Just the ladies

na couldent really care about nintencat. you really should think about what your gonna take hostage very carefully....... becasue your picking... erm how can i put this without you getting mad... silly things now
'Silly' is putting it far too nicely. A better hostage would be say... A soda, or someones parents ._.
he can have my parents if he wants to hold them hostage...only... i wont pay the ransom for them.
and a soda?? maby pepsi or clear coke?? i still cant get the hang of that....
its coke. it smells like coke, it tastes like coke, it looks like lemonade.... WHO THE HELL WOKE UP ONE MORNING AND DECIDED TO MAKE THAT!!!!
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Really? OK then...let's see........uhh....ummm....how about....my own mother as my hostage??? Nobody try to be a hero, or me mum gets it!
Shen, are you implying that the gentlemen (I employ the term loosely) here ruined the topic? If so, then you're... absolutely correct. J/j, seriously though, you guys helped kill innocent animals, I hope you're all very pleased...

*Thinks to self* I know I am. :D

Warm regards,
~The Legendary Wullfe
Shen, are you implying that the gentlemen (I employ the term loosely) here ruined the topic? If so, then you're... absolutely correct. J/j, seriously though, you guys helped kill innocent animals, I hope you're all very pleased...

*Thinks to self* I know I am. :D

Warm regards,
~The Legendary Wullfe
Nah, I'm just saying that the only discussion going on here is who to take hostage next. It's pretty silly.
Lol. You my friend (Guv'na) have a one track mind... Which I can appreciate! Good job!

Shen, I think this is just a place for people to waste time. And it works!

Warm regards,
~The Legendary Wullfe
hay i actually enjoy the topic. it helps me forget about my boring life!!
yes i have a boring life! shocking i know!! lol!
and yes im very please about the animal killing! those cat burgers were fantastic!!
hay i actually enjoy the topic. it helps me forget about my boring life!!
yes i have a boring life! shocking i know!! lol!
and yes im very please about the animal killing! those cat burgers were fantastic!!

Cat burgers? I thought those were dog burgers like in that picture from a while back, either way.....I didn't get any.....T_T. *Stll pointing gun at Mum's head*
no you gave me the kittens for a birthday priesent and i made catburgers with them ... and the dog burgers were nice too but they were a bit furry. someone forgot to skin them
Darling let her along give me the gun come to me i'll take care of you.
I'll give you that Dog burger you want so bad.
You see Tifa will take care of you,you dont need that gun no more.
*Guv'na gives like a little kid to Tifa the Gun,Tifa takes Gun'va in a hug*
You see darling that wasent so bad and difficult wasent it.
So and now tell me what is it you what,hm that good Burger with that dog,well will see if you're good so i'll think about it.ok.
But no more guns and taking peoples ok you'll be now one of the good one ok.
I realy dont want to kick you a.. again i like you some way but you dont give me another chance if you dont stop.
So and now let me take you to clean you up and then i buy you a lollypop ok.
*leaves with Guv'na the room for taking pure Guv'na having a shower* vbmenu_register("postmenu_125064", true);
oooooookkkk. at least he was holding his own mother as a hostage rather than a poor defenceless animal or computer game.
Darling let her along give me the gun come to me i'll take care of you.
I'll give you that Dog burger you want so bad.
You see Tifa will take care of you,you dont need that gun no more.
*Guv'na gives like a little kid to Tifa the Gun,Tifa takes Gun'va in a hug*

Hey!? Why are you hugging Gun'va? *Shoots Gun'va* You didn't do anything to deserve a hug anyway, you lazy, hug-stealing slacker. *Shoots Mum as well* Okay, now I'm ready to spill some blood, I was about to let Mum go, and be sane again, but now Gun'va has gotten me mad. *Grabs innocent child* I'll be less reluctant to do it now.....thanks to Gun'va