Just the ladies

ah well you see you missed me. i have a neuclear bunker inside a neuclear bunker so hah! and anyway why are you trying to kill me on my birthday?? i take offence!!
well im scottish so that means i should do ethnic clensing on the english??? i shouldent say that too loud.... i live in england...
NOBODY is normal. Normal is just something people use to make themselves feel better, or to try and manipulate/make fun of others.
Carrier_Of_Hope! Look over there! .....uh.......candy! *Carrier_Of_Hope looks to the left* Sucker! *Delivers a heel to the balls, judo flips, and rapidly stomps on the neck on Carrier_Of_Hope* It would've been wise if you didn't have that habit of getting in way....now....hostage-hostage-hostage......
let's see......*grabs moogle* Nobody try to be a hero, or the moogle gets it!