Just the ladies

OMG! You guys killed my twin brother who was filling in for me while I went to the bathroom, anyway....*Points gun at kitty's head, and lets puppy go*
Okay, you never answered my question. What did you want for the first kitty? and now you move on to puppies? *prepares "gansta" imitation* I'MA KILL YOU!!! *grabs gun and holds it against The Guv'na's head.* DON'T THINK I WON'T DO IT! I AIN'T CHICKEN! I WON'T STALL!!!
hurry up and kill the god damn cat im looking forward to my burgers and my fluffy slippers im gonna make with the fur!!!
thats what i was thinking!! i wanted my burgers *bursts into tears* me and my baby is going hungry!!
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or you could post to save the cat if you wanted!!
but just be warned im hungry so if i dont get my cat burgers ill stick to just people-burgers insted *stares at you hungrially*
hay dont try and wriggle out of it..... i have my eyes on you... *start to dribble at the thought of you on a BBQ*
anyone who tries to save the kitties will become supper!!!!
Wow, you must be more than a little hungry, uhhh......how about.....that filthy disease-ridden pigeon over there? That looks appetizing....
oh what and get birdflu???? im hungry not stupid!! look im eating for 2 here!!!! *looks at the guv'na and gets some rolls* would yuo like me to move on to you now??
which pigeons do you prefer, the ones that live in the city or the wild ones... or the ones that live on real food... not human stuff

say pigeon like 10 times haha it a funny name for a bird...
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i prefur the ones in the city they are fatter!! look if the guv'na kills the cats then there is no need for me to eat you all.....
Hmm, apparently, Helena_Lou's birthday is three days from today, so....*Gives Helena_Lou the kittens* I don't need those anymore, I've gotta new hostage, this filthy disease-ridden city pigeon!
awww thankyou!!! i can now eat... maby ill keep them as pets and then still eat you??? i quiet like the idea of human burgers.....