyone pushed this arguement, but I've heard many a person complain about this since XII came out.

I like to call VII the anti romance game. Cloud really doesn't get with either of the girls and I swear he is a borderline asexual. Barret's wife is dead, Cid is kind of an ass to Shera, Red XIII was supposed to be the only one left of his race, but the ending proves that wrong, Yuffie is going to be an independent woman who doesn't need a man... ok fine, but if she does, she'll wear the pants in the family, Vincent lost Lucretia, Scarlett is too bitchy for any guy to like her, Tseng supposedly died, then supposedly didn't, but we never see him again after disc one so no one for Elena, I can't see Reno being faithful to any woman, Tifa isn't interested in Rude, and I don't think Reeve will be making a female robot cat for Cait Sith.

Well I guess Red XIII is the only one who gets any action after the game ends...

I really want to play XII so I can write my own oppinion of this game. I am really hoping that I will enjoy it. I hear that it borrows a lot from VI so that's a good sign.
You can date one of the girls if you do it right ( and even barrat)
The Lack of Character Development/Storyline - This is one arguement I don't understand out of personal preference. To me, I don't like having everything spoon fed to me, I like some things left to imagination. I like to sit there and go "Oh, maybe they did this, or maybe they're this, or wouldn't it be awesome if this happened." That's one of the best things about a game to me and I liked that it adds some mystery to the characters because you can then go on to speculate. Sometimes it takes the fun out of things to have questions answered. Even then, personally I think there's enough story and character development even if we don't get every last detail. I can see where some people are coming from with this, but this is my personal thing anyway.

But the ending of the game pretty much gave away exactly what happened to everyone (except Fran, what happened to her?). So if you speculated about different things about the characters, you were probably wrong (esp Balthier and Ashe, wtf?).

And I definitely agree that there doesn't need to be a love story to make a FF. I love FF7 and I don't think there was any romance in that.

I thought FFXII was actually a great game until about the last 20 hours when I got tired of longwinded sidequests and stopped caring about any of the characters. The graphics were amazing, the gameplay was great, I liked the new battle system, and the voice acting was pretty good.

I think it'd be interesting to actually do a real comparison of how much the characters talk to each other in this FF vs. some of the more recent FFs.
all they wanted is to make sumthin different they didnt want to keep making the same type of game foever it happin for othere rpgs aswell some even change in the second and third but final ff has released a game thats different to the rest of the series and i say thats cool
It doesn't have a bad storyline. People just find the change a bit..daunting.
i dont know about you but it did have a bad storyline

Then do explain why it is so bad, considering you did say the game was not disappointing at all ;)

The game strayed from the regular FF storylines, which was a brave thing to, and many people have welcomed that change. Some, obviously, can't get into the political side of things, and prefer the original, traditional themes.

Did you like any part of the storyline?

People also complained about the music - the music was beautiful, fitting :cool:
Then do explain why it is so bad, considering you did say the game was not disappointing at all ;)

The game strayed from the regular FF storylines, which was a brave thing to, and many people have welcomed that change. Some, obviously, can't get into the political side of things, and prefer the original, traditional themes.

Did you like any part of the storyline?

People also complained about the music - the music was beautiful, fitting :cool:

first of all yes i liked the game because of the gamplay but the storyline was horrible for reasons i cant explain

yes i guess the starting part was fine but later on it gets so crazy and confusing

the music was fine there was nothing wrong with the music i actually liked it