Just the ladies

I'm right behind you now i'll hunt you down untill i'll kill you the same way.
the moment you close your eyes for sleeping you'll see me and you'll be scared because you know the day will come and i'll got you then.this day will be the end for you.
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I think this thread has gone a teeny weeny bit off topic but I'm addicted to randomness soooooooooo lets keep going!!! But do save the poor kitty cat or I'll bazooka gun your ass!! Meow! Love to teh kittehs!!!

By the way, so we're clear, I have boobs, ok? Okay...
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Dont worry i was hunting him and i took it its now safe and i'l show you its seeping.

Sleeps sound and safe you see.
And if he will come back to get it i'll kick his(You know what)and that will hurt a lot.
DON'T FORGET to put the little kitty head on a spike to ward off neighbors!

*grabs bad ass bazuka gun and shoots down your ass!*

Hooray for boobies!!
You already see how serious I am about this, I already killed one kitten, I have no qualms about killing another. *Reloads gun*
*Runs around, slashing stuff and people with a Save The Queen before running off* I shouldve yelled 'leeroy jenkins.'
Now this is personal. How dare you even think about pointing a semi-automatic weapon at a puppy. I shall feast upon you corpse.
A kitty is fine but a little, small, defenseless, clawless, toothless puppy whos eyes havent even opened? PREPARE THE NUKES! We must retaliate, in the name of the little puppies!
Now this is personal. How dare you even think about pointing a semi-automatic weapon at a puppy. I shall feast upon you corpse.

Chaa!!! I'm with ya! I currently have 7 puppies so hell yeah! *tries to look menacing in the cutest way possible*

When can we start feeding? *growls*
Preperation for the Launch of Metal Gear has been initiated. You will rouse the day you ever tried to show harm to a puppy.

We begin feeding when the launch is complete. Mwahahahahahahhahaha!
*Sends coodinates*Cmon you two, Run! the PUPPY MURDERER shall be bombed! *Bomber comes into view overhead*
Don't leave me behind I like puppies too, well...more than kittens ^_^

Yeah just peel the mutated, dead, melted parts off, you'll be able to eat it and live... Ususally anyway...