Just the ladies

im female. I have all the bits i need. at least i think i do?!? lol!!

Please dont kill the cute little pussy-cat. whats your ransom? ill pay!! ;)
*Shoots Shenorai* Don't get in my way......O.K. here goes....the kitten dies.....right now........by me.....with this gun........here goes........o.k......right now.......I'm gonna do it.......don't try to stop me.....it's gonna die.....this second........*Still stalling*
Get on with it man just shoot it or i will do it for you man if u are a man u will do as i say and shoot the damn kitty.*points gun at Guv'na*
Get on with it man just shoot it or i will do it for you man if u are a man u will do as i say and shoot the damn kitty.*points gun at Guv'na*

Say, anyone here heard of a thing called... grammar?

Say, anyone here heard of a thing called... grammar?


I shure ain't never hear-ed of that there thingie ya caLL GRammerr *Still pointing gun at kitten*

you know i have a kat that looks just like that!
you know i said id pay the ransom but im getting bored now so just kill that god damned cat!!! *looks at cat with hunger in my eyes* IM HUNGRY!!
no you dont whant to do that because you know if you would i would need just a less than a sec to kill you the same way.
well, the whole "females post only" thing worked out. can you kill the damn cat already?? we are all VERY busy and wanna see sum carnage lol
lol... and why exactly sdid you feel the need to hold a gun to a kitten's head, still lol, but yeha if ya going to do it, just do it
btw, yeah im all woman here too